Help! Keepers of the faith on the attack

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I received this email today. Any help on it would really be appreciated.


The things that most upset us can be our biggest learning experiences. I
hope that you can be open-minded and take advantage of what I am about
to write. I also hope that you believe what you said about ignorance.
Your belief may be about to be put to the test. Are you Christian enough
to embrace truth?

First, I spent ten years in Catholic schools being trained in Catholic theology. I know what Catholic theology is and I know what God’s Word (yes, it is God’s Word) says a Christian is.
Second, I reviewed Tolkien, not his works. A man’s works do not stray from his passions. His passions were self-admittedly centered avidly on paganism. This is not my consensus. It is Tolkien’s. Third, on that basis and the reading of certain passages from his works, yes, an informed individual can reach intelligent judgments about those works.

If you bite into a piece of fruit and find it intensely rotten, do you
consume the whole thing to make sure it is rotten in its entirety, or do you spit it out and seek decent nourishment?

Now, I am going to get you started on a path to the possibility of the knowledge to separate true faith from some of its counterfeits. I doubt that you have ever known any of this before, but I warn you, should you read any further, you, as you stated, will lose all excuse for ignorance. Read on at your own risk.

The Catholic church, during its inquisition, slaughtered an estimated sixty-five million people who refused to become Catholics. These were not just murdered. Most were tortured in ways that nearly exceed believability. A great place to start in verifying this is a book called The Martyr’s Mirror. Did Christ teach this way? Now, the church is doing all that its worldwide influence and its undercover Jesuit agents can do to rewrite history to erase this fact. Did Jesus teach this way?

The Catholic church’s tentacles are so widespread that you probably think that John Wilkes Booth acted alone in assassinating Lincoln, but a whole group of high-ranking Catholic operatives were hung for being co-conspirators and assisting him. (See Fifty Years in the Church of Rome by an ex-Jesuit who Lincoln defended against charges brought by the Jesuits, which cost him his life. There are also enlightening accounts
of more current activities by Jesuit covert operatives in the writings by Alberto Rivera, another ex-Jesuit who turned from Catholicism to Christ.)

I see from your Terri Schiavo postscript that you value human life. You may have to decide whether you are a Catholic or a Christian. The Inquisition did not value life at all. Nor did the Catholic church
during World War II. Hitler received the very highest award that the Catholic church bestows upon a “defender of the faith.” I expect that you did not know that the church supported Hitler until it became evident that he would probably not win. Was the Holocaust what Jesus taught?

I am partially of Serbian descent. My father converted from Eastern Orthodox to Catholicism after marrying my mother. It is difficult for me to understand why. During the war, Croatian Ustasi troops, led by Catholic priests in uniform, murdered over a million Serbian civilians for no other reason than they were not Catholic. A favorite method was to bind pregnant women hand and foot and allow them to be killed by their own birthing process. Is this how Jesus taught? This is the distinguishing behavior of the Catholic church through the ages and through this century.

Even a Catholic monsignor when confronted by my then young wife with Bible in hand (She was not even yet a Christian, but was seeking truth.) said, “Who can know where truth is. Certainly, the church does not have it. Anyone can see that by our history.”

The Catholic church has changed its tune since World War II, realizing that it cannot now make the world its empire through the methods of the Inquisition and the Holocaust. So, it has decided to recognize Christians as “divided brethren.” However, if you read your papal encyclicals, you will see that it still takes the position that all of those “brethren” are going to hell. In fact, the Jesuits still take the same oath to annihilate such Christian “brethren” as heretics if they should find such opportunity. Is that what Jesus taught?
continuation - sorry it’s too long

I am partially of Serbian descent. My father converted from Eastern
Orthodox to Catholicism after marrying my mother. It is difficult for me
to understand why. During the war, Croatian Ustasi troops, led by
Catholic priests in uniform, murdered over a million Serbian civilians
for no other reason than they were not Catholic. A favorite method was
to bind pregnant women hand and foot and allow them to be killed by
their own birthing process. Is this how Jesus taught? This is the
distinguishing behavior of the Catholic church through the ages and
through this century.

Even a Catholic monsignor when confronted by my then young wife with
Bible in hand (She was not even yet a Christian, but was seeking truth.)
said, “Who can know where truth is. Certainly, the church does not have
it. Anyone can see that by our history.”

