I am in the process of converting from Protestant to Catholic, and I have encountered a number of Catholics now who seem to think that the decision is a neutral one (if not bad in that it’s divisive from my former denomination ). IE, it doesn’t matter whether one is Protestant or Catholic, because we are all Christian and will all go to heaven anyway. In some sense, I agree that God will hold people accountable for the Truth that He shows them, and if they had no way of knowing, then God will show them mercy (ie. invincible ignorance).
However, I do not agree that “it’s all the same.” This is precisely why I’m converting - there are so many doctrinal differences that I see as essential or contrary to our faith. For example, Church authority, Sola Scriptura, Mary and the Saints, confession, baptism, abortion, artificial contraception, homosexuality, etc. I’m sure the list goes on. Since accepting the Catholic faith, I also gained a better understanding of the seriousness of sin, in that it separates me from God. I believe that the Catholic Church is the original Christian Church, but how can I explain this to cradle Catholics who seem to think that their Church is just another denomination among many?
I guess I am seeking brainstorming of ideas about how to approach cradle Catholics on this. What is the best way to explain the concept? Thanks and God bless!
However, I do not agree that “it’s all the same.” This is precisely why I’m converting - there are so many doctrinal differences that I see as essential or contrary to our faith. For example, Church authority, Sola Scriptura, Mary and the Saints, confession, baptism, abortion, artificial contraception, homosexuality, etc. I’m sure the list goes on. Since accepting the Catholic faith, I also gained a better understanding of the seriousness of sin, in that it separates me from God. I believe that the Catholic Church is the original Christian Church, but how can I explain this to cradle Catholics who seem to think that their Church is just another denomination among many?
I guess I am seeking brainstorming of ideas about how to approach cradle Catholics on this. What is the best way to explain the concept? Thanks and God bless!