Help With Penance Ideas

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I’m currently in RCIA, so a lot of things are new to me. Unfortunately, my RCIA class is a little light on meatier subjects, due to the mix of people that are in the class. I ask questions when I can, but I try to keep them to more theological ‘on-topic’ kind of things that everyone needs to know, because we have several class members who are completely new to Christianity, so I don’t want to really throw them off the deep end.

Due to a medical condition, I’m unable to fast. What are some good ideas for me to do my Friday Penance during Lent? I realize I’m really early with the question 🙂 but with everything kind of new to me, I want to figure it out early so it will be sort of second-nature by the time I need it.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I’m currently in RCIA, so a lot of things are new to me. Unfortunately, my RCIA class is a little light on meatier subjects, due to the mix of people that are in the class. I ask questions when I can, but I try to keep them to more theological ‘on-topic’ kind of things that everyone needs to know, because we have several class members who are completely new to Christianity, so I don’t want to really throw them off the deep end.

Due to a medical condition, I’m unable to fast. What are some good ideas for me to do my Friday Penance during Lent? I realize I’m really early with the question 🙂 but with everything kind of new to me, I want to figure it out early so it will be sort of second-nature by the time I need it.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You sound like me—wanting to ‘do everything right.’ I totally understand!

First, you must discuss this with a priest, and take whatever anyone says here with a grain of salt (if you are allowed salt). 😉

Other forms of penance might include praying an extra Rosary or Chaplet of Divine Mercy, giving up a favorite TV show, spending time before the Tabernacle, or some work of charity.

But remember that a Catholic fast consists of two small meals that together do not add up to one complete meal, PLUS a regular dinner or other sustaining meal.

Please do talk to your priest.

Due to a medical condition, I’m unable to fast. What are some good ideas for me to do my Friday Penance during Lent? I realize I’m really early with the question 🙂 but with everything kind of new to me, I want to figure it out early so it will be sort of second-nature by the time I need it.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
there are only 2 fast days in Lent, Ash Wed. and Good Friday, and if you are unable to fast because of medical condition you are not required to fast. It is a rare person who cannot observe the abstinence from meat on Fridays of Lent, but if you can’t that also is not an obligation for you. Find something that you can “give up” for Lent that is a penance for you, that requires a real effort and consists of a real sacrifice: a favorite TV show, a morning latte, gossip, whatever works for you. And yes this would be an excellent question to bring up in your class.

Welcome Home!


“Pennance” is about voluntary “suffering,” most often understood as “giving up something.” BUT that is just the “front side”. The reverse is to endure patiently, people, places, things, conditions with the greatest possible charity, and direct it for a good cause. An end to abortion, conversion of someone you know or the like, or some such worthy goal.

Very often this is a more dificult, more worthy and more spiritually enriching method.👍***

As the Father has sent me, even so I send you, "And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.’ **Jn: 20:19-23 **

At the root of fear and refusal to go to Confession to a priest are the prideful thoughts that either we are not sinners, which is of course absurd. Or that this sacrament of Penance is simply for those “wanna-be” pious - type Catholics. The simple truth is that it is not God who benefits from the sacrament of Penance; it is we who gain the benefit.

There are elements of logic and even genius in the form and format of the Sacrament of Penance. Pride is the inhibiting instigator of refusal, and humility is the balm of relief. Satan tells you “no,” you don’t need it, Jesus who is love, says, “yes you do.” Who do you listen to?🤷

The sacrament is absolutely required when we are not in the state of grace due to Mortal sin.

Three elements are required on the part of the penitent: contrition, confession and satisfaction. Confession is only valid when these three elements are present, and confession is made to a duly ordained and authorized priest, granted the faculty to hear confessions. Do not be afraid to ask a priest for a special time, or to make an appointment for Confession. It is after all, his job, and your salvation.


Is true and sincere sorrow for having sinned. Sinning is a desire, at least implicit, to be separated from the grace of God. All mortal sins must be confessed, and all, or at least some venial sins should be confessed. Confessing ones sins to a priest is a needed manifestation of this contrition. It is not sufficient to simply tell God that you are sorry, even if you are sincere. Yet true sorrow is a necessary element of a personal confession. God has determined and designed His forgiveness, to come through Him, by your actions and the actions of the priest in and through the sacrament of Penance. You must be sufficiently sorry, willing to accuse yourself, willing to properly confess at least all of your Mortal sins.

**Confession: **

The forms authorized by the Church include person-to-person (called auricular confession), penitent to confessor, recitation of all serious mortal sins, and most, if not all lesser venial sins. Confession can be “face-to-face,” or in the more traditional, veiled format. The priest must say: “I absolve you from your sins”, and you then must make “satisfaction.”

General absolutions are for emergency situations only, such as war or natural disasters. Even then, they are valid only on the condition that you will make a personal confession as soon as practical reality permits.


Is a “cause and effect” situation. When I was teaching religious education to junior high and high school students, I would bring in sections of 2”x 6” lumber on which I had written, “your soul.” I would then without discussion pass out hammers and nails and allow them to hammer as many nails into the boards as they desired, with a caution to be careful and a reminder that we would have to pull out all of the nails. Once the nails were removed, we would began our discussion of the need for the sacrament of confession by explaining what sin is, the two categories of sin and their effects on the soul, and end up by explaining that confession remove both sin and the guilt of sin. The “soul –boards” before sin were without blemish, the nails (sins) changed that, and confession removed the sins (nails). Now look at the boards and see the difference. Nail holes, the effect of sin remain. Retribution must be made for damaging your soul,. Not for the benefit of God, but for the benefit of our salvation. Mortal sin kills the soul! It is completely shut off from God, and if a soul dies in this state, it will be damned to hell for all eternity. One might think of the soul as an electric master switch that is very badly corroded. The electricity can’t get through. Similarly, a soul in mortal sin prohibits grace from getting through.