The Catholic church has changed its tune since World War II, realizing
that it cannot now make the world its empire through the methods of the
Inquisition and the Holocaust. So, it has decided to recognize
Christians as “divided brethren.” However, if you read your papal
encyclicals, you will see that it still takes the position that all of
those “brethren” are going to hell. In fact, the Jesuits still take the
same oath to annihilate such Christian “brethren” as heretics if they
should find such opportunity. Is that what Jesus taught?

Jesus taught that those who put their life wholly in His hands go to
heaven. Catholic doctrine teaches nothing of the sort. It teaches that
the Catholic church, and only the Catholic church, has power to send one
to heaven or hell. That is what confession, sacraments, the selling of
masses to commute purgatorial punishment, and dying with a green
scapular on are all about. Of course, Jesus is given a place in there
among them, but these things are not about faith in Christ. They are
about faith in church machinations. Is this what Jesus taught? He said,
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh to the Father but
by Me.”

The church encourages prayer to Mary more than to Jesus. God says that
prayer to Mary is an abomination which He despises. He says it is an
abomination to pray to any being other than Himself. He says there is
only one Mediator between God and man—Jesus Christ, the second member of
the Godhead. He says there is no other mediator—not Mary, not the
priest, not the pope (nearly 50 of whom were atheists).

By the way, the “Queen of heaven” originated in early Babylon as part of
the oldest, and still currently practiced, false religion. (See the book
The Two Babylons.) It was always part of Catholicism, but never part of
Christianity. The incorrect association of this practice with
Christianity came several hundred years after Jesus’ earthly ministry.
It occurred when the Roman Catholic (universal) Church attempted to
absorb Christianity into itself under an edict from the Emperor
Constantine. The Roman Universal Church of the corrupt Roman empire
could not stamp out Christianity, so it decided to swallow it and
corrupt it. The Roman church already worshiped the “Queen of Heaven” and
practiced pantheism, as is still seen with the worship of “saints.” It
then began to convince the world that all of its pagan practices were
actually part of Judaeo-Christianity, when they were really simply Roman
paganism. This is why the Bible describes the world-wide pagan religion,
the “great whore” of Babylon as sitting on seven hills—the City of Seven
Hills—Rome, the home of the Catholic church.

I understand that you probably have not known any of this, but now your
excuse is gone. Much of this history has been erased by the church’s
influence, but there is more than enough for you to check this out in
secular history, church history, Catholic catechisms, and papal
encyclicals. The choice is yours now. If you really wish to be a
Christian, you will have to follow Jesus. I am sorry, but following a
church simply will not do. God did not send His only Son (Who is God
Himself) to die a cruel death on Calvary to have us put our faith in
sacraments, scapulars, and a church that has never, to this day, stopped
persecuting innocent people who will not convert when it has the

I will pray that God opens your eyes mightily that you might see His
Son—your salvation.

Jeff Zakula

Keepers of the Faith
404 S Mine St
Bessemer MI 49911
Phone - 906 663 6881
Fax - 906 663 6885
Hi Jeff,

I appreciate the thought and time you have put into your post. It covered a lot of topics, and you made some interesting points and conclusion.

However, because it is so broad, I would be suprised if it will get a lot of attention on this board. So let me ask you… you obviously came here because you are concerned about us and about the state of the Church. Maybe it would help if you started with one point that you feel we need to change, and explain what it is and why, then we can have a focused and lively dialog on the doctrine of your choice?

In Christ,

Where do you begin? I’m not sure it would be fruitful to try to discuss these things with him, but you may want to give it a shot. But let him know that you intend to stay Catholic, you would like to share why and ask that he discuss one thing at a time.
I guess you could start with the first misconception, the inquisition, and go from there. Search these forums for information or go to some of these sites that may help:

Good luck!
The whole tone of the post is arrogant. He claims to have studied Catholic theology but his words prove him false. Please ask him to come to this forum. I think that most of his assertion can be proved false by the people here(I especially have faith in puzzleannie and Catholic Militant). If he is like most evangilical protestants, he will chomp at the bits to get at a bunch of potential Catholic converts and will accept your invitation.
The Catholic church has changed its tune since World War II, realizing
that it cannot now make the world its empire through the methods of the
Inquisition and the Holocaust. ]

Whoa, I just reread the post and realized that this man is accusing the Catholic church of being responsible for the Holocaust. He has been reading one to many Jack Chic tracts.

