Help Wanted: Priests and Brothers for Life

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Help Wanted: Priests and Brothers for Life
                          Fr. Frank Pavone
              National Director, Priests for Life
*In a column he wrote called “Help Wanted: Sisters of Life,” Cardinal John O’Connor presented the idea of a religious community of women specially dedicated to promoting the sanctity of life. He received hundreds of responses, and on June 1, 1991, eight women entered the newly formed community. They now have over 45 members and several convents in the New York City area.

Meanwhile, Priests for Life has helped priests become stronger in their pro-life work, within their own assignments, and will continue to do so.

But is it not time to take yet another step, and create a community whereby priests and seminarians can dedicate their entire lives completely to the defense of life?

Being pro-life is not a hobby. It is a vocation. It is, first of all, a basic aspect of our vocation to be human, and a foundational element of our vocation as Christians. For these reasons, it is integral also to the priesthood. Everyone is called to live out this aspect of his or her vocation in one way or another; many do so by dedicating time to various forms of pro-life activities and prayers.

In the Church, various communities focus on a particular aspect of the Christian vocation, in order to strengthen the rest of us in our fidelity to that dimension of the Gospel. So, for example, the Sisters of Charity focus on service to the needy and vulnerable around the world. They are not the only ones called to exercise charity, but their existence reminds all of us of that common call. Likewise, the Blessed Sacrament Fathers are not the only ones who worship the Blessed Sacrament, but their focus on that aspect of our Faith encourages us all to worship the Sacrament more fervently.

So it is with a community focused on life. Pope John Paul II has written, “No single person or group has a monopoly on the defense and promotion of life. These are everyone’s task and responsibility” (Evangelium Vitae, n.91). The purpose, therefore, of such a community is not to say, “We will take over doing pro-life work – the rest of you don’t have to worry about it.” Indeed, the purpose of the community would be just the opposite – to raise a trumpet call to the whole Church to give the defense of life the priority it deserves, at every level of Church life and ministry!

Some would wonder why, with such a shortage of priests, we would “divert” them to this specialized work. The answer is that the pro-life movement is precisely the source of many new vocations. Many will be led to the priesthood precisely because such a pro-life community exists. And this community would serve parishes nationwide.

I am convinced that the time has come, and I have met numerous young men across the country ready to devote their lives to their unborn brothers and sisters. And therefore I, too, issue this “Help Wanted” call. Those who are interested can contact me at*
thanks for posting this, traditional ang! we’re praying for priestsforlife!!!
I was so happy when I first heard of Fr Pavone making this new order of priests modelled after the Sisters of Life.
Brothers and Sisters - I got this today from Priests for Life:

**Priests for Life Newsletter
Volume 15, Number 3
May-June 2005

Bishop Permits Fr. Pavone to Found New Society**

*Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, officially announced that he is founding a pro-life community dedicated to the formation and training of priests, deacons, brothers and seminarians who will devote themselves fully to the proclamation of the Gospel of Life. This initiative will be based in the diocese of Amarillo, Texas, under the authority and stewardship of Bishop John W. Yanta, Bishop of Amarillo.

“It has been a dream of mine for over a decade to form a community that can accept seminarians who want to devote their entire ministry to the defense of the unborn,” said Fr. Pavone. “While it is true that a few religious orders have pro-life work as a dimension of their activities, the Church has no ‘institutional’ society of men whose primary charism is to protect innocent human life from the tragedy of abortion and euthanasia. It is time for such a community. I am grateful to Bishop Yanta for allowing me the opportunity to make this dream a reality.”

Bishop Yanta, who has served on the Priests for Life Episcopal Board of Advisors since 1998, and who has been particularly devoted to the pro-life cause throughout his priesthood, has already offered several buildings in his diocese that will serve as the center for the new apostolate. “I am excited about supporting Fr. Pavone in venturing forth, with and through the Holy Spirit, in the establishment of a Society of Apostolic Life for priests and seminarians dedicated to pro-life ministry - an immense need at this time in history,” said Bishop Yanta today. “The Lord has provided several vacant buildings that once served as a Christian Brothers High School with boarding facilities, a chapel, gym, and spacious grounds. The Diocese of Amarillo is happy to make these available (at no cost) to Priests for Life and the proposed Society of Apostolic Life.”

