
over here,
there is a thread going on Orthodox allowing contraception.
Father Ambrose seems contest the fact that the pill can be an abortifacient. He says it is only a contraceptive. He has asked for information on this to prove it.
post #114
posted by Fr Abrose
Contraceptives in the form of medication which prevent ovulation are not abortifacients although one must be discerning.
If you dispute that then I would ask you, as you have asked of me, that you provide evidence.
He even defined in one post abortifacient and contraceptive, implying that a contraceptive by its nature only prevent conception.Contraceptives such as condoms are not abortificiants.
It is possible to avoid abortifacients. As well as condoms there are the anti-sperm agents, cervical caps, etc.
Although the information informing him differently has been provided, it has not been provided as a medical link he can look at.
I know many of you have such information. Can someone(s) provide a link to a medical site that talks about the abortifacient nature of contraceptives?
Thank you,