Can anyone help me to find where in the Bible one can find solid evidence that Hell exists as a place of punishment (i.e. existence in the absence of God)? I only know where it tells of Gehenna, which can easily be twisted just to mean places in the times of the OT, likened to a dump etc.
I also need help finding where in Macabees it alludes to praying for the dead and hence the basis for the Church’s teachings on praying for souls in Purgatory? My Bible commentary does not include the apocrypha unfortunately.
Maybe somebody knows of a website where these topics are discussed in detail - a link even to an article would be good!
Many thanks!
Can anyone help me to find where in the Bible one can find solid evidence that Hell exists as a place of punishment (i.e. existence in the absence of God)? I only know where it tells of Gehenna, which can easily be twisted just to mean places in the times of the OT, likened to a dump etc.
I also need help finding where in Macabees it alludes to praying for the dead and hence the basis for the Church’s teachings on praying for souls in Purgatory? My Bible commentary does not include the apocrypha unfortunately.
Maybe somebody knows of a website where these topics are discussed in detail - a link even to an article would be good!
Many thanks!