Having Hard Time to forgive myself

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I know and I believe that Jesus Christ is loving and forgiving. I pray him daily . I hold rosary asking for Guidance and forgiveness.

I just cannot forgive myself. I am a self critical Deep thinking guy and I am trying hard to forgive myself for sins I did and Letting myself suffer and letting people step over me …

I am not sure how to handle that.

Guilt is burning me. I know Lord is peaceful Loving and best example of forgiveness . I have faith and I know he is around me. I just having hard time let the guilt feeling go.
I have a hard time forgiving myself, too. I wish I had some super wise advise but all I can suggest is to try to let go of perfectionism. We have sinned, we have asked forgiveness in the confessional, and it is over now. “I can’t believe I did that”, “I can’t believe I did that” serves no purpose. This is easier said than done, I know. For myself, I think it is a manifestation of pride. I can’t believe I did such and such. Well, why not? I’m no better than anyone else. It is a feeling that I let myself down, that I knew better but did it anyway, etc. But I have read on this forum enough now to know that everyone deals with sin.

I have felt guilty after the sacrament of reconciliation. Sometimes I walk out with that free as a bird feeling, sometimes I don’t. I try to remember that I go by faith, not feelings. I am forgiven whether I feel like it or not.

You cannot change the past. You cannot change the thoughts you had 5 minutes ago. The only thing you can change is the thoughts you are having right now this minute. Don’t allow your mind to keep re-living the past. Pray “Blood of Jesus wash over my mind” or something to that effect. Pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet. ❤️
I know and I believe that Jesus Christ is loving and forgiving. I pray him daily . I hold rosary asking for Guidance and forgiveness.

I just cannot forgive myself. I am a self critical Deep thinking guy and I am trying hard to forgive myself for sins I did and Letting myself suffer and letting people step over me …

I am not sure how to handle that.

Guilt is burning me. I know Lord is peaceful Loving and best example of forgiveness . I have faith and I know he is around me. I just having hard time let the guilt feeling go.
First off a question… Have you been to confession? If not, I would really encourage you go and lay this down at the feet of Christ.

If you have, I’d encourage you to talk more with a priest about it. Remember, even if we can’t forgive ourselves, There is nothing that Christ cannot forgive.

Maybe my blog posts on reconciliation and suffering can help you.

Prayers for you.


I had this same problem for many years,you can to to Confession ,and feel no better,
Because we fail to Forgive ourselves, what you should do is this,
Analys yourself, seek out what made you do these bad things in the first place,
Some people steal from others just because they can,just for the heck of it,
While other people steal because they have a stealing compulsion,
They just MUST. Steal, then ask yourself WHAT. Made you steal ?
I used the occasion of stealing as just an example of one particular compulsion,
Ask yourself what are you lacking in your life that makes you want to do what is a sin ,
Once you figure that out you will understand your compulsion better,
Once you understand,you can better understand how to forgive yourself,
dont let people walk over you, tell a few decent people at home, at work, friends. About bullying.
A problem shared is a problem halved.

Stand up for yourself (within the commandments).
Make changes needed, eg can you change jobs if your boss is offensive

Not forgiving yourself is pride.
Pride is what made satan fall.
St Faustina saw in her visions a sinner receive forgiveness at death, and heard satan shouting; "He was mine, you forgave him, but you never forgave me!’ To which Jesus replied, “He apologised, he repented, he asked for forgiveness.’ To which satan replied, 'I will never repent, never, never, never”.

St Peter fell. But he came back and repented.

Judas fell and never sought forgiveness from Jesus.

I read somewhere Jesus told a holy person, “When you confess, I can no longer remember your sins! I have forgotten them! The sins are gone from my sight. I could not remember them if I wanted to.” (Obviously God knows everything, but what He means by this is forgiveness is absolute).

In exorcisms satan can shout out the sins of the people present, but not if they have confessed them.
So confessed sins are trully erased!

Jesus wants you to be humble, which means thinking,; "Yes I messed up, but God has forgiven me. I’m not going to do that again by God’s grace.’
St Margaret Mary who had visions of the Sacred Heart wrote; “You are meant to have God’s peace ALWAYS. If you slip, Repent, and RECLAIM that PEACE INSTANTLY.”

A priest told me once, confession is a gift from God.
If you don’t open His present God will feel hurt.

Not accepting His forgiveness with trust is not opening His present of peace He has for you.

Confess if you haven’t.
And be at peace.
I know and I believe that Jesus Christ is loving and forgiving. I pray him daily . I hold rosary asking for Guidance and forgiveness.

I just cannot forgive myself. I am a self critical Deep thinking guy and I am trying hard to forgive myself for sins I did and Letting myself suffer and letting people step over me …

I am not sure how to handle that.

