Help Stop the "Morning-After Pill" Bill Today

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**Help Stop the “Morning-After Pill” Bill Today

**The New York State Senate is actively considering a bill (S.3661) that would allow distribution of the so-called “morning-after pill” virtually over-the-counter in drugstores. The legislation, which has already passed the Assembly, would allow pharmacists and nurses to distribute large doses of hormones to females of any age – including minors – without parental knowledge or physician oversight! These are drugs which can cause abortion. Tell your Senator to vote “no” on this dangerous proposal. Take action now! Go here to send your email today. It takes less than a minute to make your voice heard. We have already prepared text for you, which you can edit if you prefer. If you have difficulty opening a link in this email, just go to the Web site below and click the Take Action button.
hello this is the first time ive put somthing on here so if i offend you or anything im sorry. im only 15 and im not catholic but Presbyterian and pretty religious. im growing up in a Democratic family that support gays and dosent have to much of a say on abortion. I really dont know what to believe in because my best friend is very Catholic and preaches to me all the time about sex, and how i should wait and how gays are bad and how ill go to hell if im not pro life. but my brother on the other hand is very into the arts because hes a musician and if you dont know most musical or artsy people are Democratic and are gay. my brothers not, though he has alot of gay friends. but enough of that. Part of me believes that i should be against abortion but the other part of me believes that its no one elses buisness but the mothers. personally i dont think i could do it but thats not how everyone thinks. As ive gotten older i have been in situations that mabey ive done the wrong thing and part of me regrets it and part of me wants more and more, if you get what im talkin about. But i also have people that i love and both my best friends, the Catholic one and another one have both made that same mistake. My Catholic friend cries everynight because she knows shes done something against God and what shes been taught. the other dosent regrets it but dosent take it so hard. I love her to death and have known her since i was 5 and when teenagers are in situations with peer presure and seeing people that theyve known for years do things like drink they think its ok. life is hard when your 15 and a freshman in highschool. everyone is doing things youve never seen before and alot of people dont have any problem with doin it. She was in one of those positions and got drunk and lost her virginity. she dosent remeber anything about it but i know if it wasnt for another one of her best friends, who she called her sister, being there and telling her to drink, she probably wouldnt have done it. the next day she went to get the pill because the boy told her she would probably get pregnant if she didnt. She will still probably have sex but i know she’ll be safe about it from now on. I think the pill is a good thing because i know it would have been the end of her life if she would have had to face being pregnant and i think people should be able to make mistakes without to much punishment. its fair to me sooo thats it. thanks
I think the pill is a good thing because i know it would have been the end of her life if she would have had to face being pregnant and i think people should be able to make mistakes without to much punishment. its fair to me sooo thats it. thanks
Well, some things like a life are simply bigger than one person. Mistakes come with consequences. If you have sex and get pregnant, ending the baby’s life with the morning after pill is making a choice that humans are not meant nor allowed to make. It is killing a human being. There are many options for both the young mother and the child that there is no excuse not to keep the child.

Look at it this way: is your mother allowed to pull out a gun and shoot you just because she is the one who birthed you? No, and thus a pregnant mother does not enjoy any special killing privileges before their child is born.
life is hard when your 15 and a freshman in highschool. everyone is doing things youve never seen before and alot of people dont have any problem with doin it. She was in one of those positions and got drunk and lost her virginity.
Yep, life is tough with responsibility. Kids are reaching the age where they are truly accountable for their actions. As much as peer pressure might factor into a teen’s decisions, in the end, he or she makes those decisions. Coming from a fellow teen, it is time to step up and be adult.

As for what you said about wanting more of something and knowing that you shouldn’t is a sign of maturity and conscience. However, many things, like sex and alcohol, have certain restrictions on them for a reason. Alcohol drinking age is regulated because a child’s body needs time to develope. Sex is regulated in the sense that two people should never have sex until they are married. It is a sacrifice made until a person is truly ready to understand the love and commitment behind such an act.

Well, welcome to the forum, have a good time looking around. And not to flame, but please use proper grammar and punction out of respect for those that take the time to read your post. Thanks.

The next day she went to get the pill because the boy told her she would probably get pregnant if she didnt. She will still probably have sex but i know she’ll be safe about it from now on. I think the pill is a good thing because i know it would have been the end of her life if she would have had to face being pregnant and i think people should be able to make mistakes without to much punishment. its fair to me sooo thats it. thanks
:crying: :crying:

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. :bowdown: :gopray2:

Ok, here is a report for you, young lady, on the pill and it’s effects.

"Birth control pills:
Contraceptive or abortifacient?


A white paper by a number of pro-life physicians has been published claiming that there is no credible scientific evidence for the Pill acting to cause early abortions, except for the minipill. This paper will examine these claims.
One Scrap of Good News:

The one point of ?good news? is that the authors recognize that interfering with the developing human after fertilization or conception is abortion. Thus, they acknowledge that if the Pill does create a ??hostile endometrium? which presumably prevents or disrupts implantation of the developing baby … If it in fact occurs, would be abortifacient.?
Merits of the Scientific Claims:

A cardinal rule of all scientific inquiries is that they allow for replication. Unfortunately, the authors do not identify what journals, treatises, or books they read, or how they went about their literature search. So, whatever they did, an independent observer cannot replicate their effort.

