Help! Questions after latest RCIA meeting

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Hello everyone,
Some of you have read my previous post regarding my RCIA experience. We are naow moving into the next phase of the class. That leads me to my current issue.
Monday is going to be the Rite of Welcoming. I have no issue with that at all. I asked why Monday is also a Holy Day of obligation. I understan that there are such days in the church, I just wanted to know what Monday was. Well, as I’m sure all of you know it’s the Immaculate Conception. Not Christ but Mary’s. There’s my issue. I cannot wrap my head around the idea that she lived without sin and was conceived without sin. Where does this idea come from just because she was called Blessed. Of course she is/was blessed, she had the honor to be the Mother of Christ.
I don’t want this to be a hang up for me that keeps me from moving forward. I really want to understand and “get it”.
I really like my sponsor, but I just didn’t get it after she answered this. So, yes, I did ask my sponsor incase anyone was wondering.
Thank you so much for any help you can give me.
Hello everyone,
Some of you have read my previous post regarding my RCIA experience. We are naow moving into the next phase of the class. That leads me to my current issue.
Monday is going to be the Rite of Welcoming. I have no issue with that at all. I asked why Monday is also a Holy Day of obligation. I understan that there are such days in the church, I just wanted to know what Monday was. Well, as I’m sure all of you know it’s the Immaculate Conception. Not Christ but Mary’s. There’s my issue. I cannot wrap my head around the idea that she lived without sin and was conceived without sin. Where does this idea come from just because she was called Blessed. Of course she is/was blessed, she had the honor to be the Mother of Christ.
I don’t want this to be a hang up for me that keeps me from moving forward. I really want to understand and “get it”.
I really like my sponsor, but I just didn’t get it after she answered this. So, yes, I did ask my sponsor incase anyone was wondering.
Thank you so much for any help you can give me.
Mary is called the “New Ark of the Covenant” because she carried God inside her. If you look at God’s instructions in the Old Testament on how they were to construct the Ark, which no one was allowed to touch. It had to be as perfect as man could possibly make it Gold refined I believe 7 (?) times. It had to be as pure as possible.

It’s not unreasonable that God, who destined Mary to be the Mother of His Son would grant her this favor so that she would be a vessel worthy of God. If we look at 1 Chronicles 29:1ff, we also see where a house of God is being constructed and nothing but perfection is expected. The Blessed Virgin was created by God to be the “God bearer-Theotokos”. She and she alone from all humanity was destined for this purpose. She was saved by Christ, by His Sacrifice on the Cross, but saved in a manner different from us. She was Saved at the moment of her conception so that satan would have no possibility of touching her.

The early Church regarded Mary as the “Second Eve”. St. Ambrose refers to 1Cor 15:47 when describing Christ as the second Adam and that Mary is the Second Eve. From where did Christ get His human body? The flesh of Jesus, is the flesh of Mary, just as Eve was the Flesh of Adam. (Gen 2:23) She is as pure and uncontaminated as the first Eve was before the fall of Adam. Gen 3:15 say’s “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, …” an immovable bearer between satan and the woman, Mary, the mother of Christ. Satan the source of evil and sin wanted Mary under his control. But God in His infinite wisdom preserved her with great grace that she always remained free from the influence of satan.
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