hi, i had posted a question to you all about a year ago concerning doing something special for my mom on the one year anniversary of the loss of my dad. i recieved tremendous suggestions.
we are now approaching the 2 year mark and while my sister and i and our families have continued to go on, of course with severe bouts of sadness over my dad, my mom continues to be in a deep depression. it is so bad that she does not go out, turns down about 50% of the things that i ask her to do w/ us and when she does accept, she is not fun. she is actually down right mean to me. i am her ‘whipping boy’ so to speak. she only lives about 7 minutes away and i am lucky if i see her 1 time a week.
things are getting so bad. she is so nasty…she gives me the cold shoulder. now i am to the point that i do not want to be around her and i actually breathe a sigh of rellief when she does not accept an invitation. to top it off…she hates my husband…she has told me this and has no problems telling me his faults…all of which i know (dont we all have them!) but it makes it worse…then she gets me mad at him! if we all go to mass together…she will sit as far away from him as possible and avoids doing peace w/ him.
i have come to realize now how much my ‘saint’ of a father buffered her from us…help
i feel like such a horrible daughter…daughters are supposed to take care of their moms (she is only 62) but at the same time, God help me, i do not like her…God forgive me…
we are now approaching the 2 year mark and while my sister and i and our families have continued to go on, of course with severe bouts of sadness over my dad, my mom continues to be in a deep depression. it is so bad that she does not go out, turns down about 50% of the things that i ask her to do w/ us and when she does accept, she is not fun. she is actually down right mean to me. i am her ‘whipping boy’ so to speak. she only lives about 7 minutes away and i am lucky if i see her 1 time a week.
things are getting so bad. she is so nasty…she gives me the cold shoulder. now i am to the point that i do not want to be around her and i actually breathe a sigh of rellief when she does not accept an invitation. to top it off…she hates my husband…she has told me this and has no problems telling me his faults…all of which i know (dont we all have them!) but it makes it worse…then she gets me mad at him! if we all go to mass together…she will sit as far away from him as possible and avoids doing peace w/ him.
i have come to realize now how much my ‘saint’ of a father buffered her from us…help
i feel like such a horrible daughter…daughters are supposed to take care of their moms (she is only 62) but at the same time, God help me, i do not like her…God forgive me…