**The normal form of confession: **

*The priest greets the penitent, who responds making the sign of the cross, and proclaims: “Bless me father for I have sinned.” He then tells the priest how long it has been since the last confession.

A Scriptural passage is read (usually,)
The penitent confesses all mortal sins and most, venial sins. If only venial sins are present, and confessed, true sorrow must be present for at least one of them in order for the sacrament to be received validly.

*The priest offers encouragement and advice, and imposes a penance. You will be welcomed back like the story of the son who squandered away his inheritance, but was welcomed back with a joyful celebration by his father. Jesus Himself told us there is more joy in heaven over one repentant sinner, than a hundred with no need of repentance. Cf. Lk.11: 7

The penitent expresses sorrow by making an act of contritution.

Absolution is given. This is the key: The priest, acting on behalf of Christ must pronounce the words of absolution: “ I absolve you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” The confessor will prescribe certain prayers or pious acts for penance. These prescribed acts must be fulfilled.
If you aren’t yet Catholic, can you even GO to Confession? Or is that jumping the gun?
If you knit or crochet, I’d like to suggest that you set aside a couple of hours every Lenten Friday, plug in a CD or DVD (the Rosary or other devotional tape), and knit or crochet chemo caps, premie baby caps, or ‘snuggly’ blankets for shelter animals. These are somewhat smaller projects than prayer shawls or “Linus” blankets (I can do a pet blanket in about 2 hours) so they can be completed in one or two Fridays. Free patterns are easy to find on the web. Since you’d have a devotional to listen to, you’d be praying along with your work (yay, it’s a ‘two/fer’), and also just about every community hospital and/or shelter is always looking for these as donations, so it’s a nice practical work of mercy.
If you aren’t yet Catholic, can you even GO to Confession? Or is that jumping the gun?
I was told by my priest that I can, since I’m baptized, and I’ve been through the Rite of Welcoming and Acceptance. Since I can’t receive the Eucharist, I’m not sure about complete absolution, though. Wouldn’t I have to confess venial sin, too? I’m kind of a worrier, so I have thought about what happens if I die in a car accident before my First Reconciliation.

I’ll have to right before Easter Vigil so that I can receive - I was baptized 8 years ago, and after looking at a couple of Examines online, there’s no way I could receive without it, even if anyone would believe me :o
If you knit or crochet, I’d like to suggest that you set aside a couple of hours every Lenten Friday, plug in a CD or DVD (the Rosary or other devotional tape), and knit or crochet chemo caps, premie baby caps, or ‘snuggly’ blankets for shelter animals. These are somewhat smaller projects than prayer shawls or “Linus” blankets (I can do a pet blanket in about 2 hours) so they can be completed in one or two Fridays. Free patterns are easy to find on the web. Since you’d have a devotional to listen to, you’d be praying along with your work (yay, it’s a ‘two/fer’), and also just about every community hospital and/or shelter is always looking for these as donations, so it’s a nice practical work of mercy.
This would be great for me. I really like to crochet, and I still have trouble remembering the words to Hail Holy Queen. Maybe hearing someone else read it for a while would help me learn it. I’ve got the other parts of the Rosary down.
This would be great for me. I really like to crochet, and I still have trouble remembering the words to Hail Holy Queen. Maybe hearing someone else read it for a while would help me learn it. I’ve got the other parts of the Rosary down.
Me, too–I used to knit and crochet while reciting the Rosary. I did it along with a tape and later a CD. They helped tremendously----it took me a long time to learn all the prayers.

I believe the Marian Foundation will send you a free CD of the Rosary combined with the Divine Mercy.
I was told by my priest that I can, since I’m baptized, and I’ve been through the Rite of Welcoming and Acceptance. Since I can’t receive the Eucharist, I’m not sure about complete absolution, though. Wouldn’t I have to confess venial sin, too? I’m kind of a worrier, so I have thought about what happens if I die in a car accident before my First Reconciliation.

I’ll have to right before Easter Vigil so that I can receive - I was baptized 8 years ago, and after looking at a couple of Examines online, there’s no way I could receive without it, even if anyone would believe me :o
One must and need confess All Mortal sins, in quanity and specificity of the sin. One NEED NOT, but may opt to confess venial sins, especially if one has [God be pleased] no mortal sins to confess. GRACE is received from every Confession.

Holy Communion worthly received removes all venial sins. 🙂

Love and prayers,
WELCOME HOME:thumbsup:

You may consider going barefoot for 48 hours.

Alternatively, some written tasks. ie) handwrite a psalm x25 times. Perhaps 10 hours at a desk copying- allow 5 minute breaks every 2 hours.
You may consider going barefoot for 48 hours.

Alternatively, some written tasks. ie) handwrite a psalm x25 times. Perhaps 10 hours at a desk copying- allow 5 minute breaks every 2 hours.
Ten hours at a desk copying may not work for those who have jobs and/or children to care for. But copying psalms sounds interesting.
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