I’m in 8th grade, and 13.
I have a problem. My formation teacher doesn’t believe all that the church teaches…for example there are times where people go up around the alter and “sway” during the Eucharistic Prayer & stuff like that. Which some churches have and others don’t. I have tried to stop it by showing her parts of the GIRM which didn’t help, and she has other things she believes in & and teaches that the church doesn’t believe. How do I deal with this? It bugs me really badly. And she’s corupting the rest of my class. Everyone does look to me for answers in formation class, but other than that, I’m not very popular or liked. Because of my beliefs, and what I do & don’t do (in terms of outside of school/extra stuff. Please help.
I’m in 8th grade, and 13.
I have a problem. My formation teacher doesn’t believe all that the church teaches…for example there are times where people go up around the alter and “sway” during the Eucharistic Prayer & stuff like that. Which some churches have and others don’t. I have tried to stop it by showing her parts of the GIRM which didn’t help, and she has other things she believes in & and teaches that the church doesn’t believe. How do I deal with this? It bugs me really badly. And she’s corupting the rest of my class. Everyone does look to me for answers in formation class, but other than that, I’m not very popular or liked. Because of my beliefs, and what I do & don’t do (in terms of outside of school/extra stuff. Please help.