Hell and after death state

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What are the teaching of the Catholic Church about the impossibility of repent after death, I ask for a profound Thomistic teaching about why people in hell don’t can’t change the will, because it is fixed, and about the incorruptible new body implications in this impossibility of changing.
What are the teaching of the Catholic Church about the impossibility of repent after death, I ask for a profound Thomistic teaching about why people in hell don’t can’t change the will, because it is fixed, and about the incorruptible new body implications in this impossibility of changing.
There is no chance to repent after death. The Church teaches infallibly that the state of your soul at death determines your destination and anyone dying in a state of mortal sin goes IMMEDIATELY to Hell.

CCC 1035 The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, “eternal fire.” The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.
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Aquinas discusses the modes of understanding of souls separated from their bodies in ST I.89.

In the Supplement to the Summa Theologiae, in question 98 article 2, he discusses the reason that hell is an eternal destination (in short, the person in hell “will not repent of their sins directly, because consent in the malice of sin will remain in them”.)
The thing about death, is that when we die we are going to see God as He is. That is a huge event. Currently it would be impossible to see God as He is, because the created universe cannot contain Him, nor can our minds fathom Him. God is infinite and unchanging, and since physics teaches us that change (or causality) is the cause of time, in order to see God we need to step outside of time.

It follows, then, that we will also need to be unchangeable, otherwise we would still be within time and wouldn’t be able to see God as He truly is. Therefore God gives everyone the perfect chance to repent while still living, and everyone who is capable of being saved are therefore saved.
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