Help me Lord!

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I am 16 years old. For a long time I have been struggling with smoking cigarettes, and I have finally decided to give up this terrible habit. I know it’s a sin, but for a long time I have just kept doing it. But I can’t anymore. I’m harming my body and my relationship with God for something that’s just not worth it. I don’t even know why I did it in the first place. Anyway, I would really appreciate everyone’s prayers and support, because I know it is really going to be a struggle. Thank you.

I am 16 years old. For a long time I have been struggling with smoking cigarettes, and I have finally decided to give up this terrible habit. I know it’s a sin, but for a long time I have just kept doing it. But I can’t anymore. I’m harming my body and my relationship with God for something that’s just not worth it. I don’t even know why I did it in the first place. Anyway, I would really appreciate everyone’s prayers and support, because I know it is really going to be a struggle. Thank you.
You are in prayers. My husband just quite this New Year after smoking since his teens - he’s 33. It’s great that your doing this now. God Bless!
Yes I will pray that you are stronger than the habit of tobacco. Quite often psychologists will try to replace a harmful habit with a harmless or even a helpful habit. When hypnosis is used to stop the tobacco habit they always introduce some other harmless habit. So find a substitute! Do that when you find yourself reaching for a cigarette.
It may take 2 to 3 weeks to develop this. Get out and run until you cant run anymore - you don’t feel like smoking then.:yup:
I’ll say a prayer for you. It’s going to be a hard thing, I"m not going to lie to you. I’m attempting to quit now too. Good for you for being smart and realizing how awful smoking really is. Exporter had a good idea. Exercise makes you feel good about yourself, like you don’t want to pollute your body afterwards. Keep going 👍
God will help you through your struggle…you are right it is not worth it. I smoked socially for about the last 17 years, God gave me the strength to see what a poison it is to our bodies.

I work in healthcare & constantly see the end result in patients who are suffering & dying from years of addiction. It is a truly horrible way to die. To get an idea of what emphysema feels like get a small straw & try breathing with that only for a few seconds…it teaches you that breathing is a GOOD thing! 👍

I will pray for you, you can do it with God’s help…
You are in my prayers. I kicked after 30 years. Buy lots of gum.
You are in my prayers. I kicked after 30 years. Buy lots of gum.
I’m pulling for you. I too am trying to give up this terrible habit. I started much later in life, after I knew better… But this is one of my goals for lent, giving up tobacco, taking time to say at least 1 rosary a day, and no television…
I smoked my last cigarette today. I was sitting there smoking it, wondering how I was going to get my next pack of cigarettes. Then I said to myself, “I’ve gotta quit this.” I promised the Lord that I would not smoke again, and I intend to keep this promise. I threw my empty pack of cigarettes and my two lighters into the woods. Now that I don’t have any more cigarettes hopefully it will not be so much of a temptation. Please help me Lord!
I smoked my last cigarette today. I was sitting there smoking, wondering how I was going to get my next pack of cigarettes. Then I said to myself, “I’ve gotta quit this.” I promised the Lord that I would not smoke again, and I intend to keep this promise with His help. I threw my empty pack of cigarettes and my two lighters into the woods. Now that I don’t have any more cigarettes I hope that it will not be so much of a temptation. Please help me Lord!
Nick, You will have craving and want to smoke. You will feel pressure and want to smoke. You will get board and want to smoke.

BE STRONG. The first 72 hours is the worst of it. Most of the nicotien will be out of your system in 3 days. After that, it’s phycological.

Sounds like you have a lot of people pulling for you here and I’m one of them.
I smoked my last cigarette today. I was sitting there smoking it, wondering how I was going to get my next pack of cigarettes. Then I said to myself, “I’ve gotta quit this.” I promised the Lord that I would not smoke again, and I intend to keep this promise. I threw my empty pack of cigarettes and my two lighters into the woods. Now that I don’t have any more cigarettes hopefully it will not be so much of a temptation. Please help me Lord!
Lent is a fabulous time to give it up. I am proud of you. Lean on God and use this Lent to let Him help you through this cross of yours.

Keep thinking Lent, sacrifice.

I will pray for your strength.
Hi Nick,
Just wanted to add my prayers for you as well. I smoked for almost 10 years myself and know how hard it is to stop.

I echo everybody here: STAY STRONG! And even if a month, or two, or five, goes by and you think you’ve “kicked the habit” and think, well now I can have just ONE, DON’T do it! I said that same thing and ended up starting up again. One leads to one more leads to one more leads to … you get the picture. 🙂

You are in my prayers. Keep us posted!
I pray that you’ll make it.
As others have pointed out, smoking is terrible to your health. My dad died of lung cancer.
However I don’t think smoking is a sin. Don’t beat yourself up unnecesarily. C.S. Lewis, probably the greatest apologist of the 20th century, smoked. Protestants tend to think it’s a sin, along with drinking, but I doubt that Catholics do.( Correct me if I’m wrong.)
However, it’s dangerous and a good idea to kick the habit. Plan to buy yourself something nice, some great music or tickets to a play, with the money you save.
:gopray2: Prayer is sent! :gopray2:

I were in your shoes two years ago. I want to share a link with you that was of great help to me:

Start with “Thinking” at the left side and continue step by step through the program. The program also helps you not to give in if you fall!

This day while fleeting around at Internet I found something that I think will be of help for you: a Catholic Self Help webpage, included how to stop smoking:



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