We have been married for 17 years, have four children between 5 and 16, and are both Christians. Our marriage always struggled, but we managed to overcome most problems. However, now, that I have converted to Catholism, my wife felt, that I left the common basis. Especially the contraception issue has been a big issue between us, as she does not want to take any risks to get more children. I accepted this, but asked her to find a compromise with me, where we could use alternative methods, like natural family planning. She doesn’t want to hear anything about it and expects me, to take full responsibility for contraception, even though she knows, that I would love to have more children. We had some big blows till late at night about this issue, and eventually she packed her things, took three children with her and left. She didn’t leave an address and no note, but I managed eventually to meet her and return the two younger children to our home. I have now all the boys, while she has our daughter. Contacting her was impossible till yesterday, where we spoke for the first time again. She has spoken to a solicitor and wants to take court-action to get the children and said, that she is determined to get a divorce. However, we spoke for a long time, and later she gave me a 15 Point list, that if I would comply she might consider returning. First on the list is that I should get sterilised and second to change the church to one, that is suitable for her. I feel I can comply with most of the other points, even though it means to eat a lot of humble pie, but the first two I find difficult, as they would mean for me, to sacrifice my faith in Jesus. I love my wife, as she is a wonderful person, but unfortunately like me, she is a very strong and determined person and although a Christian like me believes, that we can choose what to believe, as everbody interprets the bible differently. I don’t know what to do, as I desperately love her to come back, especially as some of the children are still very young and need both parents, but I do not want to do this at the expense of my faith. I would appreciate some advise on how to deal with this situation, and please pray for us.
God bless,
God bless,