I also feel ill because I have bought books before from their website-they have a keeper of the faith? series(can’t quite remember the name) I got it to use with my daughters.

I still think that you should invite him here.
I think this guy has accepted Jack Chick as his personal lord and savior:rolleyes:
The Catholic church, during its inquisition, slaughtered an estimated sixty-five million people who refused to become Catholics.
Was it the Catholic Church who slaughtered these people, or was it the legitimate political authority in charge of the country?
Also, how did you arrive at the figure of 65 million?
Do yourself a great favor and pick up a copy of Mark Shea’s By What Authority? It touches on the Pagan-creep theory.

His view that the Church erased whole chunks of history would be cheeky even for Oliver Stone. Plus, it does not make any sense in light of Scripture. Peter, the one apostle we claim passed on his authority to the Popes, sinned big and sinned often. Now, if the Church really altered history, don’t you think these embarrasing passages would have been edited out of Scripture?


P.S. Dave Armstrong received a similar email. I wonder if anti-Catholics have launched some kind of coordinated pestering mission. :confused:
More of the same old arguments. These people (I’m not referring to the thread starter, but the one who sent the email) should really be original; they’re the same tired, useless arguments. 65 million? Wow. As one historian admitted, that number during those times would’ve killed all of Europe. Even if we take it to mean an extended period of time, no way would the Inquisition be able to hold that many people. Actually, those jailed in state prison pleaded to be trasferred to the Inquisition prisons, since they were treated much better there. And then the outright lies:

"Even a Catholic monsignor when confronted by my then young wife with
Bible in hand (She was not even yet a Christian, but was seeking truth.)
said, “Who can know where truth is. Certainly, the church does not have
it. Anyone can see that by our history.”

Uh huh. Technically, a clergy saying that should not be in the Church anymore. But in the first place, would someone in the Church actually say it (aside from the usual dissenters)?

Another outright lie:

“The church encourages prayer to Mary more than to Jesus”

I have yet to see from the Catechism where that exactly is placed.

And then outright contradiction of itself:

“Much of this history has been erased by the church’s
influence, but there is more than enough for you to check this out in
secular history, church history, Catholic catechisms, and papal

Haha! I got a kick out of that one. He said much of history was erased by the Church, then goes around and says it can be found in the Catechism and encyclicals. The writer can’t seem to make up his mind.

After reading all that drivel, I think he needs a lot of education about the Church. I even doubt he is a “former” Catholic.
That guy sure has taken the Chick bait - hook, line and sinker. And what’s the deal with Tolkein? If the man read anything by Tolkein, and known his history and passions, he’d have known that Tolkein’s works have a very Catholic-Christian theme thourghout even if they were in pagan times. Sheesh!

and the 65 million? I’m not sure there were even that many folks around when the Inquistion was around. The e-mail writer needs to get his facts straight before he presses the “send” button. 😃
continuation - sorry it’s too long

I am partially of Serbian descent. My father converted from Eastern
Orthodox to Catholicism after marrying my mother. It is difficult for me
to understand why. During the war, Croatian Ustasi troops, led by
Catholic priests in uniform, murdered over a million Serbian civilians
for no other reason than they were not Catholic. A favorite method was
to bind pregnant women hand and foot and allow them to be killed by
their own birthing process. Is this how Jesus taught? This is the
distinguishing behavior of the Catholic church through the ages and
through this century.

Even a Catholic monsignor when confronted by my then young wife with
Bible in hand (She was not even yet a Christian, but was seeking truth.)
said, “Who can know where truth is. Certainly, the church does not have
it. Anyone can see that by our history.”

The Church, no matter how horrible the atrocities in her record (there are plenty of them) is still around because our sins, no matter how atrocious, cannot be greater than the mercy and faithfulness of God. This is why a Church which gave the Jews hell for 1300 years still has the gall to “carry on as usual”. If our evil deeds could exceed the mercy and might of God, and if the Church were under her own control, she ought in all decency to shut up shop. Since all that is good about the Church derives solely from Christ, she is still obliged to serve Him. Until Christ condemns her, she need fear no condemnation - scandalous as this may seem.​

The Catholic church has changed its tune since World War II, realizing
that it cannot now make the world its empire through the methods of the
Inquisition and the Holocaust. So, it has decided to recognize
Christians as “divided brethren.” However, if you read your papal
encyclicals, you will see that it still takes the position that all of
those “brethren” are going to hell.

