Health care alternative?

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Many people are not satisfied with ObamaCare.
The Democratic Party seems to favor expansion or tweaking of ObamaCare.
Prior to the 2016 election, Donald Trump and his GOP allies lauded repeal and replace. Trump said he would give Americans a more comprehensive plan that would cost much less. He never actually put forth an idea.
The Republicans tried to repeal ObamaCare.
The late Senator John McCain saved the current system by voting no on repeal.
During the whole process, we heard nothing concrete on what Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell would replace ObamaCare with. There was much vagueness put forth, but no real plan.
Words mean little. Actions mean much.
Do the Republicans have an alternative to ObamaCare?
Until that time comes, what we have now beats repeal and replace it with nothing.
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I think you’ve said it all. Other than maintaining the status quo, which means those who have fairly good private healthcare policies can keep them and the others can use the emergency room to treat their health issues, the GOP has no real healthcare plan and are not really interested in tackling the healthcare crisis at all, least of all Trump.
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I think when all is said and done, Americans will be left with a choice for their health care.
Those who like what they have can keep it. Those who need insurance, but can’t afford will have the public option, to apply for a medicare type program.
The biggest issue is getting Congress to fight big pharma. We pay much more for the same medications that can be purchased in Canada or Mexico.
I don’t think Congress will in the near future be inclined to tackle the pharmaceutical industry, much less the insurance companies. At best, what you indicate might eventually be put in place, but for the millions who are still not insured or underinsured, the problem is immediate and none of our current leaders seem able or willing to revamp the system.
The biggest issue is getting Congress to fight big pharma. We pay much more for the same medications that can be purchased in Canada or Mexico.
I researched that when I was running for Congress in '04. Those nations have price controls – with the result that R&D has declined dramatically in those countries because the producers cannot charge enough for drugs to cover the R&D costs. As a result, prices are much higher in the US because the cost of R&D falls on the American consumer.

When I’m diagnosed with a dread disease, I’d rather hear, “We have a newly-developed cure for that now,” as opposed to, “Too bad they stopped R&D on that years ago – too expensive.”
I ask here because I know there are some folks who vote Republican here. I figure they may be privy to how GOPers would replace after they repeal. I know Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell had no plan. They only wanted to dump ObamaCare.
McConnell has no plan for gun violence. He just puts it all on Donald Trump.
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