I am reading the book A Woman Rides the Beast. I promised my sister I would. I am already stumped on the 4th page. Dave Hunt sites in his notes a “news report” in Charisma magazine about Bishop Sinesio Bohn calling for a Holy war in Brazil against Protestants. I can not find this article on their website it only goes back to 2000 and this was from May 1994. I went to the Vatican website to see if I could find a listing or at least mention of this Bishop and found nothing. I checked USCCB website also no mention I even googled. I checked this site also but can find no reliable Catholic source to even prove this guy is a bishop of this Church, let alone that he said this.Help! I am having a ongoing and loving debate with my sister and I need all the Truth I can get. So dose this Bishop exsist, Is he in commuion with the Catholic Curch, did he say these things, and if so what has been done about it? I started taking notes so I can show her all the errors in this book (and yes I did read Karl Keatings article adout this book). Point me in the right direction.