Help! my friend is having an affair with her half brother!

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I need your help! :confused: I have a friend who confided in me that she is having an affair with her half brother. 😦

I met my friend way back in highscool and we were close friends eversince. We were close in a way that we both confided to each other all our secrets and everything that happens in our lives. We were together till we finished Highschool way back 1994. She met her husband during our highschool days, she got pregnant at the age of 18 and both of them was not able to finish college. They had 2 wonderful children ages 10 and 8, the eldest was even my godchild. Since both were too young when they entered marriage, they encountered a lot of problems like financial, emotional etc. For these reasons, my friend told me she lost her love to her husband and they were just living together because of the children.

Early last year, her husband got a job abroad and left them here in Manila. This was the time that my friend was able to find a job of her own because she was a full time housewife all those years they were married. She was able to enjoy herself now and she told me she is happier now that her husband is away from them.

Just last March 2005, she told me that she told her husband that she is contemplating to have their marriage annulled. Her husband does not approve of it because he realized just now how much he truly loves his family. He promised her that they will work things out when he comes back here in Manila this coming Sept. But my friend insisted that she wants an annullment because she said that there is nothing more to fix in their marriage and she realized she does not love him anymore.

Just 3 weeks ago my friend told me that she accidentally saw her half brother at the mall. Since childhood my friend and her brother was not given a chance to really know each other because the family of her brother does not approve of the mother of my friend. Their father did not marry any of their mothers so they are both children out of wedlock. They did not grow up together but both of them knew that they were siblings. Later when they both were in highschool , they got a chance to really meet each other and spend sometime together as what usual siblings do. But their communication was again stopped because both were busy in school. Both of them lived their own separate lives till they reached college. And now that they finally meet again she told me stories that they are now making up for the lost years they did not see each other. They would go out every night to watch movies and eat dinner. I was happy for her since I know it is a good time for her to be reunited with her family. Little did I know that after a few weeks gone by, it seems that something was not right…they were already feeling something else for each other.

She told me just last week the truth, she was crying and she did not know what to do. She was very guilty and confused. We were really honest to each other and we really tell each other what we truly feel about each other. She told me that she knows that it is morally wrong but they can’t control their feelings. I am a Roman Catholic just like her and I grew in a family with high morals. Of course I told her to stop it right away not only because it is sinful, but because it will just ruin both their lives.
I really talked to her and gave her advice but until now she is not doing anything to stop the relationship.

I feel she is just confusing her feelings to her brother as romantic love, but I cannot seem to convince her. What am I going to do about it? What can i tell her to make her understand and make her listen and follow my advice? I want for her to fix her marriage with her husband because I know somehere in a little portion of heart, she still loves him. She told me she knows the consequences of what she is doing right now, but the temptation is really hard to ignore. maybe because she was overwhelmed with what she is feeling right now… PLease help me, I want to save my friend from a BIG mistake she will commit if she continues this relationship. Nobody but me knows it right now, even her brother is calling me and convincing me to accept their relationship. I told him bluntly that they were siblings and their relationship as a couple will only bring trouble and disgrace but he won’t listen.

PLease tell me what to do, i need to save my friend. Thanks!

Her half brother? That is incest, disgusting. She sounds like a total creep. You (and her husband) should just dump this jerk and he should do all in his power to make sure he gets custody of the kids. Given her creepiness, its quite possible that she was never fit to make a marriage commitment so he might be able to get an annulment.
Your friend is quite lost at the moment. I would see your priest for advise and ofcourse pray for her to see the greivous error that she is making.
You need to really talk to her. She needs to really think about her children instead of herself. She is being selfish. Does she even care about what her kids think of this. That is their uncle. :eek: How sick is that. Someone is going to get hurt badly in this relationship. It also seems like her brother is a perverse individual to even ask you to accept their relationship. Get help from your Church and tell the rest of the family maybe they can get them to stop.
You should tell her and her brother that you will no longer be any part of this, then remove yourself from them entirely. Talk to a priest and tell him the story. Maybe he could go to her and offer her spiritual help if she is not willing to go to him. This is a case where I think her husband should be told about the affair. He needs to make the best decision for his children. Unfortunately, sounds like this woman has many problems. Her husband must be informed.

