Heaven; the most perfect, joyful thing for a devout Catholic to look forward to. The following is from biblia.com/heaven/ Enjoy!
**The Reality of ****
** St. Francis of Assisi was asked: “The birds are happy in the air, the fish are happy in the water, even the insects look happy on earth… but many men look unhappy… why?”… St. Francis answered: “Because birds, fish, and animals were made for this earth… that’s all to them!.. but men were made to something greater than this universe… they were made for Heaven!”…**
** St. Augustine puts it this way: We came from God, we go to God, and we will never be completely happy until we rest fully in God.**
** Actually, without Heaven, the life of men on earth is the greatest injustice: A ball player makes millions, while a mother makes nothing!.. a singer makes a million in an hour, while a mine worker makes peanuts in a year… crooks are honored, and honest people ignored… to be famous, all day on TV and the newspapers, you just have to commit a horrible crime…**
** Whatever we consider to be a joy here on earth, honor, pleasure, welth, glory, will be heightened millions of times beyond anything we can conceive when we get to Heaven. **
** Paul puts it this way: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (I Cor.2:9)… all humans put together can’t imagine even a glimpse of Heaven, because this earth is like an atom compared with the universe, and the whole universe is like an atom compared with Heaven!.. so, the previous “heightened millions of times” is very generous… “heightened trillions of times” would be a more accurate expression!.**
** Heaven is the dwelling place of God and the eternal joyful abode of the blessed dead, a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God, a place or condition of utmost happiness… the term Heaven** has come to designate both the happiness and the abode of just in the next life.
** We are told in the Bible that Christ will give us new glorious bodies. Resurrection bodies. We are told that those bodies will be like Christ’s glorious body …**
**The Reality of ****
**Heaven is a reality, a fact, according to the Bible and Koran, and according to 3,000 million Christians, Muslims, and Jews... every professed Christian, Muslim, and Jew admits the existence of eternal Heaven in the several sites of the [Internet.](http://biblia.com/heaven/heaven.htm#Other sites on Heaven:#Other sites on Heaven:)**
** St. Augustine puts it this way: We came from God, we go to God, and we will never be completely happy until we rest fully in God.**
** Actually, without Heaven, the life of men on earth is the greatest injustice: A ball player makes millions, while a mother makes nothing!.. a singer makes a million in an hour, while a mine worker makes peanuts in a year… crooks are honored, and honest people ignored… to be famous, all day on TV and the newspapers, you just have to commit a horrible crime…**
** Whatever we consider to be a joy here on earth, honor, pleasure, welth, glory, will be heightened millions of times beyond anything we can conceive when we get to Heaven. **
** Paul puts it this way: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (I Cor.2:9)… all humans put together can’t imagine even a glimpse of Heaven, because this earth is like an atom compared with the universe, and the whole universe is like an atom compared with Heaven!.. so, the previous “heightened millions of times” is very generous… “heightened trillions of times” would be a more accurate expression!.**
** Heaven is the dwelling place of God and the eternal joyful abode of the blessed dead, a spiritual state of everlasting communion with God, a place or condition of utmost happiness… the term Heaven** has come to designate both the happiness and the abode of just in the next life.
** We are told in the Bible that Christ will give us new glorious bodies. Resurrection bodies. We are told that those bodies will be like Christ’s glorious body …**