Help explaining the "Mysteries" of the Rosary

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Any thoughts on how to explain what makes the mysteries of the rosary “Mystery”.

I teach a grass roots Sunday Night Catechism at my parish with 3 others and this question was posed. We tried our best to answer it, but the answers weren’t home runs. We promised to gather more info and report back on 01/23/2005.

Some are easier than others, but for instance, the finding in the temple was one that we tried to explain and couldn’t get across what made it a Mystery.

Thanks in advance. :hmmm:
The finding of the child Jesus in the temple, after He was missing for three days, prefigures His suffering and death on the cross and His subsequentresurrection.

Also, Jesus’ response to Mary’s question, “Son, why did you do this to us? Your father and I have searched for you in sorrow” with “Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I was in My Father’s house?” shows that even at age 12, Jesus was aware of His divine Nature and His relationship to God. On seeing the human limitation of His Mother and His foster father, He did not berate them, condescend to them, etc., but “He submitted in obedience to them” and remained obedient to them, while “Mary kept these things in her heart”.

Does that help?
I have gotten a copy of Ted Sri’s The New Rosary in Scripture: Biblical Insights for Praying the 20 Mysteries.

I believe Dr Ted’s book along with the link to should provide me with significant information. I’ll post an update if I need more specific help.

Thanks also for the information on the Finding in the Temple.
Mystery doesn’t mean that it’s a puzzle or some big unknown event that we don’t understand. A mystery in Catholic Doctrine is “the truth revealed”. We may not understand eveything about the “truth” but we know it and accept it. The mysteries of the rosary are divinely inspired truths that we accept as Catholics.

Look here for an explanation

“A religious truth that is incomprehensible to reason and knowable only through divine revelation.”
Found this in a dictionary … thought it might help.
Any thoughts on how to explain what makes the mysteries of the rosary “Mystery”.

a Mystery of faith in general means any truth that cannot be known merely by exercise of human reason and the evidence of the senses, but must be revealed by God. Examples are the incarnation and virgin birth, which we celebrate in meditating on the joyful mysteries.
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