Ok some background. My cousin “Cindy” and I are only a year apart. As kids we lived only 2 blocks away from each other and hung out all the time. Her parents moved out of state due to a job transfer. Recently my cousin “Cindy” moved back to our state. She is recently divorced, no kids (husband was never “ready”)and is 34 years old.
I was pretty excited to rekindle our friendship. Well when she first got back we were talking and our conversation turned to faith and how important it is for my husband and I and our family. She seemed very enthused about returning to the church. (She was raised Catholic but stopped going quite a while back and married outside the church.) I was really happy about that so she started attending Mass with our family. Went to confession with us and everything.
Now for the problem she’s really starting to drive me crazy. She talks almost non-stop and completely dominates the conversation. When she calls it takes me over an hour at least to get off the phone with her. She doesn’t just talk to me she talks to everyone.
For instance we made a quick stop at the grocery store after one of lunches together. She struck up a converstion with the man behind the deli counter while he was taking care of her order. She continued to talk to him after he was done and he was trying to take care of other customers. I finally walked away and did pretty much my weeks worth of grocery shopping waiting for her stop telling this man her life story. It had to have been at least 30 minutes.
Another time she called and asked what I was doing that day. I told her I planned to go to adoration to make a holy hour. She asked if she could come. When we got to church I stopped in at the bathroom. When I came out she had struck up a conversation with an elderly woman in the vestibule. I waited politely about 10 minutes before I finally went into the church alone. She continued talking to this woman for over a half hour. Her voice was so loud I could hear it (as well as all others who were there) all the way inside the church. When she finally came in and sat beside me she tried to talk to me about this conversation she had with this woman. I finally leaned over and asked her if we could talk about it later.
There’s other things -she constantly complains about having no money and yet everytime we go out she’s alway buying things. Things like knick-knacks,clothes, cd’s ect. She’s on her third job since moving back and it hasn’t been even a year. Her bosses/co-workers are “too demanding” or “unappreciative” or “rude”. The way she talks about her current job I don’t think it’s going to last much longer either.
Her first job she actually got working at my Aunt and Uncle’s business (not her parents -a different Aunt & Uncle). When she found out some of her co-workers were making more money than her she was upset and asked for more money. My Aunt said they had more experience and turned her down. She kept some important papers my Aunt needed in retaliation -feeling completely justified in doing so. Eventually she changed her mind and returned them but when my Aunt found out she fired her.
I know this is already too long… I feel bad for her, she lives alone and she talks about how lucking I am to a have husband and children. I know she lonely -but she exhausting to be around. And her attitude just grates on my nerves. I sometimes wonder if this is some sort of mental illness she has.
I was pretty excited to rekindle our friendship. Well when she first got back we were talking and our conversation turned to faith and how important it is for my husband and I and our family. She seemed very enthused about returning to the church. (She was raised Catholic but stopped going quite a while back and married outside the church.) I was really happy about that so she started attending Mass with our family. Went to confession with us and everything.
Now for the problem she’s really starting to drive me crazy. She talks almost non-stop and completely dominates the conversation. When she calls it takes me over an hour at least to get off the phone with her. She doesn’t just talk to me she talks to everyone.
For instance we made a quick stop at the grocery store after one of lunches together. She struck up a converstion with the man behind the deli counter while he was taking care of her order. She continued to talk to him after he was done and he was trying to take care of other customers. I finally walked away and did pretty much my weeks worth of grocery shopping waiting for her stop telling this man her life story. It had to have been at least 30 minutes.
Another time she called and asked what I was doing that day. I told her I planned to go to adoration to make a holy hour. She asked if she could come. When we got to church I stopped in at the bathroom. When I came out she had struck up a conversation with an elderly woman in the vestibule. I waited politely about 10 minutes before I finally went into the church alone. She continued talking to this woman for over a half hour. Her voice was so loud I could hear it (as well as all others who were there) all the way inside the church. When she finally came in and sat beside me she tried to talk to me about this conversation she had with this woman. I finally leaned over and asked her if we could talk about it later.
There’s other things -she constantly complains about having no money and yet everytime we go out she’s alway buying things. Things like knick-knacks,clothes, cd’s ect. She’s on her third job since moving back and it hasn’t been even a year. Her bosses/co-workers are “too demanding” or “unappreciative” or “rude”. The way she talks about her current job I don’t think it’s going to last much longer either.
Her first job she actually got working at my Aunt and Uncle’s business (not her parents -a different Aunt & Uncle). When she found out some of her co-workers were making more money than her she was upset and asked for more money. My Aunt said they had more experience and turned her down. She kept some important papers my Aunt needed in retaliation -feeling completely justified in doing so. Eventually she changed her mind and returned them but when my Aunt found out she fired her.
I know this is already too long… I feel bad for her, she lives alone and she talks about how lucking I am to a have husband and children. I know she lonely -but she exhausting to be around. And her attitude just grates on my nerves. I sometimes wonder if this is some sort of mental illness she has.