Hello all! I need a little help. I recently began discussions with a former Catholic who is now a Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). I have been amicably discussing the discrepancies of Mormonism with Catholicism, and recently sent her the Nicene Creed and asked her to tell me of the discrepancies between our faith (summed up a bit in the Creed), and the Mormon beliefs. Her response is below. I would appreciate your thoughts on what a good response back to her would be. I’m especially intrigued by the fact that she always says to pray about it, but not to look at things intellectually (in bold below). Thank you in advance for your help!
"As far as the church discussion: when considering
Christianity, the question comes down to which church
currently has the power and authority to act in the name of
Jesus Christ today. There are only two possibilities: The
Roman Catholic church or The Church of Jesus Christ of latter- day Saints.
The Roman Catholic church believes that Peter was the first
pope, ordained by Jesus Christ himself, and that that
authority has successively been passed from pope to pope for
the past almost 2000 years.
The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints believes that
yes, Peter was the first leader of the the Christian church,
but that after the original 12 apostles and other disciples
were martyred or died naturally that the membership of the
church slowly began falling away from the original teachings
of Jesus Christ and that the power and authority to act in
the name of Jesus Christ was removed from the earth–the
great apostasy. Hence, we had the Dark Ages and then the
reformation where “protesters” like Martin Luther broke away
from the Roman Catholic church and began searching for the
orignial truths. Hence, all the “protestant” religions.
The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints is not a
protestant religion. We believe that the gospel of Jesus
Christ needed to be restored to the earth in its original
form. We believe that the gospel was restored through the
Prophet Joseph Smith, and that the power and authority to
govern and act in the name of Jesus Christ was first restored
through Joseph Smith and has been passed down through an
unbroken chain of prophets since Joseph’s martrydom.
There are many similarities in our doctrine, but I have come
to know that the apostolic authority currently in force on
the earth comes through the prophet of the Church of Jesus
Christ of latter-day Saints.
**This isn’t something to be intellectually debated. This is
something that is learned by studying the teachings of the
church and by praying about them. **
Many churches contain truth, and many people of all different
faiths–Jews, Moslems, Christians, Hindues, etc. pray
to “God” and receive answers to prayers. But, The Church of
Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints contains the fullness of
the gospel.
I don’t say that arrogantly–it is something I have come to
know with all my heart through years of prayer, sacrifice,
and also pain as some friends have rejected me for my beliefs
and some family members have scorned me.
But, I also have incredible peace. When I get down on my
knees to pray I know exactly who I am talking with, I have
received answers to prayers, witnessed miracles, and received
incredible comfort when I most needed it.
Thank you for inviting me to mass. I do attend once in a
while with my family–I planned my Mom’s funeral mass with
the priest and gave the eulogy, I did a reading for both my
Dad’s and my sister’s wedding masses, I am there for first
communions, baptisms, etc. of various family members.
But, every time I go to mass it is reconfirmed to me that I
have been obedient to what the Lord expects of me, and I’m
always glad to go back to The Church of Jesus Christ of
latter-day Saints."
"As far as the church discussion: when considering
Christianity, the question comes down to which church
currently has the power and authority to act in the name of
Jesus Christ today. There are only two possibilities: The
Roman Catholic church or The Church of Jesus Christ of latter- day Saints.
The Roman Catholic church believes that Peter was the first
pope, ordained by Jesus Christ himself, and that that
authority has successively been passed from pope to pope for
the past almost 2000 years.
The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints believes that
yes, Peter was the first leader of the the Christian church,
but that after the original 12 apostles and other disciples
were martyred or died naturally that the membership of the
church slowly began falling away from the original teachings
of Jesus Christ and that the power and authority to act in
the name of Jesus Christ was removed from the earth–the
great apostasy. Hence, we had the Dark Ages and then the
reformation where “protesters” like Martin Luther broke away
from the Roman Catholic church and began searching for the
orignial truths. Hence, all the “protestant” religions.
The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints is not a
protestant religion. We believe that the gospel of Jesus
Christ needed to be restored to the earth in its original
form. We believe that the gospel was restored through the
Prophet Joseph Smith, and that the power and authority to
govern and act in the name of Jesus Christ was first restored
through Joseph Smith and has been passed down through an
unbroken chain of prophets since Joseph’s martrydom.
There are many similarities in our doctrine, but I have come
to know that the apostolic authority currently in force on
the earth comes through the prophet of the Church of Jesus
Christ of latter-day Saints.
**This isn’t something to be intellectually debated. This is
something that is learned by studying the teachings of the
church and by praying about them. **
Many churches contain truth, and many people of all different
faiths–Jews, Moslems, Christians, Hindues, etc. pray
to “God” and receive answers to prayers. But, The Church of
Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints contains the fullness of
the gospel.
I don’t say that arrogantly–it is something I have come to
know with all my heart through years of prayer, sacrifice,
and also pain as some friends have rejected me for my beliefs
and some family members have scorned me.
But, I also have incredible peace. When I get down on my
knees to pray I know exactly who I am talking with, I have
received answers to prayers, witnessed miracles, and received
incredible comfort when I most needed it.
Thank you for inviting me to mass. I do attend once in a
while with my family–I planned my Mom’s funeral mass with
the priest and gave the eulogy, I did a reading for both my
Dad’s and my sister’s wedding masses, I am there for first
communions, baptisms, etc. of various family members.
But, every time I go to mass it is reconfirmed to me that I
have been obedient to what the Lord expects of me, and I’m
always glad to go back to The Church of Jesus Christ of
latter-day Saints."