Oh yeah, he goes out of his way to punch the Bible whenever I have one near me. I wish he would at least accept the fact that I trust the Church even if he’s going his own way.
If this helps anyone, he’s the sort that believes that whatever he thinks is all he can trust and nobody can change his mind. But he’ll make exceptions for things he likes but don’t fall under his “standards”.
Example (okay, it’s a bit petty, but this is probably the best description of how his way of thinking that I can currently think of): I made the grave mistake of giving him my email address. He now regularly sends me irritating music videos (eg. Japanese techno) and demands that I listen to them. Of course, whenever I send him my music he feels no obligation to at least click on the link (to this date, I think the only song he’s listened to that I sent him is “Play That Funky Music”). Recently, he said that he only listens to music from the 80s and after, and he began listing his favorite bands. When he got to Abba, I stopped him and told him that Abba began in the 70s. Of course, his first reaction was to deny facts to fit his standards (as most people do when they hear something they don’t want to hear). Later, when I showed him a track listing for an Abba compilation CD (with song copyright dates), he admitted that he does like one band from the 70s then, but he still doesn’t like anything else.
Alright, I know that probably sounds like a ridiculous example/rant to you guys, but I’m afraid that’s the sort of attitude he has toward everything, including religion (“I believe in God, I just hate Him”). Also, no offense to him, but does this describe a certain mental condition? I know that his brother is also basically an atheist (“God doesn’t exist outside of faith”). However, I doubt that my friend was directly influenced by his brother given some of the things he’s said about his brother (which I’d probably get banned for if I listed them here). So just out of curiosity, do you know of any inherited mental condition that could cause this sort of thinking?
Anyway, given all this, is there anything I can really do other than pray?