Guilt is burning me. I know Lord is peaceful Loving and best example of forgiveness . I have faith and I know he is around me. I just having hard time let the guilt feeling go.
I had this same problem for many years,you can to to Confession ,and feel no better,
Because we fail to Forgive ourselves, what you should do is this,
Analys yourself, seek out what made you do these bad things in the first place,
Some people steal from others just because they can,just for the heck of it,
While other people steal because they have a stealing compulsion,
They just MUST. Steal, then ask yourself WHAT. Made you steal ?
I used the occasion of stealing as just an example of one particular compulsion,
Ask yourself what are you lacking in your life that makes you want to do what is a sin ,
Once you figure that out you will understand your compulsion better,
Once you understand,you can better understand how to forgive yourself,
Thats the hard part I cannot go to confession since am going throught baptisim . so until next year I cannot go to confession . I wish I can go . Not being able to experience the sacriments as a regular catholic makes my life harder.

I remember my dad telling me I am sinking in her “Since we do not share the same religion”, start makes me think what If I do deserve hell. I know deep i never done a great sin . But seeing my world falling apart and I am losing house , Car , Wife and sinking in dept … makes me sometimes What If I am being cursed. Again I love lord . but I start thinking what If my faith is not enought thats why I am deeling with suffering and guilt feeling.

I want to be ask close as I can to the lord. but pain depression and despair is clouding my mind I broke up at work in tears today . I am having a melt down … and each time I think it cannot get worse than this it damn does.

Sorry guys again I love lord but life I am living now feels like real hell
Thats the hard part I cannot go to confession since am going throught baptisim . so until next year I cannot go to confession . I wish I can go . Not being able to experience the sacriments as a regular catholic makes my life harder.

I remember my dad telling me I am sinking in her “Since we do not share the same religion”, start makes me think what If I do deserve hell. I know deep i never done a great sin . But seeing my world falling apart and I am losing house , Car , Wife and sinking in dept … makes me sometimes What If I am being cursed. Again I love lord . but I start thinking what If my faith is not enought thats why I am deeling with suffering and guilt feeling.

I want to be ask close as I can to the lord. but pain depression and despair is clouding my mind I broke up at work in tears today . I am having a melt down … and each time I think it cannot get worse than this it damn does.

Sorry guys again I love lord but life I am living now feels like real hell
Go talk to your priest. Make an appointment and lay it out there. You may not yet receive your sacraments but you will feel better and he can give you tools to heal.
Don’t worry about your confession!

Jesus told St Faustina, “My grace starts working from the moment you DECIDE you will confess.”

You will confess.
Be at peace. God has you in the queue for baptism first.

Jesus Himself founded the RC church, told us He was the Bread of Life come down from Heaven, and that He is trully present in the Eucharist “This is My Body.” Its biblical. The apostles were alive and passed on RC tradition to their friends who became known as the Church Fathers (the people who knew the apostles first hand).
People founded the christian faiths.
Jesus Himself founded the RC church.

You are on the way Home!

Hold on.
Ask God your petitions one by one. Then Start thanking God for helping you out of these problems and He will. God asks for faith before a miracle. Thank Him in blind faith and He will help you.

Don’t think about negative things.
At mass on saturday the priest said, people of hope are people of joy.

Make a list of all your realistic hopes big and small;
Eg weekend break, mass on sunday, baptism, to relax and read a book in the evening,

Tell your problems to a decent priest, and some friends.
A problem shared is a problem halved.
Let the problem out and leave it there, dont carry it inside.

You might not be in the RC church yet but.you can:
Keep holy water in your house and car,
Get a priest to enroll you in the brown scapular
Wear a blessed miraculous medal

Pray the st michael prayer daily to protect you from the bad spirit making life hard on you
Psalm 91 is good for protection
Angel guardian prayer
Thats the hard part I cannot go to confession since am going throught baptisim . so until next year I cannot go to confession . I wish I can go . Not being able to experience the sacriments as a regular catholic makes my life harder.

I remember my dad telling me I am sinking in her “Since we do not share the same religion”, start makes me think what If I do deserve hell. I know deep i never done a great sin . But seeing my world falling apart and I am losing house , Car , Wife and sinking in dept … makes me sometimes What If I am being cursed. Again I love lord . but I start thinking what If my faith is not enought thats why I am deeling with suffering and guilt feeling.

I want to be ask close as I can to the lord. but pain depression and despair is clouding my mind I broke up at work in tears today . I am having a melt down … and each time I think it cannot get worse than this it damn does.

Sorry guys again I love lord but life I am living now feels like real hell
I know and I believe that Jesus Christ is loving and forgiving. I pray him daily . I hold rosary asking for Guidance and forgiveness.

I just cannot forgive myself. I am a self critical Deep thinking guy and I am trying hard to forgive myself for sins I did and Letting myself suffer and letting people step over me …

I am not sure how to handle that.

Guilt is burning me. I know Lord is peaceful Loving and best example of forgiveness . I have faith and I know he is around me. I just having hard time let the guilt feeling go.
I think in contemporary culture, there’s a widespread epidemic where we consider our feelings to be synonymous with who we are as a human being. They are our defining feature.

