Hi, I just really need some support right now! My 28 year old brother moved back in with my mother and younger brother inside her tiny little apartment. He has been there for a year now and has been unemployed for 8 months and refuses to get a job. My mom only makes $700 a month and is disabled, and she is paying for all of his food ( he is 6.7 feet and nearly 300lbs.) I feel like he is a total freeloader! He destroyed her apartment and takes a shower only once a month. He keeps taking her car without her permission for hours every day and then comes home and sits on the couch playing games on her phone. He doesn’t have his own phone, and doesn’t help her pay utilities or rent, and does not clean up after himself, he makes a total mess in the bathroom and the kitchen and has ruined two couches. Not to mention a very frustrating thing is that he is always criticizing and belittling my mother and I when I come over. Yesterday I went into the apartment and I almost fainted from the foul smell, (he won’t let Mom open the windows because he likes it dark in the apartment.) I told him to stop taking advantage of mom and a stop being so nasty and to take a shower, he laughed at me and told me that whatever I was saying belongs in a comic book. He said he feels justified in his actions and that I was sinning to reproach him.Then he pounded me with insults and nasty names, telling me that I am unchristian and on Catholic to tell him that he is taking advantage of mom. I don’t know what to do, he prays a lot and talks very holy and if anybody offends him by telling him to stop it or corrects him, he says that he prays that God would forgive them for the way that they treated him. he is always moping that everybody disrespects him, hates him, and thinks that he is a failure. Nobody has ever indicated that , on the contrary when he came back everybody was trying to be his friend and encourage him. The reason why I’m most upset is that now the apartment is literally a health hazard, also because my 17 year old brother is following in his footsteps. Both of them treat my mother so badly, I keep encouraging her to move in with me but she won’t because she is afraid for them because they won’t take care of themselves.