My family and I moved from S. Carolina to Florida about 8 months ago. We had been very active in a protestant church for the last 6 years. When we arrived in Florida we visited many protestant churches and didn’t find the Lord leading us toward any of them. Then while flipping through TV channels one night we saw the familiar face of one of our best friends from our old church on the EWTN show “Journey Home”. We already knew he and his family had become Catholic but as we watched and heard what he had to say about the Church we decided to at least learn more about Catholicism. We bought alot of books on apologetics and found ourselves agreeing with the Catholic view on the Eucharist, the role of Mary, and the Church’s authority and disagreeing with our old views of Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide. My wife has one problem with the church’s view — contraception. I know this comes from the thought of our house being overrun by a dozen or more kids as much as from a theological disagreement (I can’t say I don’t shudder a bit myself imagining us hiding behind sofas drawing up a hopeless battle plans to control the horde we willingly procreated). Can anyone give us any advice on how my wife can come to terms with this particular teaching of the church? Also what is the church’s stance on natural family planning and how reliable is that really?