It takes no such position; he is not well-informed.​

In fact, the Jesuits still take the
same oath to annihilate such Christian “brethren” as heretics if they
should find such opportunity. Is that what Jesus taught?

They do not, and of course not.​

Jesus taught that those who put their life wholly in His hands go to
heaven. Catholic doctrine teaches nothing of the sort. It teaches that
the Catholic church, and only the Catholic church, has power to send one
to heaven or hell.

The CC does not even claim such power - damnation is our choice, a consequence of dying outside the friendship of Christ.​

Maybe he would like to read what Catholic authors have written about the Christian life - a Kempis and the “Imitation of Christ” might be a start ##
That is what confession, sacraments, the selling of
masses to commute purgatorial punishment, and dying with a green
scapular on are all about. Of course, Jesus is given a place in there
among them, but these things are not about faith in Christ. They are
about faith in church machinations. Is this what Jesus taught? He said,
“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh to the Father but
by Me.”

He said nothing about Church synods, presbyteries, missionary societies, hymnbooks, or much else in use among non-Catholic Christians; that does not make these things bad either.​

The church encourages prayer to Mary more than to Jesus.

This is an assertion which is impossible to prove, so there is no point in making it.​

God says that
prayer to Mary is an abomination which He despises.

The Book of Jeremiah says this about the “Queen of Heaven” - Jeremiah was talking about the QoH of his day; not about Mary: since he lived in the 580s BC he could hardly have her in mind.​

“The Queen” may be used of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Victoria, Quuen Elizabeth II : but different people are meant by the same words. Lincoln and Clinton were both Presidents of the USA - but who imagines they are the same individual ?

A single phrase may mean different things in different contexts. ##
He says it is an
abomination to pray to any being other than Himself.

Where, please ?​

He says there is
only one Mediator between God and man—Jesus Christ, the second member of
the Godhead.
He says there is no other mediator

Where is this said, please ? It is not said - it is a deduction from what is said, and it might not be a correct deduction.​

This guy doesn’t know Catholicism. For example there weren’t 65 million people in Europe at the time of the Inquisition. He didn’t pay attention in class for 10 years.
—not Mary, not the
priest, not the pope (nearly 50 of whom were atheists).

On what evidence is this said of them ?​

By the way, the “Queen of heaven” originated in early Babylon as part of
the oldest, and still currently practiced, false religion. (See the book
The Two Babylons.)

TTB is interesting - but it is also seriously flawed. Not least because much of its argument is built upon what is in fact Aramaic or Hebrew, rather than upon the languages spoken in Babylonia: Aramaic came to Babylonia about 700 BC, though the native languages go back to about 3000 BC. IOW - the argument is often built on the wrong language. Which is like building an argument about the USA on such late-coming languages as Arabic or Hindi, interpreting 17th-century Dutch as a form of Hindi, and arguing from there.​

TTB does this constantly - the author knew no better. There is no reason to rely on TTB now, when the area and its languages is far better known than when TTB was written 140 years ago.

BTW, that something may be derived from a “bad” religion in some way, does not itself prove that the thing derived is bad. Solomon’s Temple contains things that would have been at home in Egypt or Assyria (such as the brazen sea on the back of twelve bulls) - yet this temple was built by the command of God.

“Shepherd” was a title for Assyrian kings long before it was applied to Christ - are we to reject it, and the parts of Scripture containing it ?

I hope the author does not use a sixty-second minute, or read, or count: these too are from the country now called Iraq. As are :
  • accounting
  • city-building
  • saffron
  • metal-working
  • representative government
and much more. If everything from that part of the world were rejected, society would come to a stop. No hymns, riddles, psalms, prayers, deities, would be sung, spoken, prayed, or addressed. There would be no beer or boats. ##
It was always part of Catholicism, but never part of
Christianity. The incorrect association of this practice with
Christianity came several hundred years after Jesus’ earthly ministry.
It occurred when the Roman Catholic (universal) Church attempted to
absorb Christianity into itself under an edict from the Emperor
Constantine. The Roman Universal Church of the corrupt Roman empire
could not stamp out Christianity, so it decided to swallow it and
corrupt it.
The Roman church already worshiped the “Queen of Heaven” and
practiced pantheism, as is still seen with the worship of “saints.”

