Albeit, some of the O. T. Laws and how we are supposed to follow. I reckon that the two Great Commandants can be surmised to cover them all…
If you recall, the very first Council was convened to deal with that very question.
Could someone become a Christian without becoming a Jew first? Because what was the Christian identity, except for Jewish people whose Messiah had come? But when pagans began following Christ— did that indicate Christians were something else?
Ultimately, they determined that no, you didn’t have to become Jewish before you became Christian. There was the whole vision-of-Peter thing in
Acts 10, where God told him to eat things he was forbidden by law to eat-- if you remember, people in Maccabees died horrible deaths rather than defile themselves by eating pork, it was that important – and him telling God, “I can’t do that; I’ve never eaten unclean food in my life” and God replying, “Don’t call anything impure that I’ve made clean.”
And so that became an indicator that they were to preserve the moral aspects of Jewish law— don’t murder, honor your parents, don’t lie, don’t covet, don’t steal— but they no longer had to adhere to the cultural aspects of Jewish law-- which is why we’re okay with eating shrimp and lobster and bacon and ham and rabbit and goat, and we don’t care if we wear mixed fibers, or whatever.