My application to become a religious was recently accepted, and of all the silly things to be terrified of I’m all scared to change my name. It is the practice of this religious order for postulants to suggest three names to Mother and she will pick one of them. Or, if she doesn’t like the suggestions, she will pick one of her own. After making final vows, the sisters have their names legally changed.
This order is small and relatively new. It is solidly Catholic, leaning to the more traditional side of things. I’m actually a new Catholic and so I just don’t know a lot of Catholic names or saints besides the really famous ones like Our Lady, St Joseph, St Francis, etc. But recently I’ve heard three very beautiful Latin baby names like Rosaria, Benedicta and Dominica. And I want a very Catholic name.
I will pray and pray (and pray and pray and pray) about this for the next little while but does anyone know any unusual Latin names? Like…Rosaria, Immaculata, etc.
If you were entering a religious order what religious name(s) would you want to suggest to your superior?
The only long lasting devotions I’ve had throughout the entire time I was looking into Catholicism to today is to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (I just love to meditate with this icon, particularly how it has to do with the Passion) and to Our Lady Immaculate. St Therese of Lisieux has been very good to me, but her name has been taken by multiple people in this community already in its various forms.
Thank you
This order is small and relatively new. It is solidly Catholic, leaning to the more traditional side of things. I’m actually a new Catholic and so I just don’t know a lot of Catholic names or saints besides the really famous ones like Our Lady, St Joseph, St Francis, etc. But recently I’ve heard three very beautiful Latin baby names like Rosaria, Benedicta and Dominica. And I want a very Catholic name.
I will pray and pray (and pray and pray and pray) about this for the next little while but does anyone know any unusual Latin names? Like…Rosaria, Immaculata, etc.
If you were entering a religious order what religious name(s) would you want to suggest to your superior?
The only long lasting devotions I’ve had throughout the entire time I was looking into Catholicism to today is to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (I just love to meditate with this icon, particularly how it has to do with the Passion) and to Our Lady Immaculate. St Therese of Lisieux has been very good to me, but her name has been taken by multiple people in this community already in its various forms.
Thank you