I saw the last half hour (after watching Best Week Ever) and I might tune in another time to catch the beginning. (Beckers, I saw the part where the gay male and gay female couples were at a dinner table and apparently agreeing that they would help each other have children.)
These types of shows can really pull at my emotions. I look at a pair of gay parents and can see that they love each other, that they love their children, that they want to just live their lives in peace (like most of us). I feel bad when their children are treated badly by people’s feelings about their parents. But of course, homosexual relationships are sinful. So part of me also thinks, “Well, you guys are doing this to yourselves. You know that gay marriage is illegal but you chose to form a family and then get inflamed when it is not legally protected.”
I also always feel like so many gay people are hypocritical. They want us (Christians/conservatives/whatever group) to accept them, but they don’t want to accept us. The cruise passengers got very upset when they came to one island where a couple of churches had protestors out. Why don’t the gays just accept the protestors? Why don’t they just accept people who disagree with what they are doing? But they don’t. It’s like the pot calling the kettle black.
Anyhoo, just my thoughts on the show, the part that I saw of it.