Dear AdvanceAlways,
You may already have one, but if not, you must get a Spiritual Director who is close to your situation. Be sure that this person is straight-talking, orthodox, and will not be afraid to discuss difficult issues with you. Perhaps somone who has experience of community living, or who has tried a religious vocation themselves. It is worth spending some time finding the right person for this role in your pilgrimage, always trusting that God will direct you to the correct person.
Be sure also not just to follow your interests. Your vocation must lead you in a direct persuit of the face of God. This is manifest in a special way in the religious vocation, and especially in the Priesthood. Meditation on the Word of God, (particularly the Gospel of John if you are considering Priesthood) and a lifestyle consistent with the grace of prayer at work within you is essential in this task. What I mean by this is that you must look at the graces you are given in prayer - for example, is there evidence of the seed of contemplative grace? And then ensure that your life is consistent with this.
Be attentive to what people do and say to you. God speaks this way.
Pray especially the Mysteries of Light. It is my personal conviction that God has given us these new mysteries at this time, through the hand of the Pope, for a particular reason. We live in a time when God’s voice is more easily drowned out than ever before. The mysteries of light cut through this, and offer a beacon of hope, which falls to us from the hands of Our Lady. This light penetrates our understanding of the world, and it is through this fruitful contemplation that discernment can really take shape.
Never be afraid to try anything. Explore all the orders that in some shape or form call to you. Go and see them, spend time living the life. Don’t try and ‘squeeze’ yourself into any particular order, and don’t be surprised if your actual vocation is nowhere near what you originally thought. Don’t be put off or discouraged by God’s pace - instead, try and learn to profit from it. Lastly, don’t rush anything - your vocation may lead you elsewhere, perhaps where you hadn’t first considered, then back to where you began - and when you think you’ve found it, test it again.
Discernment is seldom an easy ride, so let nothing discourage you.
My discernment has led me to join the Carthusian Order, where I go later this year. The above things are some considerations which have helped me. I hope they help you also.
Behold, Christ stands at the door knocking, waiting for you to let him into the intimacy of your heart.
I wish you Peace and Joy in Christ.