Hearing God in silence?

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How do you hear from God? Has there been a time in your life when you know you did? What are the means you used to do that?
If you hear from God …YOU WILL KNOW IT!

You will know it! You don’t have to wonder.

I heard from God one time in my life, I was not thinking about it.

For personal reasons, I wont put it here. It involves life, death and sin. He spoke to me twice within one minute. Yes I was being silent, outside early one morning.
I agree with Exporter – once it has happened – you can’t deny it.

Awesome and wonderful are the experiences, BUT they do not mean that any of us is closer or more favored by our Lord.

St. Therese of Lisieux – said that she invited Jesus to just rest in her heart – she had no major revelations for a long while. If she had the insight to be the spiritual giant she is and not have ecstatic or private revelations – I know that I do because I so small that God needs to make sure that I know He IS.
God speaks to us without ceasing.
He loves us so much he cannot shut up!
If we don’t hear Him its not because He isn’t talking its because we are yapping too much too listen!
The remarkable thing isn’t that He talks but that we don’t hear Him!😉
I had my one and only experience of God speaking to me and it happened last May. I knew it was God as soon as it happened.

I have 2 sons and the older one had a band concert at the middle school on the same night that the younger one had a school play at the elementary. The plan was, we would all attend the play, and as soon as it was over, I would drive the older son to the middle school just in the nick of time for the concert. My husband was to follow with the younger son after all the applause and pictures.

Well, wouldn’t you know, we found it was raining cats and dogs when my older son and I left the play. We were the only ones who had to leave early. I told him to wait in the lobby while I got the van (he was wearing dress clothes and I didn’t want him to get soaked for the concert). I was parked far away, quite a walk, and of course I was wearing backless shoes that are impossible to run in. I walked as fast as I could to the van, but as I got more and more soaked I decided to run. Sure enough, as I was running, one of my shoes came off and I tripped. I fell flat like I was doing a push-up, and got soaked to the bone in a puddle and got gravel dust all over my clothes. I was so irritated, and I cursed under my breath the rest of the way to the van. As soon as I got into the van, guess what – it stopped raining. In the 30 seconds it took me to drive to the school front door, a rainbow appeared.

My first thought was, God just played a joke on me! But I don’t believe God plays jokes, so my second thought was, God sent me a message. At Mass that Sunday, our priest talked about how we need to trust in the Lord. I had been very worried about something important, but apparently didn’t pay enough attention to the homily. And I think God got my attention with that rain (was it coincidence that I was the ONLY person who had to leave early and got caught in the rain?), and showed me the rainbow to tell me to trust him. I took that message to heart, and thank God for bringing it directly to my attention.
How do you hear from God? Has there been a time in your life when you know you did? What are the means you used to do that?
I like the way you mentioned about hearing God in silence. With loud music, TV, computer game noise ETC. it is not possible. There is a Gospel passage about going to your room and praying to God in private. There are some very good church approved methods of contemplative prayer. There is the Lexio Divina, where you pray the scriptures. If you are able to pray using this method, God will speak to you through the Scriptures. You can probably get info about this method on line. However, it takes a lot of effort, and it is easy to get discouraged and give up. But I promise you, if you put in the time, you will get results!

May God bless you for your faith.
Deacon Tony
Yes!!! He does speak…constantly!! I remember one time a few years ago that I had taken a walk at our local park. I had locked my car and taken the key off the keyring and tucked the key into my sock. I was enjoying the beautiful day and had walked maybe a mile or so. I had taken some walking trails through the park and I ended up by the lake. I sat at a picnic table for a while thinking about my life…actually, feeling sorry for myself because I was going through a divorce that I did not want, etc. Anyway, my mind was pretty occupied with everything BUT God. Know what I mean?? I was the only one in this particular area at that time of the day. I’m not sure what made me think at that moment to make sure my key was still in my sock, but when I checked it was gone!!! I started to panic. It could be anywhere in those many acres I had walked. I thought what I needed to do was re-trace my steps (as close as I could remember). I looked and looked and couldn’t find it. Just then a park guide came by and I told him what happened. He said he would check at the office to see if it had been turned in. I doubted that it had because there wasn’t anyone else around. I don’t think he wanted to be bothered. He drove off so I went back to an area I had just searched. I’m not sure why I did that, but when I got to a certain spot, I heard a gentle, soft voice say, “Look down.” I did and there was my key!!!

I think God was telling me that if I trust in Him for the small things, like my key, I should trust Him for the bigger things, like my life.

It was awesome. I’ll never forget it.
If you hear from God …YOU WILL KNOW IT!

You will know it! You don’t have to wonder…
Really? Please comment on the following … this happened about 15-20 years ago. I had been working a great deal with one full-time job and two part-time jobs and Saturday morning was the only time that I could sleep in late. I really looked forward to those few extra hours of sleep.

I would normally wake up at around 5:30-6am since 5am was my regular wake-up time and I guess my biological clock was use to getting up at around that time but I would normally just go to the bathroom, drink some water and go back to bed for another few hours until about 9-10am.

One particular morning I had a very VIVID dream almost to the point that it felt like it wasn’t a dream. What I’m trying to say is that it felt so life-like that it felt real even though in reality it was a dream.

The dream didn’t have e beginning. It just started with me encountering God the Father – I couldn’t make out the entire body. It was as if parts of him were surrounded by smoke or fog or clouds. His face was very generic – an older man with long white hair and a white beard. What was strange was that even though I could tell that it was a very old man, there was not a single wrinkle and age spot on his face. Despite the fact that he looked old, he face and skin looked perfect – not sure if I’m explaining this correctly.

Nobody told me that this was God the Father. I just sort of knew. He said three words to me in a very stern yet loving voice: “Go to confession.” The dream IMMEDIATELY ended at that point and I awoke VERY awake – normally when I wake up, I’m sort of groggy but this time I was fully awake.

Despite the fact that I wanted to sleep in, so powerful and convincing was this dream, that instead of going back to bed, I got dressed and went to confession at a local church.

QUESTION: Did I really encounter God or was my subconscious working overtime that day? Folks have said that if God talks to us, we will know it. I don’t! Does that mean that He didn’t speak to me? What does it mean?

Dear Sir Knight,

I believe your dream was from God - absolutely! When He needs to get our attention, sometimes that is the best time for Him to speak; for when we are active during the day, we are not attentive to Him, and usually occupied with our own agendas.

There is one dream I had that left no doubt about the origin. I saw a woman sobbing unceasingly, and it tore at my heart so much. After many minutes of watching her, I tried to find out who she was, because the image was so strong. I finally arose in bed and began to pray for whoever the woman was, feeling that she was in extreme need of help.

The next morning, I received a phone call from my sister. She was crying on the phone, asking “How do you know there is a God?” I asked her why she wanted to know (she was agnostic and not practicing her faith). She replied, “because I tried to commit suicide last night, but “something” stopped me. I cried all night long.”

Now God could have appeared to her, huh? Instead, He inspired me through this urgent dream to intercede for her. Isn’t it an awesome wonder that God uses our prayers for others?

Pay attention to those times when we awake in our sleep and offer a quick prayer for anyone in need at the moment.
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