I need some help creating a response for a friend. Not sure how to tackle it.
A short back story:
A friend of mine has been talking about sola scriptura and he said that the scripture that were talked about in that verse were from the OT. For example “Paul was teaching Timothy concerning Christ could be found in the OT” then I commented that a lot of the NT hasn’t been written yet nor Canon defined. This “OT argument says that the NT were not necessary for a rule of faith”
He then says this is what the Lord Jesus says, then quotes John 14: 26 and says So then we know the Apostles spoke and wrote all that the Lord Jesus had told them. Peter speaks about Scripture being written even as the Apostles were living… Then quotes 2 Peter 3:16 and then 2 Timothy 3:16 is talking about ALL Scripture In it context, we see it was primarily the OT.
So, the question would be, what teachings do you have that cannot be found in Scripture? What way do you validate sound doctrine? How do we know the “instructions of the Lord Jesus (Mat 28:20)”? Is there a source outside of Scripture?
2 Timothy 3:16 says we will find doctrine and instruction in righteousness in the Scriptures
Also,Paul says to Timothy to preach the Word–the written Scriptures
2 Timothy 4:2-3 He tells Timothy to preach the Word in order to reprove, rebuke, exhort.
So, it would only make sense to take the Apostolic teachings of Christ, found in the Scriptures, and place ourselves under its Authority–as the Word of God. God’s Word represents and Reveals Him–so as we place ourselves under the Authority of the Word of God, we are directly placed under the Authority of God himself.
A short back story:
A friend of mine has been talking about sola scriptura and he said that the scripture that were talked about in that verse were from the OT. For example “Paul was teaching Timothy concerning Christ could be found in the OT” then I commented that a lot of the NT hasn’t been written yet nor Canon defined. This “OT argument says that the NT were not necessary for a rule of faith”
He then says this is what the Lord Jesus says, then quotes John 14: 26 and says So then we know the Apostles spoke and wrote all that the Lord Jesus had told them. Peter speaks about Scripture being written even as the Apostles were living… Then quotes 2 Peter 3:16 and then 2 Timothy 3:16 is talking about ALL Scripture In it context, we see it was primarily the OT.
So, the question would be, what teachings do you have that cannot be found in Scripture? What way do you validate sound doctrine? How do we know the “instructions of the Lord Jesus (Mat 28:20)”? Is there a source outside of Scripture?
2 Timothy 3:16 says we will find doctrine and instruction in righteousness in the Scriptures
Also,Paul says to Timothy to preach the Word–the written Scriptures
2 Timothy 4:2-3 He tells Timothy to preach the Word in order to reprove, rebuke, exhort.
So, it would only make sense to take the Apostolic teachings of Christ, found in the Scriptures, and place ourselves under its Authority–as the Word of God. God’s Word represents and Reveals Him–so as we place ourselves under the Authority of the Word of God, we are directly placed under the Authority of God himself.