Love and peace

Her half brother? That is incest, disgusting. She sounds like a total creep. You (and her husband) should just dump this jerk and he should do all in his power to make sure he gets custody of the kids. Given her creepiness, its quite possible that she was never fit to make a marriage commitment so he might be able to get an annulment.
Wow…what great advice. That is EXACTLY what our friend was wanting to hear!


Don’t you think she already KNOWS this? That it is a unpleasant situation?

I don’t know what to tell this lady… except my prayers are with her and all involved in the situation. This must be difficult for her to hear.

Keep open communication with your friend. You don’t have to approve of her behavior… but, you can accept her as your friend.

You may want to point out the many negatives her behavior could produce. She is the one who is going to have to decide she wants to change her situation. You can only guide her to the many ways to get help.

If she is a Catholic… ask her if she would like to talk with a priest.
Dear friend

Even though you and I both know that your friend is committing sins of serious and grave matter we cannot know how culpable she is of them at present.

Your friend seems to be searching for love and it appears she has been in a relationship with her husband that has been of late very difficult and the outcome of this is that your friend has not felt loved nor given love in a marriage as it should have been. She must realise her repsonsibility to her marriage vows before God and to her husband and children before she hot foots it to the annulment process. The Priest won’t just jump in and annul their marraige, there would be a period of counselling by the Priest and realistically counselling is what this couple need.

As for her relationship with her half brother, this is more a symptom of her desperation for love and attention and the difficulties in her marriage than it is of true and God given love. There would be no profit other than extreme heartache if you divulged the information you possess about this to her husband.

I think you are doing the correct, just and prudent thing in continuing to tell her about the seriousness of her behaviour and to keep talking with her about this when the opportunity arises and remain a good and kind friend to her. Your friend is increasingly becoming further and further embroiled in her own misery by pursuing this ‘affair’ with her half-brother, she is victimising herself in pursuit of her own happiness or more to the point what she presently percieves as happiness.

I also think there is alot of truth in that she is confusing fraternal love with that of romantic love (eros) and I think this is the case because she has felt so starved of love and affection for a significant period. I cannot imagine or attempt to work out what her half-brother is on with and his co-operation in this relationship is beyond me. I would be inclined to say, that he must have some attraction for his sister and is thinking more on a selfish lust level than a love level!

If he truly loved her (even fraternally) he would kindly rebuff her advances to him in this and respect her marriage even though this marriage is presently problematic and appreciate the true horror of pursuing this deeply and gravely flawed relationship between such close blood relatives.

Your friend possibly confined in her brother about her marriage and in all of this somewhere along the line the emotions have gone down a very wrong track.

Has she really considered if she pursues this relationship the effect it will have on herself and the entire family. Probably she has glimpsed in her mind, but not truly seen it in the cold light of day as it actually is. Her children will resent her for this and may even reject her for this and it may have huge and difficult to repair consequences on her relationship with them.

Keep praying for her, keep talking with her, keep loving her, keep helping her, keep being kind to her and above all keep asking her to stop this relationship; telling her this relationship with her brother is all so very wrong.

Ask her to go and confine in Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, tell her to tell Him every detail of it all (He already knows all about this and is waiting for her to go to Him and ask for His help) and ask for Him to help her with this. Ask her to pray to the Holy Spirit to convict her conscience and help her to act to the benefit of herself and all those she loves. Ask her if she will go and talk to a Priest she finds easy to approach and confine in, they will be more than happy to help her with this.

This relationship with her brother isn’t love and never will be love, it is hugely disfunctional and your friend must not be deceived by emotions; emotions for the most part can be very irrational and cause people the world over to act in many irrational ways, once passion rises we can lose control of what is just. To live and act purely on emotion without using the reason and what we know through Divine revelation to be just is purely wreckless.

