Help choosing a novena?

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how does one determine the appropriate novena for a particular intention?

I would like to pray a novena asking for help in my path or journey towards Catholicism.

Is there any other prayers or Saints to whom I should pray to as well? I don’t know who is supposed to be the patron saint of converts, but I figure St. Frances de Sales would be a good one since he brought so many Calvinists back to the Catholic church.
I Googled “novenas” and found this most helpful resource–104 Catholic Novenas. There’s even one to one of my patrons, St. George.

Perhaps you could find one there. St. Francis de Sales would sound appropriate, as well as any other Saint whose patronage is particularly involved with converts. Invocation of the Holy Spirit would be effective as well.

Here is a novena to St Frances De Sales. Don’t forget about the apostle St Paul, though. He was the greatest Pharisee convert who Jesus converted on the way to Damascus, and is often simply referred to as “the apostle”

Novena to St. Francis de Sales

O blessed Francis de Sales, who on earth
did excel in a life of virtue, especially in the
love of God and neighbor, I earnestly ask you
to take me under your compassionate care and
protection. Obtain for me conversion of mind
and heart. Grant that all people, especially
(names of those whom you wish to include)
may experience the depth of God’s redeeming
and healing love.
Teach me to fix my eyes on the things of
heaven even as I walk each day with my feet
planted firmly on the earth. Help me, through
the practice of virtue and the pursuit of devo-
tion, to avoid anything that would otherwise
cause me to stumble in my attempt to follow
Christ and to be an instrument of the Holy
Encouraged by your prayers and example,
help me to live fully my sacred dignity with
the hope of experiencing my sacred destiny:
eternal life with God. Receive also this par-
ticular need or concern that I now lift up in
prayer. (mention your particular need).
O God, for the salvation of all, you de-
sired that St. Francis de Sales—preacher, mis-
sionary, confessor, bishop and founder—
should befriend many along the road to salva-
tion. Mercifully grant that we, infused with
the humility and gentleness of his charity,
guided by his wisdom and sharing in his spirit
may experience
eternal life. We ask this
through Christ our Lord. Amen.

IMPRIMATUR—Edmond J. Fitzmaurice, D.D.
Bishop of Wilmington
October 11, 1949

**Litany and Novena to St. Francis De Sales **
Novena to St. Francis de Sales
(To be prayed for nine days)

V.—Francis, light of the Church,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, founder of Visitation,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, good shepherd,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, teacher of the faith,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, patron of devotion,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, distinguished preacher,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, great missionary,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, gentle confessor,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, spiritual director,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, patron of the deaf,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, patron of the press,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, salt of the earth,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, model of humility,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, model of gentleness,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, man of compassion,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, courageous reformer,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, companion and guide,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, lover of beauty,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Pray for us, St. Francis de Sales,
R.—make us worthy of the promises
of Christ.
V.—Let us pray…….
Loving God, you gave St. Francis
de Sales the spirit of compassion, ena-
bling him to befriend many along the
road to salvation. Through his inspi-
ration and example, help us to em-
body your humble, gentle and pas-
sionate love in the service of our
brothers and sisters.
Grant this
through our Lord Jesus Christ, your
Son, who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. Amen.
Litany to Francis de Sales
V.—God, the Father of heaven,
R.—have mercy on us.
V.—God, the Son, redeemer of all,
R.—have mercy on us.
V.—God, the Holy Spirit,
R.—have mercy on us.
V.—Holy Trinity, one God,
R.—have mercy on us.
V.—Francis, loved by God,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, lover of God,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, imitator of Christ,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, lover of the Cross,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, companion of the saints,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, imitator of the Apostles,
R.—pray for us.
V.—Francis, glory of confessors,
R.—pray for us.
oh! and since I’m not positive how you pray a novena entirely - do you pray the first prayer on each of the days or just the part that says “(to be prayed for nine days)”?
oh! and since I’m not positive how you pray a novena entirely - do you pray the first prayer on each of the days or just the part that says “(to be prayed for nine days)”?
The novenas I copied for you are 2 separate novenas, one with a litany. You can say either of them for 9 consecutive days (in this case it’s the whole prayer you recite). Some novenas have different readings for each of the 9 days, but that would be specified at the beginning. Clear as mud??? 😉
No no, now it makes sense! Sorry - blame the cough syrup last night for me not catching that you titling the second one meant it was another one 😃
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