He’s confusing polytheism with pantheism.​

then began to convince the world that all of its pagan practices were
actually part of Judaeo-Christianity, when they were really simply Roman
paganism. This is why the Bible describes the world-wide pagan religion,
the “great whore” of Babylon as sitting on seven hills—the City of Seven
Hills—Rome, the home of the Catholic church.
I understand that you probably have not known any of this,

Actually, plenty of Catholics would be able to think of many more things.​

but now your
excuse is gone. Much of this history has been erased by the church’s
influence, but there is more than enough for you to check this out in
secular history, church history, Catholic catechisms, and papal
encyclicals. The choice is yours now. If you really wish to be a
Christian, you will have to follow Jesus. I am sorry, but following a
church simply will not do. God did not send His only Son (Who is God
Himself) to die a cruel death on Calvary to have us put our faith in
sacraments, scapulars, and a church that has never, to this day, stopped
persecuting innocent people who will not convert when it has the

Please define “persecution” - are we talking about bloodshed, discrimination expressed by law, or what ?​

I will pray that God opens your eyes mightily that you might see His
Son—your salvation.

Jeff Zakula

Keepers of the Faith
404 S Mine St
Bessemer MI 49911
Phone - 906 663 6881
Fax - 906 663 6885
I would make sure that no Catholic homeschoolers order ANY of their products. I expect they have a special course for their children entitled “Keep the Irish Papists down”.
That guy sure has taken the Chick bait - hook, line and sinker. And what’s the deal with Tolkein? If the man read anything by Tolkein, and known his history and passions, he’d have known that Tolkein’s works have a very Catholic-Christian theme thourghout even if they were in pagan times. Sheesh!


Actually, according to his web site, he doesn’t believe that we should read fairy tales, fantasy, love stories, murder mysteries or sci-fi.
I would make sure that no Catholic homeschoolers order ANY of their products. I expect they have a special course for their children entitled “Keep the Irish Papists down”.
Actually, I ordered it before I considered becoming Catholic. I hadn’t not actually looked through their site. I had just heard this particular book praised. 😦
Correct me if I’m wrong… It looks as if he replied to a defense of Tolkien on your part and then cut and pasted a bunch of paragraphs to point out the “errors” of the Church.

First off, I believe JRR was avidly into Mythology, not the same thing as paganism. Beyond that, I would go with the one thing at a time approach. IF he is truely “open-minded”

And yes, 65 million, 95 million, 20 million? If you have a copy of Karl Keating’s “Catholicism and Fundamentalism”, there’s a chapter on the inquisition, in fact, there’s probablly a chapter on each of his paragraphs… They are pretty standard.

His personal sharing about the bad catholic croatians and the good orthodox serbs is meaningless in the 500+ years of blood and hatred between these two groups, but you may want to remind him that there’s plenty of blame to go around.

Good luck.
KDoerr said:
If you bite into a piece of fruit and find it intensely rotten, do you consume the whole thing to make sure it is rotten in its entirety, or do you spit it out and seek decent nourishment?

There are also enlightening accounts of more current activities by Jesuit covert operatives in the writings by Alberto Rivera, another ex-Jesuit who turned from Catholicism to Christ.)

The Inquisition did not value life at all. Nor did the Catholic church during World War II. Hitler received the very highest award that the Catholic church bestows upon a “defender of the faith.” I expect that you did not know that the church supported Hitler until it became evident that he would probably not win. Was the Holocaust what Jesus taught?

Well, there is one bit of truth in that entire e-mail you received: if you bite into a piece of fruit and find it intensely rotten, you don’t keep trying it to see if any of the rest of it is good. (Well, when I lived in West Africa we might have done that if we were hungry enough. But in general, one doesn’t.) In the same way, I think you’ve gotten enough responses on the specific points raised in the original e-mail to understand that it is pretty complete hogwash.

I remember reading some of Alberto Rivera’s stuff about 25 years ago, in my Protestant days. He is indeed very closely connected with Jack Chick. When his charges first came out, the Diocese of Milwaukee offered a reward of $10,000 to anybody who could prove them true. To the best of my knowledge nobody has collected.

Regarding the Church’s conduct about the Nazis, I would dearly love to see a credible historical reference for the award to Hitler of “Defender of the Faith.” If you read the encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge you can see that the Pope very clearly identified the Nazis as agents of the Devil in 1937. I have heard that another excellent source is Pinchas Lapide’s book Three Popes and the Jews, although I have not read it myself. Lapide is an Israeli historian who has taken the trouble to study the historical documents regarding Pope Pius XII during the Second World War and is one of Pius’ greatest defenders.

