I’m putting this in Apologetics since it is about defending confession as opposed to the Sacraments section which would be more just general questions about confession.
I was reading through Beginning Apologetics 1: How to Explain and Defend the Catholic Faith, when I got stuck on one paragraph in the Confession section that I could use a little help on. I’m going to quote the paragraph directly out of the book:
My problem is that I actually plan on defending the doctrine of Confession to a Baptist based on what I’m reading/learning here and in the book and I’m afraid he is also going to think that it is not clearly taught in scripture solely based on John 20:19-23. If it’s not more clear in another portion of scripture, I’ll just leave that part out of my sentence: ex. “Catholics always confess their sins to God. They do it directly as well as through His ministers. Period.”
As always, thanks, and God Bless!
I was reading through Beginning Apologetics 1: How to Explain and Defend the Catholic Faith, when I got stuck on one paragraph in the Confession section that I could use a little help on. I’m going to quote the paragraph directly out of the book:
Based on the scripture that is referenced earlier in the section (JN 20:19-23), I don’t feel that it is clearly taught in Scripture that we need to confess to God directly as well as through his ministers. Could the author be reffering to some other portion of scripture that he failed to mention?Fundamentalists say they confess their sins to God while Catholics confess their sins only to priests. Wrong. Catholics always confess their sins to God. They do it directly as well as through His ministers because that is what God requires, as clearly taught in Scripture.
My problem is that I actually plan on defending the doctrine of Confession to a Baptist based on what I’m reading/learning here and in the book and I’m afraid he is also going to think that it is not clearly taught in scripture solely based on John 20:19-23. If it’s not more clear in another portion of scripture, I’ll just leave that part out of my sentence: ex. “Catholics always confess their sins to God. They do it directly as well as through His ministers. Period.”
As always, thanks, and God Bless!