Your friend is very vunerable and desperate for love, please be kind to her.

I will keep you and this lady and the entire of her family in my prayers

God BLess you and much love and peace to you

Dear friend

There is another possibility to this situation…

I should have posted after thinking further about this that it is documented that siblings that meet up with each other after an extended period of seperation can fall into sexual attraction to each other, this can even happen between mother and child and father and child who have been seperated. The bond between children that is formed from being siblings together from birth has not been forged and sometimes when siblings meet up later in life the bond that can be formed is frustrated by other emotions especially because of circumstances in each of those persons lives. I presume your friend did not receive any counselling prior to meeting up with her brother, this would have afforded her better preparation for this reunion and would have avoided falling into this well documented problem.

I will try and find you links regarding this documented problem.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

, Family, Fear, Feelings, Genetic Genetic Sexual AttractionBirth

Dear friend

The links above are just a few I found. I briefly remember studying it in my psychology degree and I’m sorry I didn’t think to mention it earlier in my posts.

Your friend need not endure this and can receieve help to rectify her relationships. She is not a freak or abnormal, the human mind is a very complex place and she is experiencing one of the documented problems that can occur when siblings reunite after seperation. Please be very kind to her and help her as I know you desire to do.

Your friend may like to contact a counsellor or agency that can help her and her brother through this. Perhaps her doctor can recommend a Catholic or Christian Counsellor/Psychiatrist to them , this would help save her relationship not only with her husband but also with her brother.

I hope it is helpful in some way.

I am praying for you all xxxx

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


i think you’re right that she’s confused. you seem to be a great friend --keep doing what you’re doing. pray pray pray!!!

we’re praying for your friend and her brother (and you, of course).
springbreeze said:
Genetic Sexual Attraction - Birth, Family, Fear, Feelings, Genetic

Dear friend

The links above are just a few I found. I briefly remember studying it in my psychology degree and I’m sorry I didn’t think to mention it earlier in my posts.

Your friend need not endure this and can receieve help to rectify her relationships. She is not a freak or abnormal, the human mind is a very complex place and she is experiencing one of the documented problems that can occur when siblings reunite after seperation. Please be very kind to her and help her as I know you desire to do.

Your friend may like to contact a counsellor or agency that can help her and her brother through this. Perhaps her doctor can recommend a Catholic or Christian Counsellor/Psychiatrist to them , this would help save her relationship not only with her husband but also with her brother.

I hope it is helpful in some way.

I am praying for you all xxxx

God Bless you and much love and peace to you


What a generous and kind reply, full of compassion and charity.

Mitchiko, PLEASE do as Teresa suggested. Follow these links and pass the information along to your friend. Be gentle but firm in prodding her to seek professional help about this situation.
Springbreeze had a bunch of great suggestions. I can only add a little of my poor wisdom to them and will probably end up reiterating a bunch.

Whatever you do, try not to get mad at your friend. Nature abhors a vacuum, and in the dearth of love for her husband, she has had to find someone else to love - not in the maternal fashion, I mean. Her half brother is (I assume) about her husband’s age. He is an available substitute. I think this is her reason for having an incestuous affair with him - she is frustrated with her life in general. She has been kept away from him, and he is now the forbidden fruit, so to speak. And without her husband, she has needed a substitute husband; so her half brother becomes both.

I think their marriage can still recover from this. Laws of thermodynamics aside, everything that starts out hot must cool off, including love affairs. Eventually, I think your friend will begin to look for a way out, or will distance herself somewhat from her lover. Then is the time for counseling. If her husband is trying to save the marriage, then that’s half the battle won. And it seems that both of them are willing to put up with a little for the children’s sake, which is another plus. The marriage is far from over or annulment. Annulment is not needed right now - just the kind and loving hand of God, a little forgiveness, and a lot of prayer. Best of luck. 👍
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