This community, while drawing on the spirit and mission of Priests for Life, will be a completely separate entity. Priests for Life will continue to exist as a not-for-profit association of the faithful under Canon Law. Fr. Pavone will continue to serve as the National Director of Priests for Life. In order to initiate the historic formation of this pro-life community of priests, deacons, brothers and seminarians, Fr. Pavone has officially become a priest of the diocese of Amarillo.

“This is a pivotal moment in time,” said Fr. Pavone.“Throughout the history of the Church, God has intervened in times of great moral crisis and has raised up within His Church the charisms necessary to address those crises. I have long been convinced that God is raising up numerous disciples ready to devote their entire lives to ending the tragedy of abortion, which the bishops have identified this as the ‘fundamental human rights issue of our day.’ I have no doubt that we will see a tremendous and immediate response to this initiative.”*

I heard about this almost month ago from the strangest source. But, he got the details right…

Fr. Pavone is right about that last bit. Expect an immediate attack from the Force of Darkness led by the Father of Lies himself. So, Please pray for Fr. Pavone and Priests for Life, and for Bishop Yanta and the Diocese of Amarillo. Please pray that God protcts them from all the attacks of the Evil One and his allies.

If you’re not getting the newsletter from Priests for Life, I think you should sign yourself up. Go to

Blessed are they who act to spare God’s Little Ones, Michael
Deacons for Life

**Deacons’ Corner

Believe, Teach and Practice **

By Deacon Keith Fournier
© Third Millennium, LLC

*“Receive the Gospel of Christ, Whose herald you now are. Believe what you read, Teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.” Bishop’s Charge to the Newly Ordained Deacon

As Deacons we were ordained to serve by being configured to Christ the Servant. We are charged to continue his redemptive mission. One of the unique aspects of the diaconal vocation is the call to charity and social justice. Working to end what Pope John Paul II rightly labeled the “culture of death” and to build what he has called a new “culture of life” and “civilization of love”, flows right from the heart of our ordained vocation. When
we were handed the Book of the Gospels, the Bishop called us to believe, teach and practice. That Gospel is, in the words of Pope John Paul, a “Gospel of Life.”

Many of us are married. We are called to believe, teach and practice everything that the Church teaches concerning marriage and family as a vocation and call to holiness. We are to make our families a “domestic church”, fully living all that the Church teaches concerning the openness to life that is the heart of the nuptial mystery- and to model that openness to life to others. We are also called to believe, teach and practice the full
treasury of the Catholic Church concerning marriage and family without confusion or compromise.

Many of us are engaged in careers or jobs. These are not something we do “outside” of our diaconate. Upon the imposition of hands by the Bishop we changed “ontologically”, as good sacramental theology teaches. We are deacons in everything that we do now, not just those things that seem somehow “spiritual.” Thus, in all of our work we are called to
be both evangelistic and prophetic, living the faith that we proclaim from the ambo, and witnessing to its truth and relevance in every segment of life.

The Early Christian Fathers referred to the Church as the “world reconciled.” One Orthodox theologian I am fond of writes of the world as being “in the course of transfiguration.” We are called to carry on the redemptive mission of Jesus Christ through His Body, the Church, in the real world. Most of us stand at the intersection of faith and culture, and we are called to be instruments for transformation in the current age. Through our diaconal service, some of us also serve in ecumenical environments. This positioning gives us opportunities to present the full truth about life to our Christian friends in other communities and put into practice the Catholic Church’s teaching on authentic Christian cooperation. The pro-life movement is one of the greatest ecumenical efforts of our lifetime. As Deacons we are called to be at the front lines of this movement.

“Deacons in the Service of Life” ( ), an outreach of Priests for Life, is committed to assisting Deacons in their work of building the new Culture of Life through their diaconal ministry. Our mission is to help Deacons believe, teach and practice the fullness of Catholic teaching on life and to instruct, assist and challenge others to do the same.

“Deacons in the Service of Life” is ready to help all deacons to believe, teach and practice this “Gospel of Life.”*

Note: Deacon Keith Fournier is a Deacon of the Diocese of Richmond,Virginia. He is a graduate of the Franciscan University of Steubenville, the John Paul II Institute of the Lateran University and the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Law. A human rights lawyer he has appeared as co-counsel four times at the United States Supreme Court. He has authored seven books.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
That is sooo wonderful:) I love Father Pavone he is a very dedicated priest:clapping: I wonder if it would help if we e-mailed the parishes in our area this info?What do you think Michael?
God forbid it happens, but if my wife dies before I get too old, I’m going to do it - my wife thinks I’d make a good priest!👍
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