Help Me Understand My Situation

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Hey! Im 19… and Im just lost, confused and just dumb as well… I know that God wants me to be his priest but I just dont know… Its so hard to explain this… However, My parents aren’t really supportive, since I’m the only child… they keep nagging me about how difficult life is and the value of money is… they want me to earn money and to be rich, but that’s just not what I feel like doing… I just don’t know tbh… Help me please!
God knows your thoughts and wants and will lead you towards His most merciful heart, no matter which pathway that is! 🙂
Hello Brandon, I am no expert but just another 19 years old discerning. A couple of thoughts:

-How long have you been thinking about being a Priest? As you think and live and pray to God, you mature more in your discernment.

-When the quarantine ends, try to find a priest or other experienced Catholic and ask him to be your Spiritual Director. Discerning any Vocation is always better with someone who has already “walked the path”.

-This is more debatable, but I think you shouldn’t tell too many people excepting your Spiritual Director about your Vocation. That way you can focus on what God says in your life, and not in what others think you might “fit” (like, “you would be a better husband, you would be a better priest, you should have a stable economic life, etc.”)
I have only met one person in my life whom I consider a Hero. His name was Fr. Cyprian (A Franciscan T.O.R.). I asked him one time how he knew he was supposed to be a priest, and he told me when he was 17 years of age he heard an individual giving a commentary on the radio while quoting Revelation 3:15-17 and at that moment he knew for certain that is what God was calling him to do. He lived till his upper seventies and passed away several years ago. The amount of good he done for me, my family, and I feel certain, for everyone he encountered in life, is immeasurable.

Do what you believe God is calling you to do, I will keep you in my prayers.

God Bless
I have been having these thoughts for like 2 years… Its not like I want to be a priest but Its like I was meant to… I just have this feeling that I must be a priest and serve the people and to bring them to the Lord… Its just who I am… But I don’t know tbh… I just have no proper answer… I have talked to the priest at my place and to the vocation director as well… The Priest I talk to is absolutely amazing and understanding, however the vocation director ain’t supportive at all… He told me that I was escaping reality and that I don’t want to work and was wasting my parents money and some other stuffs… I just dont know tbh… I felt like slapping him but maybe he’s right… I just dont know tbh…
the vocation director ain’t supportive at all… He told me that I was escaping reality and that I don’t want to work and was wasting my parents money and some other stuffs…
That’s an interesting thing for a vocation director to say. What do you think gave him that impression about you?
Why is that when a young person trusts their parents enough to communicate their heart to them about their life calling, some parents want to crush that in their kid and try to dictate a path totally opposite and different than what their kid has been called to? Why do parents do that? Do they think they know better than God? Knock that sort of thing off, parents! Support your kid in his or her heartfelt calling. If it turns out to not be the right path, let your kid find that out on his or her own. Don’t be dream crushers, and don’t try to discourage an honest vocation simply because it’s not what YOU would prefer. It really gets my hackles up when I hear of parents doing this. It’s a power trip, and it’s selfish!

And I would also suggest that you speak to a different vocation director. That guy sounds like he couldn’t care less about what’s right for you.
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Wow! I have to admit I am a little envious of your age. I am almost 50 years

I would love to be your age again and have my life in front of me.

Don’t be so hard on yourself. Being lost and confused and dumb is certainly
n ot limited to being 19. You will feel that way more than once as you go through

Do you have an Adoration chapel nearby where you can spend time in prayer?

Are you going to college now? Can you speak with your priest and ask his advice
or if he can recommend you speak with someone else who can help you discern.
You are still young.

Prayers offered for you to find someone to advise you and for your discernment.
Yea I have a adoration chapel nearby and am going to college… Im currently doing my foundation and in like 4 months, I’m gonna start my degree… the Vocation Director didn’t let me to go for the seminary, as he said that I was too young for it and that the seminary is not a “test-field”… I just don’t know what I should do right now, other than praying.
I dont know to be honest… I just dont… He said that he didn’t want to demotivate, and yet he said those things… I seriously did not understand what he said. In my mind, I was just wondering about how was he chosen as a vocational director
Is it possible you gave the impression that you saw religious vocation as an escape from the rat race?

Please understand, you’re not stupid or bad if that’s the case. There’s something incredibly romantic about a higher calling. You go on retreat and it’s all so peaceful.
But just like how marriage has incredible joys along with crushing sorrows, the religious life has this too.

Not to mention many mundane and boring aspects 🙂
Hahahahahaah… I don’t know tbh… I’m just a lost kid searching for what God has planned for me.
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