Help finding info on Bishop Bohn

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I am reading the book A Woman Rides the Beast. I promised my sister I would. I am already stumped on the 4th page. Dave Hunt sites in his notes a “news report” in Charisma magazine about Bishop Sinesio Bohn calling for a Holy war in Brazil against Protestants. I can not find this article on their website it only goes back to 2000 and this was from May 1994. I went to the Vatican website to see if I could find a listing or at least mention of this Bishop and found nothing. I checked USCCB website also no mention I even googled. I checked this site also but can find no reliable Catholic source to even prove this guy is a bishop of this Church, let alone that he said this.Help! I am having a ongoing and loving debate with my sister and I need all the Truth I can get. So dose this Bishop exsist, Is he in commuion with the Catholic Curch, did he say these things, and if so what has been done about it? I started taking notes so I can show her all the errors in this book (and yes I did read Karl Keatings article adout this book). Point me in the right direction.
why are you wasting your time reading books by a notorious anti-Catholic polemicist? if you would like some direction on worthwhile spiritual reading there are dozens of threads here to help you. have you checked out CA tracts on these topics and CA apologists’ ongoing set-tos with Hunt?
I’m reading this book because my sister asked me to. She says I need to be open to the “truth”. I am a faithful Catholic but I need to know what the enemy is saying so I can show my sister all the errors. She is fighting every point the Church makes. I will take this book point for point to show her all the errors and let me tell you it’s not fun. It’s not like I have a lot of time being a homeschooling mom of 6. My sister is worth it. Every soul is worth bringing to the fullness of faith. She has promised in return for me reading this book that she will read The Lambs Supper by Scott Hahn. Pray that she will see the truth!
Thanks for showing that he is a true Bishop but how do I find out about his quote calling for a holy war?
Clan Devine:
She has promised in return for me reading this book that she will read The Lambs Supper by Scott Hahn. Pray that she will see the truth!
If you are fighting such ignorance, I think you are using the wrong weapons. Scott Hahn’s book is a good one, but it’s not, strictly speaking, an apologetics work. To dispel her ignorance, you need something stronger and more to the point, like Karl Keating’s Catholicism and Fundamentalism, Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic by David Currie; Hahn’s Rome Sweet Home; By What Authority? An Evangelical Discovers Catholic Tradition by Mark Shea; A Biblical Defense of Catholicism by Dave Armstrong; Not By Scripture Alone by Robert Sungenis; Where We Got the Bible: Our Debt to the Catholic Church by Rev. Henry G. Graham; *Crossing the Tiber * by Stephen Ray; Surprised by Truth 1, 2 and/or 3 edited by Patrick Madrid.
Actually, I think a positive portrayal of Catholicism is more important than directly taking on Hunt’s deeply flawed arguments. Evangelicals/fundamentalists accept Hunt’s stuff (those that do–many of course do not) because they don’t perceive Catholics as having the same personal faith in Jesus that they do. Demonstrating that Catholics do have such a faith is the most important thing you can do. I know that’s what changed my attitude. Then if Hunt’s stuff still bothers your sister, you can point out the nonsensical nature of his arguments. But right now she probably wants to believe Hunt because she sees no reason to regard Catholics as Christians.

So where do I begin with her? She has read Catholicism and Fundimentalism a few years ago but has since changed churches (nondinominational of course). She feels she has to win me over for Christ and believes all the lies about the Church. We decided to try to stick with a topic - the Euchrist. It was had trying to make any point when we kept jumping around from subject to subject. That is why I picked Scott Hahn’s book. She will try to find a fundimentist book that deals with just that subject that I in trun must read also. I know the truth but have trouble fighting every lie with only scriptue. I wish I could have Scott Hahn or Karl Keating call her, they would know every answer. I love her and we are trying to have a good discussion both of us trying to prove the other wrong. Any help would be great!
Thank you so much but I had already seen all those articles and the origanl source dosn’t go back that far. I will try the library of congress. I want to show her how these things are taken so out of context and the she might start to see that fundamentalists don’t worry about the truth as much as the worry about tearing down the Catholic Church. Thank you so much.
Clan Devine:
So where do I begin with her? She has read Catholicism and Fundimentalism a few years ago but has since changed churches (nondinominational of course). She feels she has to win me over for Christ and believes all the lies about the Church. We decided to try to stick with a topic - the Euchrist. It was had trying to make any point when we kept jumping around from subject to subject. That is why I picked Scott Hahn’s book. She will try to find a fundimentist book that deals with just that subject that I in trun must read also. I know the truth but have trouble fighting every lie with only scriptue. I wish I could have Scott Hahn or Karl Keating call her, they would know every answer. I love her and we are trying to have a good discussion both of us trying to prove the other wrong. Any help would be great!
I think Scott Hahn’s book is an excellent choice for that purpose.

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