Help learning about Catholic politics?

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Not sure if this belongs here so just let me know if it doesn’t.

The recent kerfuffle at First Things over Fr. Mortara and integralism got me curious about Catholic political thought and teaching, but I’m having trouble finding any good resources on it. Can any of you direct me to some good books or other resources for learning about Catholic political thought?
The Ten Commandments. The Beatitudes. The Vatican web site. Google Vatican’s teaching on issues—PRO LIFE! PRO ISRAEL! The Jews are God’s chosen ppl. If you bless the Jews, you will be blessed. If you curse the Jews, you will be cursed. Jerusalem is God’s Holy City., Jesus cries for Jerusalem during His Via DOLOROSO. Look up RNC PLATFORM and DNC PLATFORM Come to your own decision. We, make our own choices. Catholics are told to be Pro-Life. Politicians who are Pto-Choice are not to receive communion. There are priests who do what they want.
Look up abortion. Find Father Z’s blog. He has a soliloquy on Homosexuality.
In Christ’s love
Google Natl debt. Notice since 1929, the debt climbed for all. One time it dropped slightly. I forgot which Pres. Dropped it. Clinton’s didn’t drop it. Politicians say things and we believe. SNOPES.COM has some interesting facts.
Google Trumps Crimes. CLINTONS CRIMES IN ARKANSAS. It gives you an idea how difficult it can be. Be thorough and be honest. Pray for Jesus’ heart.
In Christ’s love
God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can.
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Do you have links to the Vatican’s “PRO ISRAEL!” doctrines? Sometimes people mix up the Protestant Zionism and think that the Church is part of that political camp. She is not Zionist.

The RNC enshrines in their platform the right to abortion, they protect loopholes that every single abortion can walk through with room to spare. They have had decades to keep the promises they make to single issue voters, they are not going to do it. They pay lip service to harvest votes of well meaning people.
Roe vs. Wade is still allowing abortions. The votes didn’t add up till now. Plus, you need the Judges to be Conservative. No lip service but a big hill to climb.
My Catholic Bible is Zionist. If RC isn’t, they answer to God. The Jews STOLE PALESTINE. Our Bible says God gave them the Promised Land. They had to war w ppl to clear the land. Jerusalem is their Holy City. Jesus cried over Jerusalem.
No challenge in my book.
God have mercy on us.
In Christ’s love

God, most Holy Trinity. Something about this is wrong here. Your word is true. I don’t understand the RC church not blessing Your chosen ppl. I don’t understand this move to discard VatII. The Holy Spirit was invited in the Church. Sorry, Don’t Deny the Holy Spirit. Only God will know…in Jesus name. Amen.
Thanks. Just ordered this and The Benedict Option. Newbie here
Thank you for your response! I’ve put it on my wishlist.
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Okay! You’re correct. One Rep. SCjudge b/cm the most liberal. God is watching us from a distance.
Thank You
In Christ’s love
I believe in the separation of church and state. I think “Church” and “politics” should be mutually exclusive, unless there is something that directly, materially affects the institutional church like tax exempt status. I don’t see much good has ever come of churches messing in politics.
They all have to abide by the Catholic Church and in tandem with the teachings of the Gospel.
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or to petition for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

This refers to Europe’s practice to change religion to whatever the King practiced.
Congress cannot make a religion.
The ammendment prevents Congress from PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION.
Means: Religion is a freedom for all and Congress cannot impede our practice.
The liberals kept yelling the first part for a long time. Conservative lawyers, finally, got on board defending our right to exist.
Now the cake case: It will be overturned. She makes special cakes w her hands. A gift?? They could get a regular cake but they wanted a special design that the Baker could not do. It was more specific for the same sex marriage idea. I think I saw the plaintiff have a ridiculous statement. How she is psychologically injured. Get Real! She’ll live and go to another Baker.
God forgive all
I’m Christs love
Christianity is not Right or Left, nor is it Nationalist or Globalist. If you look at the teachings of the Church, which itself is informed by even older Jewish tradition and the idea of Natural Law (which lines up pretty well with the Ten Commandments, by the way), you will find that the Church is actually pretty centrist. The Church does not take sides with political parties or governments, but it is certainly not indifferent to the condition of men and the ways in which government, for good or ill, affects them. There are things various governments have done or tried to do that the Church specifically spoke out against, because they were harmful to the people living under those governments.

Fundamentally, the Church believes that governments should work for the benefit of their nations (the people), but it doesn’t say how that government should be organized. If anything, it says that different nations may find different ways to be governed, and that’s okay. Certainly you will find very different sorts of governments as being compatible with the Catholic Church if you go back through history.

Since you asked specifically for some books, I suggest you find a copy of The Popes Against Modern Errors: 16 Papal Documents, which contains (you guessed it) 16 papal documents attacking various errors in social and political movements from 1832 to 1950. It’s not the easiest read, and arguably not all of it is about politics, but it will give you an idea of the sorts of things the Church doesn’t like to see going on in various nations.
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CAF has been largely hijacked by the American Right so I wouldn’t look here as a primary source in forming your conscience regarding politics.
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