The authors claim that there are no scientific studies verifying the validity of the hostile endometrium assumption. Yet, they provide no guide to the reader identifying the search terms they may used if they explored the Grateful Med search engine at the National Library of Medicine so that anyone else could test their conclusion.

The authors show no familiarity with the considerable effort within the population control movement and the pharmacological industry to disguise the abortifacient mode of operation of birth control chemicals and devices under a barrage of equivocal and redefined words whose common meanings were altered all with the goal of avoiding the abortion controversy. Swedish researcher Bent Boving, at a 1959 Planned Parenthood-Population Council symposium noted that: ?Whether eventual control of implantation can be reserved the social advantage of being considered to prevent conception rather than to destroy an established pregnancy could depend upon something so simple as a prudent habit of speech.? [Bent Boving, ?Implantation Mechanisms,? in Mechanisms Concerned with Conception, ed. C. G. Hartman (New York: Pergamon Press, 1963), 386]

The intent to deceive the public about the abortion causing nature of anti-fertility control drugs and devices was widespread. At the 1964 Population Council symposium Dr. Samuel Wishik pointed out that acceptance or rejection of birth control would depend on whether it cause an early abortion. Dr. Tietze, of Planned Parenthood and the Population Council suggested, as a public relations ploy, ?not to disturb those people for whom this is a question of major importance.? Tietze added that theologians and jurists have always taken the prevailing biological and medical consensus of their times as factual, and that ?if a medical consensus develops and is maintained that pregnancy, and therefore life, begins at implantation, eventually our brethren from the other faculties will listen.? (Discussion, Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Intra-Uterine Contraception, held October 2-3, 1964, New York City, ed. Sheldon Segal, et al…, International Series, Excerpta Medica Foundation, No. 86, page 212)"

The rest of this report can be found at
my young friend,
do you think that we have the right to destroy a child that God has created just because we had sex while we were drunk? Do you believe that God created man in his own image and so a baby is truly a child of God? If you believe that then you should know in your heart that God’s children are precious and should have the same right to live as the mother. I know peer pressure is hard but that is part of growing up, learning to make the tough decisions and being able to live with your decision. God did create woman to be the mate of man and thus we have marriage, between a man and a woman and they were commanded by God to Go forth and multiply. Last time I checked 2 men or 2 women could not multiply by them selves, hence we have marriage between a man and a woman. The act of love making is a sacred gift given to us from God for marriage. We as humans don’t fully understand what is best for us all the time. God told us so we would know what he wants of us. This is why we have marriage and why sex is only acceptable within the confines of marriage. Any child that results of this union is therefore a blessing and sacred to us and to God. How can we sit back and allow a creation of our God to be murdered then? We can’t, we must speak out for the innocent child that cannot defend themselves. Following God is not meant for the faint hearted dearest young one, it is all about love…having enough love for God and for all his creations to speak out in defense of his most defenseless members. Even when the opinion is not the popular opinion of the people, we are obligated to follow all of God’s commandments, trust in all of God’s plans for us, but in my opinion the most important is to be Christ-like in our everyday lives. Would Christ kill a baby because it is inconvenient? Would Christ condone breaking a command given by his father? I don’t think so! I know you learned by what you saw around you and that is unfortunate. All humans are flawed and therefore sin but if we are called to be Christlike, then we must put aside what we may have been taught if it is not in agreement with the commandments of God. Hon, as sure as I sit here in front of this computer, I can tell you that when you have a baby, you will see God in that sweet innocent child, you will be in awe of God at that moment, and you will, no matter what the circumstance of conception, feel love for this creation of God.
Teenager - the following link will help you understand the abortion issue.

Think about it - the right to choose is the right a mother wants to murder her unborn baby, a baby that has only one difference from a born baby, that is where it lives, in its mother’s protective and secure womb.

From a Constitutional point of view we citizens have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness wherever we live.

Why can’t we love them both?

And if you really want to know the truth spend some time on these forums. Challenge us with your questions and we will tell you the whole truth.
Teenager - the following link will help you understand the abortion issue.

Think about it - the right to choose is the right a mother wants to murder her unborn baby, a baby that has only one difference from a born baby, that is where it lives, in its mother’s protective and secure womb.

From a Constitutional point of view we citizens have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness wherever we live.

Why can’t we love them both?

And if you really want to know the truth spend some time on these forums. Challenge us with your questions and we will tell you the whole truth.
:yup: and it is people in Congress who use th Constitution to say that a fetus isn’t a life… so it doesn’t deserve the inaliable rights.
My friend was in one of those positions, got drunk, and lost her virginity. She doesn’t remember anything about it. The next day she went to get the pill, because the boy told her she would probably get pregnant if she didn’t.

She will still probably have sex, but I know she’ll be safe about it from now on. I think the pill is a good thing because I know it would have been the end of her life if she would have had to face being pregnant. I think people should be able to make mistakes without too much punishment. It’s fair to me, sooo thats it. Thanks Teenager
Question: Why do you think people should be able to make mistakes without too much punishment?? What is too much?

A fifteen year-old girl who is sexually active is ten times as likely as a sexuall active twenty-four-tear-old to develope pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), the most rapidly increasing cause of infertility in the United States.

The birth control pill also icreases a young woman’s chance of contracting an STD because it suppresses her immune system. (“If You Really Loved Me”, by Jason Evert)

I would recommend that you and your friends read this book. It is directed towards teenagers, and their questions about dating, relationships, and sexual purity.

Trust in God, He knows what’s best.

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