Does anyone have any good resources on the health effects of fasting - good or bad? I’ve decided that I want to have a crack at fasting for the full 40 days of Lent this year, and it’s something that I’ve never done before. My medical student fiancée tells me though that it’s not very healthy for me, especially if I’m having my large meal at the end of the day. Perhaps I should have my large meal at lunch instead? Would that be better?
Fasting can and does mean so many things to so many different people that we would need more info before sending you to specific info. There is tons of scientific and not so scientific (experiential0 info on the results of all manner of fasts.
It can certainly be done in a manner that is both healthful and spiritual at the same time. For most people, there are several items in the diet that can be abstained from with no ill health effects, but that will be powerfully missed.
What is the purpose of your fast? What are you trying to acheive, prove, experience? That will make a difference about what type of fast you undertake.
Also, do you have other responsibilities that you must factor in? If you are a student, employee, parent, or caregiver, you might owe someone a certain amount of service that you should not jeapordize by an overzealous fast.
For many, who must still function at work, school, etc, eating a full meal at the start of the day is a good way to go. Eat a healthy meal that provides protein, calories, nutrition to carry one through the day, and at lunch and dinner have a small catch me up. This can be both healthful and spiritually fulfilling. On days off or weekends, you might be freer to do a just liquids, or some such other option.
Also, is it something private and personal, or something you want everyone to know about? Sometimes we choose a very private fast, and that means still going out to lunch with the crew on Wednesdays, and not making an issue of our personal spiritual practices.
So, as another poster said, it is important to define your parameters, and do a little ground work first. And to remember, as time goes on, that it is not about you.If mom makes a special birthday dinner, don’t dis her by saying…sorry, I’m fasting, and making a big deal about it. Don’t pout about how everybody is against you, etc, part of the lesson of the fast is that it is not about “us”. We quickly learn how much, how often and how important food, and eating is in our culture. We gain some important understandings.
Most of us do not have the luxury to go off alone into the desert for 40 days and totally focus on our relationship to God. That is our cross to bear as well.
Even in fasting, we must be open to the Divine plan for us.