I have a question that hopefully someone out there can answer for me! I have recently come to a much deeper relationship with God and my faith has become a lot more important to me. As I have been finding my way and deepening my Catholic roots my boyfriend is going crazy! He constantly is asking me religious questions and says that I am (changing) I hope that I am! but he doesn’t mean it in a good way. I think he senses that I am different but he doesn’t understand a spiritual life because he doesn’t have one. He is a very good wonderful person but he has had no religious upbringing whatsoever and I can see his questions about my religious life are really making him think about his. He’s open to Catholicism and he told me that he really wants to learn because I think he’s afraid of me shutting him out (which is not going to happen). Well… I wouldn’t be writing this post except that I have no idea on how to address religious issues with him. I’ve had similiar experience to this in the past but only with protestants. When I talk to him I have nothing to base it on because he doesn’t know anything… He says he believes in God and Jesus but I don’t think he really understands it… I tried to explain the trinity the other day (which is hard enough if you’ve been around it your whole life!) He told me I sounded crazy! My spiritual director suggested a retreat but I know how if you don’t really understand them they can sometimes be scarey! The eucharist as awesome as it is I can see as being a little wierd to outsiders as well… I just don’t want to scare him! Anyway… I’m really sorry for the long post but my real question is does anybody know of any really good… really “simple” books, movies, anything that I could give to him. I want to help him so bad and he’s really struggling but all of the books I have found that are good are really geared toward protestants or would be “over his head” Mere christianity I think is even a little too wordy for him…
Again sorry for the long post! I hope there isn’t one like this already going but I looked and couldn’t find one! Thank you for anybodys help! God Bless!
I have a question that hopefully someone out there can answer for me! I have recently come to a much deeper relationship with God and my faith has become a lot more important to me. As I have been finding my way and deepening my Catholic roots my boyfriend is going crazy! He constantly is asking me religious questions and says that I am (changing) I hope that I am! but he doesn’t mean it in a good way. I think he senses that I am different but he doesn’t understand a spiritual life because he doesn’t have one. He is a very good wonderful person but he has had no religious upbringing whatsoever and I can see his questions about my religious life are really making him think about his. He’s open to Catholicism and he told me that he really wants to learn because I think he’s afraid of me shutting him out (which is not going to happen). Well… I wouldn’t be writing this post except that I have no idea on how to address religious issues with him. I’ve had similiar experience to this in the past but only with protestants. When I talk to him I have nothing to base it on because he doesn’t know anything… He says he believes in God and Jesus but I don’t think he really understands it… I tried to explain the trinity the other day (which is hard enough if you’ve been around it your whole life!) He told me I sounded crazy! My spiritual director suggested a retreat but I know how if you don’t really understand them they can sometimes be scarey! The eucharist as awesome as it is I can see as being a little wierd to outsiders as well… I just don’t want to scare him! Anyway… I’m really sorry for the long post but my real question is does anybody know of any really good… really “simple” books, movies, anything that I could give to him. I want to help him so bad and he’s really struggling but all of the books I have found that are good are really geared toward protestants or would be “over his head” Mere christianity I think is even a little too wordy for him…
Again sorry for the long post! I hope there isn’t one like this already going but I looked and couldn’t find one! Thank you for anybodys help! God Bless!