Change your externals so that your internals change as well. Make a tangible list of goals. Think to yourself, “What is it that I need to do in order to be a productive, compassionate person that changes the world around me to the model kingdom of Christ” ,and then set about a concrete plan to do them. Do not wait for you to be miraculously purged of feelings of guilt, anger, cowardice, etc. before you go about this. That would be putting the cart before the horse. First you act, and then - over time - your body will become more in conformity with your will, including your feelings. If you wait for your internals to change first, you will wait forever. You will never, ever “feel ready”

You can petition to God, but do not expect for God to remove your burden beforehand. He will likely withhold this petition. According to many Doctors of the Church, in God’s wisdom, it pleases God for it to be this way, so that in our uncertainty and anxiety, we will learn to better trust in His power when moving forward. If we would already be made “perfect” individuals before living out the Gospel to those around us, we would so easily rely on our own strength, and ultimately, we would become despicable because of it.

The keystone to all of this is prayer. Mankind is incapable of following God’s will, unless he prays for the Divine grace from Heaven to grant him this power. When you rise, tell God that you love him, and pray daily to Mary, to be given the necessary power from Heaven to accomplish what you ought to do.
Those who follow Jesus need to pray for protection

Satan cannot bear the Name Jesus. I know of two situations where people experienced the presence of the bad spirit, and the Name Jesus said repeatedly sent the bad spirit flying. Jesus Name means ‘God Saves.’


Did you know satan cant stand a single drop of Holy Water? St Theresa of Avila was experiencing attacks from him and when she used holy water, he left immediately, running, and could not come back for a long while.

Have a bottle of holy water in your car, kitchen, and bedroom. Bless your room with a few little sprinkles Before sleep and command evil spirits in jesus name to leave you and your property

Get a priest to say mass in your home and to bless your home with holy water (I heard of a farmer in debt who did this, and afterward everything worked out okay!)

Also: St Michael prayer. A guy in the deliverance ministry in my country prays this prayer against evil spirits when he is under attack and gets instant help from st michael.
Say this prayer daily.

The closer you are to God the more you need to pray for protection against evil.

Dont be afraid. You are a child of God. You have Jesus.
Fear gives the bad spirit ground.
Courage in Jesus puts him to flight!

The bible says; “every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” “And the 12 came back marvelling saying; 'Lord even the demons submit to us when we use your Name.”

Powerful prayer, ;
Evil MUST obey commands given in Jesus Name;
“In the Name of Jesus Christ, I command all evil spirits and all their companions, to leave me, my family, relatives, friends, associatives, inlaws, and acquaintances, our places, possessions and sources of supply, immediately and directly without any harm, manifestation, or revenge on any of the people, places and things mentioned, and command them to go directly to the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Nearest Blessed Sacrament of the Altar where the good Lord Jesus Christ will dispose of them according to His good and holy wishes, and I forbid them from returning in Jesus Name. i say in the Name of Jesus that all evil is powerless towards me, and are to remove their influences from me”

Powerful prayer for protection to be said daily


These prayer weapons work!

Negative thoughts dont come from God, or lead to God.
You must think, “EVERYTHING WILL work out OKAY.” And BELIEVE it, by an act of the will.

Retrain your thoughts. Think God’s thoughts.
We become our thoughts.

But also, faith lets God act. Faith first, miracle following second. Negative thoughts are not faith.
Each miracle in the bible Jesus asked or tested their faith first.

Believe and await God’s intercession in His timeframe
Thats the hard part I cannot go to confession since am going throught baptisim . so until next year I cannot go to confession . I wish I can go . Not being able to experience the sacriments as a regular catholic makes my life harder.

I remember my dad telling me I am sinking in her “Since we do not share the same religion”, start makes me think what If I do deserve hell. I know deep i never done a great sin . But seeing my world falling apart and I am losing house , Car , Wife and sinking in dept … makes me sometimes What If I am being cursed. Again I love lord . but I start thinking what If my faith is not enought thats why I am deeling with suffering and guilt feeling.

I want to be ask close as I can to the lord. but pain depression and despair is clouding my mind I broke up at work in tears today . I am having a melt down … and each time I think it cannot get worse than this it damn does.

Sorry guys again I love lord but life I am living now feels like real hell
  :hmmm:  ,,we just might be more alike than I thought,,
I also lost a wife, house,car, flats Broke., sons ignored me though having there minds poised by whatever it was, one thing that I think saved me,I had a shift work, working long hours, working with really rough men, I physicly worked my stress out of me,
But that’s me,
But life moves on, I am now with a wonderful woman, a life it good, I might P M you later,
Got to go,
Extract from the book 'The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ' by Anne Catherine Emmerich:
The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ - jesus-passion.com/DOLOROUS_PASSION_OF_OUR_LORD_JESUS_CHRIST.htm