We are at something of a disadvantage: it takes a dollar’s worth of truth to counter a nickel of lies. There are a lot of lies in the e-mail you received, and answering all of them is quite a monumental task. I hope that Jeff Zakula finds his way over here–he will be in for a shock.
  • Liberian
I received this email today. Any help on it would really be appreciated.


The things that most upset us can be our biggest learning experiences. I hope that you can be open-minded and take advantage of what I am about to write. I also hope that you believe what you said about ignorance. Your belief may be about to be put to the test. Are you Christian enough to embrace truth?
First, I spent ten years in Catholic schools being trained in Catholic theology. I know what Catholic theology is and I know what God’s Word (yes, it is God’s Word)

You agree with the CC’s teaching on this ? Excellent 🙂

says a Christian is.

Second, I reviewed Tolkien, not his works. A man’s works do not stray from his passions. His passions were self-admittedly centered avidly on paganism. This is not my consensus. It is Tolkien’s.

That must be why he was devoted to the Blessed Sacrament 🙂 - and to Our Lady :). At least one CAFie has a Tolkien quotation mentioning this as his sig.​

Third, on that basis and the reading of certain passages from his works, yes, an informed individual can reach intelligent judgments about those works.

If you bite into a piece of fruit and find it intensely rotten, do you consume the whole thing to make sure it is rotten in its entirety, or do you spit it out and seek decent nourishment?

I hate wasting food, so I try to get rid of the manky bits and to keep the good bits.​

Now, I am going to get you started on a path to the possibility of the knowledge to separate true faith from some of its counterfeits. I doubt that you have ever known any of this before,

I for one have often read this sort of thing before - like a lot of other Catholics​

but I warn you, should you read any further, you, as you stated, will lose all excuse for ignorance. Read on at your own risk.
The Catholic church, during its inquisition, slaughtered an estimated sixty-five million people who refused to become Catholics.

Which of the Inquisitions is meant ?​

The medieval one founded in 1184 ?

One of the local variations of this ?

The Spanish Inquisition founded by the Catholic Kings Ferdinand & Isabella ?

The Roman Inquisition refounded in 1542 ?

That at Venice ?

All ? Some ?

A lot of those executed would have been put to death by any court in Europe, for activities ranging from homosexual intercourse to witchcraft to murder to heresy. ##
These were not just murdered. Most were tortured in ways that nearly exceed believability.

As could be said of many Catholic martyrs in (Protestant) England. Neither religion comes up smelling of roses, sad to say. Which is a good reason to not to sling mud at each other.​

A great place to start in verifying this is a book called The Martyr’s Mirror. Did Christ teach this way? Now, the church is doing all that its worldwide influence and its undercover Jesuit agents can do to rewrite history to erase this fact. Did Jesus teach this way?

The Catholic church’s tentacles are so widespread that you probably think that John Wilkes Booth acted alone in assassinating Lincoln, but a whole group of high-ranking Catholic operatives were hung for being co-conspirators and assisting him. (See Fifty Years in the Church of Rome by an ex-Jesuit who Lincoln defended against charges brought by the Jesuits, which cost him his life. There are also enlightening accounts of more current activities by Jesuit covert operatives in the writings by Alberto Rivera, another ex-Jesuit who turned from Catholicism to Christ.)

Is this the former Jesuit bishop Alberto ordained a Catholic bishop round about 1970 (according to his own account), of whose status as a bishop no evidence exists ? The Alberto who said that the Spanish Inquisition tortured a baby ? The Alberto who claimed - without giving any details to support his story, except that it happened before 1936 - that nuns had children by priests and murdered the babies ?​

I see from your Terri Schiavo postscript that you value human life. You may have to decide whether you are a Catholic or a Christian. The Inquisition did not value life at all.

If harsh laws are to be the test, neither did other institutions. If burning for heresy is unpleasant in England or Spain, so is being disembowelled for treason in England.​

Nor did the Catholic church during World War II.
Hitler received the very highest award that the Catholic church bestows upon a “defender of the faith.”

Canonisation ? I don’t think so. Hitler was not that keen on Catholics. One could even say without exaggeration that he did not like Catholicism - loathed and despised it, in fact. I wonder what this honour might be.​

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