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Please pray that I may marry my boyfriend of 6 years. Outside influences are making things so difficult for us right now. We love each other. We wanted to get married. I hope that it is God’s will for us to get married. I hope all the read this help me by praying for me. I would really appreciate it. I will pray for all of us as well. Praise the Lord, for He is good and full of love.
I will certainly pray that God send whatever is best for you, and in any case, send his comfort.
We often pray for specific things. We ask God to make things work in a certain way. We should pray that we have the strength to accept whatever God wills. Things will work out for good in the end, for those who love Him. Remember what Mary said- “Behold the handmaiden of the Lord, be it done unto me according to Thy word”- “Thy” word- not “My” word". See how blessed she was- and is- and will always be!
Dear Kathy,
Thank you very much for your prayers. Yes, I should accept whatever the Lord has planned for me. I just wish that it would coincide with my prayers. If it is not, then I REALLY need a lot of help from Him. It isn't easy.
Dear M13,
You are correct. I do have a fear to ask the Lord's will to be done on earth. But I still do ask it. What can I do but accept it. Whatever it may be. In the meantime I pray and hope also that his will coincides with my prayers. So I would like to ask others to pray for me. To give me strength to proceed. Whatever the Lord has in store for me, I think I need strength to go through with it. That is life. Please pray for me.
I will pray for you! True love is such a blessing, and if you have found the man God intends for you, I do so hope that you will be able to marry soon!

God bless,

Marian84 🙂
Please pray that I may marry my boyfriend of 6 years. Outside influences are making things so difficult for us right now. We love each other. We wanted to get married. I hope that it is God’s will for us to get married. I hope all the read this help me by praying for me. I would really appreciate it. I will pray for all of us as well. Praise the Lord, for He is good and full of love.
I will pray for you, but I’m sure there are books that you could get about preparing for marriage that would help you discern whether this is God’s will for you to marry your boyfriend. I’m sure they have such books at Catholic Answers.
If you are both practicing Catholics, and there is no other impediments to marriage (such as an existing marriage or you are too closely related, etc.), and you two believe it to be God’s will, then get a license, contact a priest, and get married. You don’t need anyone else except a couple of witnesses, if that’s what you want to do. God bless. 🙂
Bless you Marian, Elizabeth and Della.
      I truly hope that it is God's will for us to marry.  I am a Catholic and he is a Christian.  He said that if we got married that he would get a baptism at the Catholic church.  So please pray that we marry, he might convert. :)

       We love each other dearly.  I will look up more information on the books you suggested.  Thank you.  I think I am closer to finding out what it is in God's will.

        Bless you all.  I will pray for you.
Bless you Marian, Elizabeth and Della.

I truly hope that it is God’s will for us to marry. I am a Catholic and he is a Christian. He said that if we got married that he would get a baptism at the Catholic church. So please pray that we marry, he might convert. 🙂

We love each other dearly. I will look up more information on the books you suggested. Thank you. I think I am closer to finding out what it is in God’s will.

Bless you all. I will pray for you.
I assume neither family is happy with the differences in your religious affiliation? That can be a problem for some people, but once the grandchildren start to come, it generally gets solved pretty quickly, if none of them are dyed in the wool bigots, that is. 😉

Your intended does not need to be baptized if he can show proof he was baptized according to the baptism of the Catholic Church, which is the trinitarian: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Only if no proof can be provided will a priest do a conditional baptism, unless he has not been baptized at all.

And he would most likely be expected to go through RCIA to be confirmed in the Catholic Church. Is he willing to do that?

I wish you all the best, my dear. God bless you both.
Remember, It is always God’s will that will be done. I was heartbroken once like you, and then several years later God sent to me the person He wanted me to marry. He sent the person who He felt needed me most! Now, after 8 years of marriage we are most happy, and I know deep in my heart she was the one He had for me. In the end we are but instruments in His hands. I will pray for you, to help you accept His will. God Bless!
I will pray for you to be strong. God will see you through. Please speak with us more. If you want to elaborate on the subject I’m here to listen.
The religion was never an issue. He was willing to learn about the Catholic faith and study. He was willing to get baptised. So please pray for us… I really hope it is in the Lord’s will for us to get married.

Thank you all for your prayers of strength. Any prayer right now will be much appreciated and remembered. If the Lord does let us get married, I will still in touch with you on this site. I would like to give my support to anyone in need. For it is how I remember to be humble and it is how I can focus on word of the Lord. Reading and praying will not help if I don’t act on my faith.

Wish me luck, please. I am going for my blood test and to apply for a driver’s license this week. I will also go to the psychiatrist as well.
Dear M13,

You are correct. I do have a fear to ask the Lord’s will to be done on earth. But I still do ask it. What can I do but accept it. Whatever it may be. In the meantime I pray and hope also that his will coincides with my prayers. So I would like to ask others to pray for me. To give me strength to proceed. Whatever the Lord has in store for me, I think I need strength to go through with it. That is life. Please pray for me.
Hi TrueLove, I have been in 2 serious relationships in the past and although away from the Church at both those times, God truly looked out for me. For 6 years I have been single and have wanted nothing more than to marry and have a family of my own. Every single one of my friends and family members are married and are starting to have children, its heart wrenching. I constantly pray that God’s Will be done. I have to accept it, He may send someone for me to marry, He may not. Whatever the outcome I pray and ask Jesus to walk beside me and ease my heartache, and you know what I feel Him its the only thing that keeps me sane. PRAY PRAY whatever the outcome Jesus shall ease your pain. 👍
I could not imagine how you have managed all that time alone. It would probably have done it, but become more emotionally dependent on the person that I would meet. I pray that the Lord brings you the person you will be with. If that is in his will. And hopefully it is.

I truly think you are strong enough to handle anything. It might soon be time for you to be with someone. Are you ready?

I am preparing for that time. Baby steps at a time.

Thank you for your prayers. Bless you. Thank you Lord for teaching us patience. And thank you for making us stronger. We love you… Please answer our prayers.
I could not imagine how you have managed all that time alone. It would probably have done it, but become more emotionally dependent on the person that I would meet. I pray that the Lord brings you the person you will be with. If that is in his will. And hopefully it is.

I truly think you are strong enough to handle anything. It might soon be time for you to be with someone. Are you ready?

I am preparing for that time. Baby steps at a time.

Thank you for your prayers. Bless you. Thank you Lord for teaching us patience. And thank you for making us stronger. We love you… Please answer our prayers.
🙂 I am now 29 years old I was ready at 23 lol… 😃 I tell you my lilfe has been one HUGE roller coaster, but without our Lord I could not have handled a single thing believe me. Your in my prayers and thank you for the kind words. 👍
I join everyone here in offering prayers for TrueLove’s and her boyfriend’s discernment of marriage and thank all of you who have prayed.

We have several sticky threads in the Spirituality forum which might interest you including one specifically for prayer requests. I encourage the OP to keep us all updated through that venue.
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