The Despair of Judas

Whilst the Jews were conducting Jesus to Pilate, the traitor Judas walked about listening to the conversation of the crowd who followed, and his ears were struck by words such as these: ‘They are taking him before Pilate; the High Priests have condemned the Galilean to death; he will be crucified; they will accomplish his death; he has been already dreadfully ill-treated; his patience is wonderful; he answers not; his only words are that he is the Messiah, and that he will be seated at the right hand of God; they will crucify him on account of those words; had he not said them they could not have condemned him to death. The miscreant who sold him was one of his disciples, and had a short time before eaten the Paschal lamb with him; not for worlds would I have had to do with such an act; however guilty the Galilean may be, he has not at all events sold his friend for money; such an infamous character as this disciple is infinitely more deserving of death.’ Then, but too late, anguish, despair, and remorse took possession of the mind of Judas. Satan instantly prompted him to fly. He fled as if a thousand furies were at his heel, and the bag which was hanging at his side struck him as he ran, and propelled him as a spur from hell; but he took it into his hand to prevent its blows. He fled as fast as possible, but where did he fly? Not towards the crowd, that he might cast himself at the feet of Jesus, his merciful Saviour, implore his pardon, and beg to die with him,— not to confess his fault with true repentance before God, but to endeavour to unburden himself before the world of his crime, and of the price of his treachery. He ran like one beside himself into the Temple, where several members of the Council had gathered together after the judgment of Jesus. They looked at one another with astonishment; and then turned their haughty countenances, on which a smile of irony was visible, upon Judas. He with a frantic gesture tore the thirty pieces of silver from his side, and holding them forth with his right hand, exclaimed in accents of the most deep despair, ‘ Take back your silver—that silver with which you bribed me to betray this just man; take back your silver; release Jesus; our compact is at an end; I have sinned grievously, for I have betrayed innocent blood.’ The priests answered him in the most contemptuous manner, and, as if fearful of contaminating themselves by the contact of the reward of the traitor, would not touch the silver he tended, but replied, ‘What have we to do with thy sin? If thou thinkest to have sold innocent blood, it is thine own affair; we know what we have paid for, and we have judged him worthy of death. Thou hast thy money, say no more.’ They addressed these words to him in the abrupt tone in which men usually speak when anxious to get rid of a troublesome person, and instantly arose and walked away. These words filled Judas with such rage and despair that he became almost frantic: his hair stood on end on his head; he rent in two the bag which contained the thirty pieces of silver, cast them down in the Temple, and fled to the outskirts of the town.


I again beheld him rushing to and fro like a madman in the valley of Hinnom: Satan was by his side in a hideous form, whispering in his ear, to endeavour to drive him to despair, all the curses which the prophets had hurled upon this valley, where the Jews formerly sacrificed their children to idols.

It appeared as if all these maledictions were directed against him, as in these words, for instance: ‘ They shall go forth, and behold the carcases of those who have sinned against me, whose worm dieth not, and whose fire shall never be extinguished.’ Then the devil murmured in his ears, ‘Cain, where is thy brother Abel? What hast thou done?—his blood cries to me for vengeance: thou art cursed upon earth, a wanderer for ever.’ When he reached the torrent of Cedron, and saw Mount Olivet, he shuddered, turned away, and again the words vibrated in his ear, ‘Friend, whereto art thou come? Judas, dost thou betray the Son of Man with a kiss?’ Horror filled his soul, his head began to wander, and the arch fiend again whispered, ‘It was here that David crossed the Cedron when he fled from Absalom. Absalom put an end to his life by hanging himself. It was of thee that David spoke when he said: “And they repaid me evil for good; hatred for my love. May the devil stand at his right hand; when he is judged, may he go out condemned. May his days be few, and his bishopric let another take. May the iniquity of his father be remembered in the sight of the Lord; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out, because he remembered not to show mercy, but persecuted the poor man and the beggar and the broken in heart, to put him to death. And he loved cursing, and it shall come unto him. And he put on cursing like a garment, and it went in like water into his entrails, and like oil into his bones. May it be unto him like a garment which covereth him and like a girdle, with which he is girded continually.”
Please continue to next post -
Overcome by these terrible thoughts Judas rushed on, and reached the foot of the mountain. It was a dreary, desolate spot filled with rubbish and putrid remains; discordant sounds from the city reverberated in his ears, and Satan continually repeated, ‘They are now about to put him to death; thou hast sold him. Knowest thou not the words of the law, “He who sells a soul among his brethren, and receives the price of it, let him die the death”? Put an end to thy misery, wretched one; put an end to thy misery.’ Overcome by despair Judas tore off his girdle, and hung himself on a tree which grew in a crevice of the rock, and after death his body burst asunder, and his bowels were scattered around.
Jesus to Catalina:
**2) After Judas handed Me over in the Garden of Olives, he wandered off and took flight, unable to stifle the cries of his conscience, which accused him of the most horrible sacrilege. When the news of My death sentence reached his ears, he gave in to the most terrible despair and hanged himself.
  1. Who can possibly understand the intense pain in My Heart when I saw that soul cast himself into eternal damnation? He who had spent three years in the school of My Love learning My doctrine, receiving My teaching, and many times hearing My lips forgive the greatest sinners.
  2. Judas! Why do you not come and throw yourself at My feet so that I may forgive you? If you do not dare to come near Me for fear of those who surround Me and so ardently abuse Me, at least look at Me and you will see how soon My eyes will fix on you.
  3. Souls, who are entangled in the greatest sins… If at times you have lived wandering as fugitives because of your crimes, if the sins of which you are guilty have blinded you and hardened your hearts, if in the pursuit of some passion you have fallen into greater disorder, do not allow desperation to take possession of you when the accomplices to your sin abandon you and your soul realizes its guilt. As long as man has an instant of life, he still has time to appeal to My Mercy and implore forgiveness.
  4. If you are young and the scandals of your past life have left you in a state of degradation before men, do not be afraid! Even though the world may despise you, treat you as wicked, insult and abandon you, be certain that your God does not want your soul to be fodder for the flames of hell. He wants you to dare to speak to Him, to direct your gaze and the sighs of your heart at Him, and you will soon see that His kind and paternal hand will lead you to the source of forgiveness and of life.
  5. If out of malice you have perhaps spent a large part of your life in disorder and indifference, and now near eternity, desperation wants to blindfold your eyes, do not allow yourself to be deceived. There is still time for forgiveness. Listen carefully: if you have left but a second of life, take advantage of it because you could gain eternal life during that second.
  6. If your existence has passed in ignorance and in error, if you have been the cause of great harm to people, to society, and even to religion, and for any reason you recognize your mistake, do not allow yourself to be pulled down by the burden of your sins or by the harm for which you have been instrumental. But instead, allow your soul to be penetrated with the deepest sorrow, absorb yourself in trust and turn to the One who is always waiting to forgive you.
  7. The same happens for a soul who has spent the first years of its life in faithful observance of My Commandments, but has little by little fallen away from fervor into a lukewarm and comfortable life …
  8. Do not hide anything that I tell you, for it is all for the benefit of the whole of humanity. Repeat it in broad daylight; preach it to those who truly want to hear it.
  9. The soul who one day receives a strong jolt that awaken it, all of a sudden sees its life fruitless, empty and undeserving of eternity. The Evil One, with infernal jealousy, attacks it in a thousand ways, exaggerating its faults. He inspires in it sadness and discouragement, leading in the end to fear and desperation.
  10. Soul that belongs to Me, do not pay attention to the cruel enemy. As soon as you feel the movement of grace at the beginning of your struggle, come to My Heart. Feel and watch how it pours a drop of its Blood upon your soul, and come to Me. You know where I am, under the veil of faith… Lift it and, with complete trust, tell Me all your sorrows, your miseries, your falls… Listen to My words with respect and do not fear for the past. My Heart has submerged it in the endless depths of My Mercy and My Love.
  11. Your past life will give you the humility that will fill you. And if you want to give Me the best proof of love, trust Me and count on My forgiveness. Believe that your sins will never be greater than My infinite Mercy.**
Please continue to next post -
Jesus to St. Faustina -

