"But there is no ultimate forgiveness without repentance, we
can only delay justice a little while." Please do not imply that God’s justice is similar to ours…
“The most necessary condition for the remission of any sin, and therefore also of venial sin, is contrition. So long as a man is attached to sin and does not detest it, God cannot forgive it, for He is infinitely holy and just.” - Theory and Practice of the Confessional
You are assuming free will can disappear even though it is a gift from God which entails sharing in His power.
The souls in Hell lack the grace to perform morally good acts due to their separation from God. Before in this life, they could at least perform naturally good acts, and so might have appealed to us because they did naturally good things to us for their own selfish motives. In Hell it is different. Everyone can only feel negative emotions, and only hate. Everyone hates everyone else, they are deprived of the graces needed to do morally good acts.
Their will moves, but only to moral evil.
They also are tormented by punishments such that there is no longer any true freedom. Certainly their will moves, but all their faculties, memory, understanding, imagination, senses, are in a torment that is unbearable. The demons punish them. The damned punish each other. They do not behave rationally, their minds are addled as if by the worst bad acid trip. There is screaming, flailing, raving and yet there is not madness because this is an escape – the soul always knows however disordered its mind that its punishment is just, is always aware in agony.
The soul knows it betrayed God, and hates God forever unceasingly, and is continually punished for this, just as are the fallen angels and Lucifer.
and desire
no one’s love, but only destruction for
all people.“Where is the evidence that such persons exist?”
The saints speak of these people, it has been revealed through their history. It is also a theological fact, this is how Hell works, what with the spiritual life deprived of the last graces.
I suggest listening to the audio talks entitled ‘Hell’ in the links below.
We must soberly contemplate this place, and consider that we might go there and others too… . and repent. Before it is too late. Tomorrow, an hour, a minute. . could be too late.
Hell truly represents how terrible sin is. Once we understand how terrible sin is to a God so loving, beautiful, so infinitely perfect… Then we willingly, when we die, plunge into the fires of Purgatory, said to be comparable to that of Hell – simply out of love of Him, because we know we deserve it and could not bear to be in the sight of perfection while ourselves imperfect.
And in this life, we try to do our purgatory, rather than the next, out of love for Him, and because our sufferings and sacrifices merit us a greater place in Heaven with Him, and aid those on earth the more greatly. The saints and holy men in this life achieve great things by their prayers, while those who are lukewarm or halt their spiritual progress scarcely above a state of grace achieve little. We have something to strive for! The cross and the love of God.
Those in Hell have run as far as they can from God’s wrath, but they cannot completely escape. He is there. . however absent. . because God is God.
‘All souls in hell are there because they did not pray. All the saints sanctified themselves by prayer.’
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori