Don’t know if this is the right place to post this, but here is the situation. The mother of my 16 yo daughter’s best friend recently began attending the Church of Christ. She is requiring her two girls to attend church all day Sunday and twice weekly for further Bible teaching. The church is telling the mother that her daughter must no longer participate in music at school or sports. The mom is abiding by this “counsel” and making her daughter drop out of athletics. This girl is a gifted athlete who has already been to the Jr. Olympics and could possibly try for the next Olympics in her sport. She would certainly get a college scholarship which she will need financially (the mom is a single parent). The mother has gone through the daughter’s clothes telling her that they are immodest and got rid of almost everything in her closet. My daughter’s friend now has to buy all new school clothes out of her small part time summer job income. This is a very good girl. She and my daughter are both “A” students, and have pledged to hold each other accountable to remain pure. Any parent would be so proud of them. This poor girl is devastated and coming to us for help. Are these actions typical of the Church of Christ? How can we address their teachings? My daughter says they do not believe any other churches are Christian. Also, I know I have to walk a very fine line between supporting this young friend and not offending the mother or she will cut off their relationship–she is already limiting most of her other social acivities. My heart is so heavy. Anyone out there that has experience with this group?