**“O, how much I am hurt by a soul’s distrust! Such a soul professes that I am Holy and Just, but does not believe that I am Mercy and does not trust in my Goodness. Even the devils glorify My Justice but do not believe in My Goodness.” **(Diary, 300).

**“My child, all your sins have not wounded My Heart as painfully as your present lack of trust does — that after so many efforts of My love and mercy, you should still doubt My goodness.” **(1486).

**“My Heart is sorrowful, Jesus said, because even chosen souls do not understand the greatness of My mercy. Their relationship [with Me] is, in certain ways, imbued with mistrust. Oh, how much that wounds My Heart! Remember My Passion, and if you do not believe My words, at least believe My wounds.” **(Diary, 379).
Jesus to Catalina:
The Passion - loveandmercy.org/Eng-TP-Reg.pdf

**Contemplate My wounds and see if there is anyone who has suffered as much as I, to show their love…

Contemplate for a moment these bloodstained hands and feet… This naked body, covered with wounds, with urine, and blood. Dirty… This head punctured by sharp thorns, soaked in sweat, full of dust, and covered in Blood…

Contemplate your Jesus, hanging on the Cross, without being able to make the slightest movement… naked, without fame, without honor, without liberty…

Contemplate Me in the image of the Christ that weeps and bleeds. There and in this way the world has Me.**
The Gospel of Luke:
34 And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments.
Divine Mercy Image - St. Faustina


Jesus to St Faustina

"These two rays issued forth from the very depths of My tender mercy when My agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross." (Diary, 299)

"My Heart overflows with great mercy for souls, and especially for poor sinners. If only they could understand that I am the best of Fathers to them and that it is for them that the Blood and Water flowed from My Heart as from a fount overflowing with mercy." (Diary, 367).

"Tell sinful souls not to be afraid to approach Me; speak to them of My great mercy" (Diary, 1396).

**“I never reject a contrite heart.” **(Diary, 1485).

Jesus to Catalina:
The Passion - loveandmercy.org/Eng-TP-Reg.pdf

I want to teach sinners that because they have sinned, they should not distance themselves from Me thinking that they no longer have recourse and that they will never be loved as before they sinned. Poor souls! These are not the feelings of a God who has shed all His Blood for you. Come to Me all of you and fear not, because I love you. I will cleanse you with My Blood and you will be as white as snow. I will drown your sins in the water of My Mercy and nothing will be able to snatch from My Heart the Love that I have for you.
Jesus to St Faustina

**"Let the greatest sinners place their trust in My mercy. They have the right before others to trust in the abyss of My mercy. My daughter, write about My mercy towards tormented souls. Souls that make an appeal to My mercy delight Me. To such souls I grant even more graces than they ask. I cannot punish even the greatest sinner if he makes an appeal to My compassion, but on the contrary, I justify him in My unfathomable and inscrutable mercy. Write: before I come as a just Judge, I first open wide the door of My mercy. He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice…… **(Diary, 1146).

