I’m doing a week of Vacation Bible School at our church – I’m a “crew leader” (didn’t everyone buy the Lava Lava Island package??) and I have 5 little 3rd graders … All sweet bright children, I’m really enjoying them –
Now yesterday we had a talk about Jesus being the “Hope of the World” and I asked them the questions we’re given to ask, “Why is Jesus the Hope of the World?” and they didn’t know (or weren’t talking, whichever )
So I said, “Well Did Jesus Just come, hang out, do a few miracles and them go back?”
“Yeah!” says one …
I said, “If Jesus hadn’t come we wouldn’t be able to get to Heaven, right?”
and another said, “Really??”
Here I become at a loss for how to talk in a “Catholic” way, I’ve only been Catholic for a little over a year and I find I still have TONS of Protestant terminology and thinking that I need to work on! … so I said, “Jesus died for our sins so that we could go to Heaven, that’s how Jesus is the hope of the World, he gives us hope to one day be able to join him in Heaven.”
I fell like I need to do better! I know how as Protestant you’d approach salvation with children or anyone really – but I don’t know how you do this as a Catholic! Honestly until a few months ago I was happy converting and raising my children Catholic but I’d planned all along to one day have that “prayer of salvation” with them because I though that was the only way – it was only after having a long conversation online with some “fundie” Evangelicals about what it really means to be Catholic did I realize there’s no scripturial basis for this “sinner’s prayer” and it was just a Protestant tradition …
This was a HUGE dawning moment for me but alas I haven’t had much time to really sit and dwell on what that means in this sort of situation …
Now yesterday we had a talk about Jesus being the “Hope of the World” and I asked them the questions we’re given to ask, “Why is Jesus the Hope of the World?” and they didn’t know (or weren’t talking, whichever )
So I said, “Well Did Jesus Just come, hang out, do a few miracles and them go back?”
“Yeah!” says one …
I said, “If Jesus hadn’t come we wouldn’t be able to get to Heaven, right?”
and another said, “Really??”
Here I become at a loss for how to talk in a “Catholic” way, I’ve only been Catholic for a little over a year and I find I still have TONS of Protestant terminology and thinking that I need to work on! … so I said, “Jesus died for our sins so that we could go to Heaven, that’s how Jesus is the hope of the World, he gives us hope to one day be able to join him in Heaven.”
I fell like I need to do better! I know how as Protestant you’d approach salvation with children or anyone really – but I don’t know how you do this as a Catholic! Honestly until a few months ago I was happy converting and raising my children Catholic but I’d planned all along to one day have that “prayer of salvation” with them because I though that was the only way – it was only after having a long conversation online with some “fundie” Evangelicals about what it really means to be Catholic did I realize there’s no scripturial basis for this “sinner’s prayer” and it was just a Protestant tradition …
This was a HUGE dawning moment for me but alas I haven’t had much time to really sit and dwell on what that means in this sort of situation …