Healthy News Habits

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Has anyone made what they consider a healthy habit of watching/reading the news?

I am discouraged by opinion pieces and over the top biases, when I just want to know the important global goings-ons. Also there are a lot of little kids in my house, so I hide behind that excuse while growing less ans less informed.

What are your news habits? What do you do to stay in the know?
Now a days, when I watch or read the news, I often feel like I have to go to confession afterwards.

So if anyone has a healthy habit, I would love to know what it is so I can try it.
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I increasingly feel that avoiding it altogether is the healthiest thing you can do.
Has anyone made what they consider a healthy habit of watching/reading the news?

I am discouraged by opinion pieces and over the top biases, when I just want to know the important global goings-ons. Also there are a lot of little kids in my house, so I hide behind that excuse while growing less ans less informed.

What are your news habits? What do you do to stay in the know?
I only read sources that admit their biases up front. Nobody is objective, and any outlet that claims to be objective has lied to you before you even started reading.
If something is really important or funny, then 10 people on my Facebook feed will post about it. Today, the top news story in my social media land is Scott Walker passed away (eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord…)

Otherwise I just ignore the news. I might look at a news page once a day when I’m bored to see if there’s any true crime murder stories, animal stories, or funny stuff that I can share on my buddy’s jokey politics group.

Opinion pieces have almost always bored me to death. I really don’t care about pundits’ opinions. Unless they are witty. So they’re pretty easy to ignore.
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Skim the headlines online and then I go to highly specialized sites for news that interests me. I stay away from any TV news. The local, major daily newspaper rarely has anything worth reading.
I skim the headlines from several sources and read only what seems pertinent to my edification. I probably ignore 90%.

As for social media. I have adopted the policy that anyone who posts anything political from any side gets snoozed for 30 days, no exceptions.

I see a lot more pictures of snuggly puppies and kittens which I find much more soothing than coming to the realization that certain people’s political beliefs border either on sheer ignorance or utter insanity. 🙂
I take a look at Reuters several times a day. I like it for two reasons: on the whole it sticks to the factual news, unembellished by punditry, and there’s not too much of it, just enough for the reader to feel confident he’s not missing anything important.
I don’t “do” Facebook, Twitter, or any of the like. They are time suckers, in my opinion.
I skim the headlines on a couple news sites every day–including Fox, CNN, and others from a variety of left/right/center perspectives. I read news stories in depth when I’m interested in the topic.
I’m not watching TV now for Lent. But otherwise I sometimes will watch the evening news. Not often though.
There are times when I’m busy and don’t do much in terms of getting news at all for a few days, and lo and behold I find I don’t miss a thing…!
Mostly second hand news from my parents,after they’ve watched EWTN 😸
One year I gave up all “news” for Lent. This included blogs and opinion sites.

I only went to the Vatican News Office.

It really changed my outlook on the world.
I watch the local news on my favorite local channel, and I read the local newspaper (subscribe to it).

The local news journalists live in my city, go to my church, eat in my restaurants, attend concerts that I attend, and relax in the same parks that I relax in. They have to see me in person and all the rest of the people who live in this area. We KNOW them, and they know many of us.

If they lie or exaggerate or leave out facts, they have to face all of us who have trusted them and given them our viewing/reading loyalty.

So I feel that the local news media are the healthiest habit to get my news.

Besides, it’s important to me to keep up with what is happening right here in my own city, neighborhood, economy, schools, and recreational sites.
Yeah, well, who made up that chart? I don’t feel like it is trustworthy either…🤣
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Rather than watch television, I read newspapers and magazines. I can choose what I want to read, instead of having it fed to me on television.
I know there many people do not trust the so-called mainstream news media, but I do.
I was going to warn you, this chart will be questioned by some folks.
Well being that politics is an instrument in spiritual warfare and the liberal news media seems to support the liberal left political ideology then it is important to keep track of what they are up to. I guess the old line comes into play…keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
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