How to Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

I hope this has helped

God Bless

Thank you for reading
Jesus to St. Faustina -

**“O, how much I am hurt by a soul’s distrust! Such a soul professes that I am Holy and Just, but does not believe that I am Mercy and does not trust in my Goodness. Even the devils glorify My Justice but do not believe in My Goodness.” **(Diary, 300).

**“My child, all your sins have not wounded My Heart as painfully as your present lack of trust does — that after so many efforts of My love and mercy, you should still doubt My goodness.” **(1486).

**“My Heart is sorrowful, Jesus said, because even chosen souls do not understand the greatness of My mercy. Their relationship [with Me] is, in certain ways, imbued with mistrust. Oh, how much that wounds My Heart! Remember My Passion, and if you do not believe My words, at least believe My wounds.” **(Diary, 379).


Divine Mercy Image - St. Faustina


Jesus to St Faustina

"These two rays issued forth from the very depths of My tender mercy when My agonized Heart was opened by a lance on the Cross." (Diary, 299)

"My Heart overflows with great mercy for souls, and especially for poor sinners. If only they could understand that I am the best of Fathers to them and that it is for them that the Blood and Water flowed from My Heart as from a fount overflowing with mercy." (Diary, 367).

"Tell sinful souls not to be afraid to approach Me; speak to them of My great mercy" (Diary, 1396).

**“I never reject a contrite heart.” **(Diary, 1485).


Jesus to St Faustina

**"Let the greatest sinners place their trust in My mercy. They have the right before others to trust in the abyss of My mercy. My daughter, write about My mercy towards tormented souls. Souls that make an appeal to My mercy delight Me. To such souls I grant even more graces than they ask. I cannot punish even the greatest sinner if he makes an appeal to My compassion, but on the contrary, I justify him in My unfathomable and inscrutable mercy. Write: before I come as a just Judge, I first open wide the door of My mercy. He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice…… **(Diary, 1146).

How to Pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy

I hope this has helped

God Bless

Thank you for reading
Thank you all for support being a new born catholic alone is hard since you want to learn more about Jesus but there always something to learn and ask.
Phil thanks for your world give me hope . my wife was my first love and we been for 6 years so I still have my heart burning.

OurLadysServant I start going to church for learning next week I would like to learn more prayers . I can recall few but thank you for links and may lord bless you.

EmeraldOak’s maybe more falling in past is am afraid of pain. more things going wrong and committing sins. Now i am commiting my life to the lord . I would like to be best man I can be. may lord gives me strength for that.

May lord bless you Josh. I enjoyed your posts, I will print them and keep them above my bed. I am new catholic and I am prefectionist and been trying to purify myself since am in process in baptizim . now I see fogivness for lord who sacrificied himself for us is a fondamental part of being christian. Just when life falls apart it is easy to think way and try to relate it to punishment and sins.
Being catholic is a journey and I need to be more fimilar with sculptures and scolar readings.

You made me smile for first time in 3 weeks.

Thank you my friends
You can still go to mass each sunday, or Saturday evening.

Daily is optional.

Just dont go for communion until you are in thr RC church completely.

Join a catholic prayer group.

Learn the rosary and divine mercy.

Get a brown scapular and ask a priest to read the enrolment prayer over you. Our Lady promised whoever wears the brown scapular will not end up in hell.
Ask him to bless a miraculous medal and wear it. Our Lady promised whoever wears it will receive great graces.

Start reading catholic books, they are POWERFUL and will change you
Thank you all for support being a new born catholic alone is hard since you want to learn more about Jesus but there always something to learn and ask.
Phil thanks for your world give me hope . my wife was my first love and we been for 6 years so I still have my heart burning.

OurLadysServant I start going to church for learning next week I would like to learn more prayers . I can recall few but thank you for links and may lord bless you.

EmeraldOak’s maybe more falling in past is am afraid of pain. more things going wrong and committing sins. Now i am commiting my life to the lord . I would like to be best man I can be. may lord gives me strength for that.

May lord bless you Josh. I enjoyed your posts, I will print them and keep them above my bed. I am new catholic and I am prefectionist and been trying to purify myself since am in process in baptizim . now I see fogivness for lord who sacrificied himself for us is a fondamental part of being christian. Just when life falls apart it is easy to think way and try to relate it to punishment and sins.
Being catholic is a journey and I need to be more fimilar with sculptures and scolar readings.

You made me smile for first time in 3 weeks.

Thank you my friends
You can still go to mass each sunday, or Saturday evening.

Daily is optional.

Just dont go for communion until you are in thr RC church completely.

Join a catholic prayer group.

Learn the rosary and divine mercy.

Get a brown scapular and ask a priest to read the enrolment prayer over you. Our Lady promised whoever wears the brown scapular will not end up in hell.
Ask him to bless a miraculous medal and wear it. Our Lady promised whoever wears it will receive great graces.

