Help! Directions needed

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Ok, I have a Christian Prayer book. It’s all nice and pretty, it’s got 5 coloered ribbons, and one owner who can seem to figure out where I’m supposed to be flipping to inside. 😃

I tried reading the directions that came on it, but it didn’t seem to help. :confused:
Are you referring to a general prayer book? It sounds like you are talking about a “liturgical” prayer book like the Liturgy of the Hours.

I found the Ligurgy of the Hours very confusing to follow as well. It is basically just like the Missal in that you have the Ordinary (the part that doesn’t change from day to day) and the Proper (the part that does). The key to following it is to find the start in the Ordinary. That should let you know when you are to go to the proper.

It can be very confusing because different parts are included in the different “hours,” however, the Ordinary should give that indication (“for Morning Prayer the reading is said here.”) The readings are laid out in a four-week cycle so you need to know what week you’re on, etc. etc. Your priest should be able and willing to help you figure it out. If not, you can try Catholic Answers or EWTN. I know that EWTN broadcasts the liturgy of the hours on the radio; although they just recite it so you would already need to know how to follow it before that would be of much help in using the book you have.
If it’s Liturgy of the Hours, there’s a handy little booklet (more pages:bigyikes: ) St. Joseph’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours (about $2) that lists, for each day of the week, the page numbers of where you are supposed to be for each hour of that day. Without that guide, it’s really easy to get lost!
Khoria Anna:
If it’s Liturgy of the Hours, there’s a handy little booklet (more pages:bigyikes: ) St. Joseph’s Guide to the Liturgy of the Hours (about $2) that lists, for each day of the week, the page numbers of where you are supposed to be for each hour of that day. Without that guide, it’s really easy to get lost!
True, but with one important caveat–make sure you have the CBPC version of Christian Prayer! If you have the St. Paul (Pauline Press) version, the page numbers won’t match up, and you’ll be out the price of half a small latte in California.

As someone who has recently picked up this devotion, let me offer a few suggestions. Sit down with your priest (or deacon) and let him spend fifteen minutes with you. You’ll find the time spent to be well worth it. Afterwards, you can “check” yourself to see if you’re doing everything right by comparing what you think you should be doing against a website such as… or
…you’ll find both to be very helpful.

If you have any more questions, I’d be happy to try to help at any time!

Thanks! I have the CBPC book. I’ll get with my priest and see if I can’t get this thing figured out. I have had it since Lent. After Lent I got totally lost trying to figure out what week it was and where to turn and all that crazy stuff. Also, do the colored ribbons have any significance (i.e. certain color for different sections of the prayer book) or are they just decorative?
The ribbons are to help you keep your place. somedays you may have to flip from one section to another two or three times and you place the ribbons in the the certain places before you start so it is easy flip back and forth while praying and keep your place for the next time
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