Help with Dream

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I have always thought that dreams are trying to tell you from your subconscious to your conscious. And sometimes that angels, spirits, or God is trying to speak to you.

A few times in my life I have had dreams or even a sense of someone acting speaking to me - an eary sense of someone whispering in my ear. That I am going to Hell. I had strange dreams of the devil chasing me as a child which I don’t think I really was in any sin.

Then in my young adulthood when I was committing mortal sins every day and not repenting, I would get dreams off and on about going to Hell and the Devil.

Now that I am back into the Church and gone to confession and striving to become a good Catholic, I just had another dream that someone told me I am going to Hell. I feel I had this dream because I am in conflict with my beliefs from my Protestant friends telling me that the catholic way is the wrong and false religion.

No I am think the dreams of going to Hell is no longer a warning sign from God or the angels and spirits that care for me. It must be the Devil trying to give me fear?
Father Benedict Groeschell wrote a wonderful book The Still Small Voice, is the name (I think) that addresses this situation. He teaches that often times the dreams or the thoughts we have are really our own conscience and not necessarily a supernatural voice. Certainly, if you have outside influences trying to steer you away from the Truth, this is going to cause inner conflict and that may show up in your dreams. However, the Church teaches that the Devil is a person, a fallen angel, and cannot enter into our lives without our consent - even our small consent. I think, and I am certainly no expert, that you are still struggling. There is nothing wrong with that…we all struggle every day to walk with Jesus and to be holy. Why not take this dream to your confessor? Take it also to Jesus in your daily prayers and tell Him of your fears that the Devil may be trying to tempt you away from the Throne of Peter? Ask for the grace to stay strong. If anything, this will strengthen your prayer life and you will be comforted knowing that you turned to Him who has all power when you feel afraid.

It’s just a thought. You are in my prayers!
A simple prayer recommended to be prayed three times a day, first to focus the day, second at mid day to re-focus and thirdly at night to obtain protection from sinister attack in sleep in our dreams is:
Say,“Through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, (making the sign of the cross on your forehead), I consecrate my thoughts, (making the sign of the cross on your lips), my words, (making the sign of the cross on your heart), my body, (making the sign of the cross on your left shoulder), my heart and (making the sign of the cross on your right shoulder), my soul that the Will of Jesus Christ be done in me today.”
No I am think the dreams of going to Hell is no longer a warning sign from God or the angels and spirits that care for me. It must be the Devil trying to give me fear?
The ancient desert fathers of the early Church said that dreams were the playground of demons, and that it was best not to attempt to interpret them or even to remember them. There is a reason that dreams are rapidly forgotten, they said. God may speak to you in dreams, yes. But so many other beings, or just your own mind. Prayer, not sleep, is the place to meet God reliably. True insight comes through regular prayer.

This is one reason why Catholics traditionally prayer before going to sleep. Here is an ancient prayer that clearly recognizes the need for vigilance even concerning sleep:

“Visit, we beseech Thee, O Lord, this habitation, and drive far from it all the snares of the enemy: Let Thy holy angels dwell herein, to keep us in peace, and may Thy blessing be always upon us. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Who lives and reigns with You, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.” After this it is traditional to make the sign of the cross over one’s bed before getting into it.

The “snares” spoken of are the temptations or images that the less-than-friendly angels may attempt to confuse you with during sleep.

The bottom line is this: don’t read too much into your dreams, and it is best to let them slip away. Pray regularly; that is where God’s will is to be found.
St. Michael the Archangel is a very powerful defender of the faithful. He’s helped me greatly when I too was being oppressed by such dreams. Try asking him for his special protection:

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
by the Power of God,
cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

The ancient desert fathers of the early Church said that dreams were the playground of demons, and that it was best not to attempt to interpret them or even to remember them.
What about Joesph? Joesph seemed to be able to interpret the dreams and they all came from God?
However, the Church teaches that the Devil is a person, a fallen angel, and cannot enter into our lives without our consent - even our small consent.
I am afraid that I have let the Devil in my life because he is so deceitful. I may have thought he was something else. Is this possible?
What about Joesph? Joesph seemed to be able to interpret the dreams and they all came from God?
Both Joseph of the coat of many colours, and Joseph the protector of the Holy Family and the Catholic Church as well as Daniel who was led to describe a dream had by another as well as interpret it are examples of how God uses dreams to lead us in our Faith Journey and yes what God has created for us can be used by His enemies but we can protect ourselves through prayer, humility and reliance on God from harm.
I am afraid that I have let the Devil in my life because he is so deceitful. I may have thought he was something else. Is this possible?
It is possible but you need some spiritual guidance in this matter from a good and holy priest. I am not learned enough in this area to help you and would hesitate to do so…go to confession and speak openly and honestly with your priest about what is troubling you.
No(w) I am think(ing) the dreams of going to Hell is no longer a warning sign from God or the angels and spirits that care for me. It must be the Devil trying to give me fear?

Hi Emom,
Remember that everything comes from God and is permitted by God. We are told that sin is like a newborn baby. It must find a place in a person’s heart, be nourished and fed there before it can grow into a sinful act. The enemies of God are permitted to present a sinful thoughts to us, for where is the virtue for us in resisting sin, if we have never been tempted? However along with the temptation, God presents us also with the required grace to resist the temptation. So are you being tempted? Perhaps or perhaps you are being presented with an opportunity to repeat the words of Jesus who said when tempted by the words of Peter,“Get thee behind me Satan!”
Whatever the truth is in this situation, remember to live in this moment. The one right now. As we are told the act of a moment ago has already been written in the Book of Life and cannot be changed. The moment to come is the future and that moment might not be your future for you might be standing before God in that moment accounting for all the moments of your life. So this moment is the only moment you have and in it lies your whole eternity so use it lovingly, wisely, without fear. When you live in the moment you have no fear for there is nothing happening now that you cannot handle. It is only when we bring past regrets to the moment or future worries to this moment that we have anxiety and fear. When I asked why living in the moment is called living in the now, I was told. "It is called living in the NOW because there is No Other Way.
As a previous post suggested, and I agree, seek out a good priest as a confessor to be guided in placing the proper perspective on your specific concerns. May God Bless and protect you always, now and forever.
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