Hey all,
I’m asking for some insight into what may be a silly and impossible task, but as I study the New Testament, I’ve found that my mind works best if I categorize the epistles in some way to help remember where to look for certain concepts. For instance, I always think of Ephesians as the “Marriage of Christ and the Church” book. I know that the epistles often change to new topics as the authors addressed different concerns, and I know that many themes overlap, but I’m looking for help. As you think through the NT, except for the Gospels and Acts, how would you distinctly summarize the “theme” or themes of each book? If possible, limiting this to a sentence or two a book would be ideal. So, am I being silly, or partially silly? It just helps me when approaching a new section.
I’m asking for some insight into what may be a silly and impossible task, but as I study the New Testament, I’ve found that my mind works best if I categorize the epistles in some way to help remember where to look for certain concepts. For instance, I always think of Ephesians as the “Marriage of Christ and the Church” book. I know that the epistles often change to new topics as the authors addressed different concerns, and I know that many themes overlap, but I’m looking for help. As you think through the NT, except for the Gospels and Acts, how would you distinctly summarize the “theme” or themes of each book? If possible, limiting this to a sentence or two a book would be ideal. So, am I being silly, or partially silly? It just helps me when approaching a new section.