Greetings and Peace be unto you,
I would like to know if anyone can help getting the understanding of 1st Cor. 7th chap from the RCC’s teaching. In partiucular I’m speaking of verses 10-16.
My take on what Paul is talking about is that he’s addressing two types of converts into the faith of christ regarding marriage. The converts into the faith of Christ seem to consist of Jews and Gentiles and were already married before coming into the faith. It seems that in one group both spouses believe, therefore Paul tells this group that if there is any separation no one is to remarry, only to reconcile with thier spouse. He explains that this is a command from the LORD and not him. This would cover verses 10-11.
The other group seems to be speaking of couples already married, but where only one spouse comes into the faith or rather believes. In this situation Pauls gives his spiritual advice, not a command from the LORD. He seems to explain to those in this situation that if the unbelieving spouse is pleased to remain together, then the believing spouse should not put the other away. Now on the other hand, and this is where I really want to understand, Paul explains that if the unbelieving spouse choses to rather to leave the other, he says to let them leave because a brother or a sister is not under servitude in such cases. This would cover verses 12-15.
Does this mean the believing is free to remarry?
Also in verse 14, in the online Douay-Rheims Bible I have is commments that verse 14 is simply saying the by the example of the believer the unbelieving spouse my come into the faith. Therefore the children they have would be clean.
My question is what if the unbelieving spouse never choses to believe in the faith, would the children be clean if their believing parent’s example moves them to except the faith?
Thank you helping,
I would like to know if anyone can help getting the understanding of 1st Cor. 7th chap from the RCC’s teaching. In partiucular I’m speaking of verses 10-16.
My take on what Paul is talking about is that he’s addressing two types of converts into the faith of christ regarding marriage. The converts into the faith of Christ seem to consist of Jews and Gentiles and were already married before coming into the faith. It seems that in one group both spouses believe, therefore Paul tells this group that if there is any separation no one is to remarry, only to reconcile with thier spouse. He explains that this is a command from the LORD and not him. This would cover verses 10-11.
The other group seems to be speaking of couples already married, but where only one spouse comes into the faith or rather believes. In this situation Pauls gives his spiritual advice, not a command from the LORD. He seems to explain to those in this situation that if the unbelieving spouse is pleased to remain together, then the believing spouse should not put the other away. Now on the other hand, and this is where I really want to understand, Paul explains that if the unbelieving spouse choses to rather to leave the other, he says to let them leave because a brother or a sister is not under servitude in such cases. This would cover verses 12-15.
Does this mean the believing is free to remarry?
Also in verse 14, in the online Douay-Rheims Bible I have is commments that verse 14 is simply saying the by the example of the believer the unbelieving spouse my come into the faith. Therefore the children they have would be clean.
My question is what if the unbelieving spouse never choses to believe in the faith, would the children be clean if their believing parent’s example moves them to except the faith?
Thank you helping,