Start reading catholic books, they are POWERFUL and will change you
I start working with church to get more involved. I know sadly I cannot take communion . but what does RC mean?

Thanks you all I feel more peaceful now

I hope you don’t mind if I share a piece out of St Faustina’s Diary that I believe may also help.
Extract from Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska:
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska - liturgicalyear.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/divine-mercy-in-my-soul.pdf

The Goodness of God.

1485 The mercy of God, hidden in the Blessed Sacrament, the voice of the Lord who speaks to us from the throne of mercy: Come to Me, all of you.

Jesus: Be not afraid of your Savior; O sinful soul. I make the first move to come to you, for I know that by yourself you are unable to lift yourself to me. Child, do not run away from your Father; be willing to talk openly with your God of mercy who wants to speak words of pardon and lavish his graces on you. How dear your soul is to Me! I have inscribed your name upon My hand; you are engraved as a deep wound in My Heart.

Soul: Lord, I hear your voice calling me to turn back from the path of sin, but I have neither the strength nor the courage to do so.

Jesus: I am your strength, I will help you in the struggle.

Soul: Lord, I recognize your holiness, and I fear You.

Jesus: My child, do you fear the God of mercy? My holiness (80) does not prevent Me from being merciful. Behold, for you I have established a throne of mercy on earth – the tabernacle – and from this throne I desire to enter into your heart. I am not surrounded by a retinue or guards. You can come to me at any moment, at any time; I want to speak to you and desire to grant you grace.

Soul: Lord, I doubt that You will pardon my numerous sins; my misery fills me with fright.

Jesus: My mercy is greater than your sins and those of the entire world. Who can measure the extent of my goodness? For you I descended from heaven to earth; for you I allowed myself to be nailed to the cross; for you I let my Sacred Heart be pierced with a lance, thus opening wide the source of mercy for you. Come, then, with trust to draw graces from this fountain. I never reject a contrite heart. Your misery has disappeared in the depths of My mercy. Do not argue with Me about your wretchedness. You will give me pleasure if you hand over to me all your troubles and griefs. I shall heap upon you the treasures of My grace.

(81) Soul: You have conquered, O Lord, my stony heart with Your goodness. In trust and humility I approach the tribunal of Your mercy, where You Yourself absolve me by the hand of your representative. O Lord, I feel Your grace and Your peace filling my poor soul. I feel overwhelmed by Your mercy, O lord. You forgive me, which is more than I dared to hope for or could imagine. Your goodness surpasses all my desires. And now, filled with gratitude for so many graces, I invite You to my heart. I wandered, like a prodigal child gone astray; but you did not cease to be my Father. Increase Your mercy toward me, for You see how weak I am.

Jesus: **Child, speak no more of your misery; it is already forgotten. Listen, My child, to what I desire to tell you. Come close to My wounds and draw from the Fountain of Life whatever your heart desires. Drink copiously from the Fountain of Life and you will not weary on your journey. Look at the splendors of My Mercy and do not fear the enemies of your salvation. Glorify My mercy. **
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Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska - liturgicalyear.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/divine-mercy-in-my-soul.pdf

Conversation of the Merciful God With a Despairing Soul.

1486 Jesus: O soul steeped in darkness, do not despair. All is not yet lost. Come and confide in your God, who is love and mercy.

– But the soul, deaf even to this appeal, wraps itself in darkness.

Jesus calls out again: My child, listen to the voice of your merciful Father.

– In the soul arises this reply: “For me there is no mercy,” and it falls into greater darkness, a despair which is a foretaste of hell and makes it unable to draw near God.

Jesus calls to the soul a third time, but the soul remains deaf and blind, hardened and despairing. Then the mercy of God begins to exert itself, and, without any co-operation from the soul, God grants it final grace. If this too is spurned, God will leave the soul in this self-chosen disposition for eternity. This grace emerges from the merciful Heart of Jesus and gives the soul a special light by means of which the soul begins to understand (83) God‟s effort; but conversion depends on its own will. The soul knows that this, for her, is final grace and, should it show even a flicker of good will, the mercy of God will accomplish the rest.

My omnipotent mercy is active here. Happy the soul that takes advantage of this grace.

Jesus: What joy fills My Heart when you return to me. Because you are weak, I take you in My arms and carry you to the home of My Father.

Soul (as if awaking, asks fearfully): Is it possible that there yet is mercy for me?

Jesus: There is, My child. You have a special claim on My mercy. Let it act in your poor soul; let the rays of grace enter your soul; they bring with them light, warmth, and life.

Soul: But fear fills me at the thought of my sins, and this terrible fear moves me to doubt Your goodness.

Jesus: My child, all your sins have not wounded My Heart as painfully as your present lack of trust does – that after so many efforts of My (84) love and mercy, you should still doubt My goodness.

Soul: O Lord, save me Yourself, for I perish. Be my Savior. O Lord, I am unable to say anything more; my pitiful heart is torn asunder; but You, O Lord……

Jesus does not let the soul finish but, raising it from the ground, from the depths of its misery, he leads it into the recesses of His Heart where all its sins disappear instantly, consumed by the flames of love.

