Help a confused convert with indulgences

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I am confused regarding the meaning of plenary indulgences. As an adult convert of 5 years I still find so many concepts like this that I do not understand. I cannot seem to grasp exactly what this means and how it is accomplished. Someone help please. So happy and Blessed to have found the Church that Christ established.
Now as we all know, when we go to confession we are forgiven and spared eternal punishment in Hell. We also, however, still have temporal punishment waiting for us in purgatory (I like to think of this as when I break a window, my Dad gets mad, but he forgives me–eternal–yet I still have to do chores to work it off–temporal). Now my understanding of purgatory is basically we’re ready for Heaven, but we kind of have to be purged of any impurities before we get in (like your Mom’s happy to see you’re home, but she still makes you wipe your feet before coming in the house. Over simplified I know, but I need it simple!)

Here comes the good part: Did you know that you can lessen and even ELIMINATE this purging process altogether? That’s where indulgences come in. Indulgences come in many forms, usually specific prayers or works. There’s plenary indulgences and there’s partial indulgences. Plenary indulgencs get rid of ALL temporal punishment and partial indulgences, well, they get rid of some of it.

First we’ll focus on plenary indulgences. I’ll include a link at the end with a comprehensive list, but some examples of plenary indulgences are doing the stations of the cross or reading sacred scripture for a half hour or more (if it’s less it’s still partial!). That’s not all, however. You still have to meet the following conditions along with the work for the indulgence to be PLENARY:
  1. confession
  2. Communion
  3. a prayer for the intention of the Sovereign Pontiff (can be met with an Our Father and an Apostle’s Creed; there are other acceptable variations too)
  4. ANY attachment to sin MUST be absent, that includes venial sins (you can have sins on your conscience, you must be truly sorry for them and be truly resolved not to commit them again).
If you were to die after just receiving a plenary indulgence, you would go straight to Heaven, no Purgatory.

If any of these conditions are not met, then the indulgence is only partial. Some of these works or prayers must be done in specific places or on specfic days to be plenary. There are lots of things that are strictly partial indulgences. These include simple things like making the sign of the cross or saying a Hail Holy Queen. Guess what! We’re all getting a partial indulgence right now! Learning about or teaching Catholic doctrine is a partial indulgence! Anway, check out the links at the bottom. One gives an explanation of indulgences in general and the other two list various works and prayers and whether they are partial or plenary indulgences.

the links:
You’ve had a good explaination. Check out the links.
A little spiritual thought from St Josemaria Escriva-
1041 shouldn’t want to do things to gain merit, nor out of fear of the punishments of purgatory. From now on, and always, you should make the effort to do everything, even the smallest things, to please Jesus.
I have “The Handbook of Indulgences”, which you can find through Google at the Catholic book sites, it is a very good explanation of the specifics along with a comprehensive list of Indulgences.

Did you know you get an indulgence (partial) for saying the sign of the Cross? There are many. You can see the pattern, if you are behaving like a perosn committed to Christ, your eternal life in Heaven starts sooner when you pass away 😃
Now as of some of it. --------
Good post Genesis315, nicley put ! :tiphat:
I still see holy cards, medals (Pardon Crucifix) and some chaplets (like the Blessed Sacrament Chaplet) still have the Indulgences measured in days (for instance saying the prayer of the Blessed Sacrement Chaplet is 300 days each time and for carrying the Pardon Cucifix is also 300 days once a day kissing is 100 dayseach time) I thought Vatican II did away with the days measurement and switched to the partial or plenary why are some things still printed like that?
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