Jesus: Here, soul, are all the treasures of My Heart. Take everything you need from it.

Soul: O Lord, I am inundated with Your grace. I sense that a new life has entered into me and, above all, I feel Your love in my heart. That is enough for me. O Lord, I will glorify the omnipotence of Your mercy for all eternity. Encouraged by Your goodness, I will confide to You all the sorrows of my heart.

Jesus: Tell me all, My child, hide nothing from Me, because My loving Heart, the Heart of your Best Friend, is listening to you.

Soul: O Lord, now I see all my ingratitude and Your goodness. You were pursuing me with Your grace, while I was frustrating Your benevolence. I see that I deserve (85) the depths of hell for spurning Your graces. Jesus (interrupting): Do not be absorbed in your misery – you are still too weak to speak of it – but, rather; gaze on My Heart filled with goodness, and be imbued with My sentiments. Strive for meekness and humility; be merciful to others, as I am to you; and, when you feel your strength failing, if you come to the fountain of mercy to fortify your soul, you will not grow weary on your journey.

Soul: Now I understand Your mercy, which protects me, and like a brilliant star, leads me into the home of my Father, protecting me from the horrors of hell that I have deserved, not once, but a thousand times. O Lord, eternity will hardly suffice for me to give due praise to Your unfathomable mercy and Your compassion for me.
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Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska - liturgicalyear.files.wordpress.com/2012/10/divine-mercy-in-my-soul.pdf

Conversation of the Merciful God with a Suffering Soul

1487 Jesus: Poor soul, I see that you suffer much and that you do not have even the strength to converse with me. So I will speak to you. Even though your sufferings were (86) very great, do not lose heart or give in to despondency. But tell Me, my child, who has dared to wound your heart? Tell me about everything, be sincere in dealing with Me, reveal all the wounds of your heart. I will heal them, and your suffering will become a source of your sanctification.

Soul: Lord, my sufferings are so great and numerous and have lasted so long that I become discouraged.

Jesus: My child, do not be discouraged. I know your boundless trust in Me; I know you are aware of My goodness and mercy. Let us talk in detail about everything that weighs so heavily upon your heart.

Soul: There are so many different things that I do not know what to speak about first, nor how to express it.

Jesus: Talk to Me simply, as a friend to a friend. Tell Me now, My child, what hinders you from advancing in holiness?

Soul: Poor health detains me on the way to holiness. I cannot fulfill my duties. I am as useless as an extra wheel on a wagon. I cannot mortify myself or fast to any extent, as the saints did. (87) Furthermore, nobody believes I am sick, so that mental pain is added to those of the body, and I am often humiliated. Jesus, how can anyone become holy in such circumstances?

Jesus: True, my child, all that is painful. But there is no way to heaven except the way of the cross. I followed it first. You must learn that it is the shortest and surest way.

Soul: Lord, there is another obstacle on the road to holiness. Because I am faithful to You, I am persecuted and suffer much.

Jesus: It is because you are not of this world that the world hates you. First it persecuted Me. Persecution is a sign that you are following in My footsteps faithfully.

Soul: My Lord, I am also discouraged because neither my superiors nor my confessor understand my interior trials. A darkness clouds my mind. How can I advance? All this discourages me from striving for the heights of sanctity.

Jesus: Well, My child, this time you have told Me a good deal. I realize how painful it is not to be (88) understood, and especially by those whom one loves and with whom one has been very open. But suffice it to know that I understand all your troubles and misery. I am pleased by the deep faith you have, despite everything, in My representatives. Learn from this that no one will understand a soul entirely – that is beyond human ability. Therefore, I have remained on earth to comfort your aching heart and to fortify your soul, so that you will not falter on the way. You say that a dense darkness is obscuring your mind. But why, at such times, do you not come to Me, the light who can in an instant pour into your soul more understanding about holiness than can be found in any books? No confessor is capable of teaching and enlightening a soul in this way.

Know, too, that the darkness about which you complain I first endured in the Garden of Olives when My Soul was crushed in mortal anguish. I am giving you a share in those sufferings because of My special love for you and in view of the high degree of holiness I am (89) intending for you in heaven. A suffering soul is closest to My Heart.

Soul: One more thing, Lord. What should I do when I am ignored and rejected by people, especially by those on whom I had a right to count in times of greatest need?

Jesus: My child, make the resolution never to rely on people. Entrust yourself completely to My will saying, “Not as I want, but according to Your will, O God, let it be done unto me.” These words, spoken from the depths of one‟s heart, can raise a soul to the summit of sanctity in a short time. In such a soul I delight. Such a soul gives Me glory. Such a soul fills heaven with the fragrance of her virtue. But understand that the strength by which you bear sufferings comes from frequent Communions. So approach this fountain of mercy often, to draw with the vessel of trust whatever you need.

Soul: Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness in remaining with us in this exile as the God of mercy (90) and blessing us with the radiance of Your compassion and goodness. It is through the light of Your mercy that I have come to understand how much You love me.
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