Help your RCIA and CCD clases

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RCIA classes either have started or start soon, and so do CCD classes. In addition to helping your parish provide all the supplies (Bibles, Handouts, etc) that are needed for such classes, extras such as Rosaries, Crucifixes, abridged CCC, and so on would also help to let new members feel welcome in the church.

your parish may also need volunteers to help teach, or otherwise help out!

and speaking as someone who had to hunt for a sponsor… let your local RCIA teachers know YOU are available to help sponsor a new Catholic.
please, please if you do feel moved to do this, even if you have doubts about your own abilities and competence, do seriously consider this as a call from the Holy Spirit and discern with the help of your spiritual advisor and the pastor or person in charge of these ministries.

the gospel where Peter walks on water
the Sower parable

God does not call the qualified (like the apostles were qualified for anything other than gathering at the local bar to brag about the fish they caught), he qualifies those whom he calls.

the training and preparation you need for these ministries will be supplied if you supply the heart and will

God bless you.
What an excellent suggestion. I certainly can vouch for that part about not calling the qualified…I’m about as unqualified as they come at least as regards RCIA.🤷 But, I can put up the tables and put away the cups and cookies and hand out the materials. And so that’s what I do, mostly.

It is a distinct blessing to be a part of RCIA.

At the first meeting yesterday, we introduced ourselves and spoke briefly about our backgrounds and desired outcomes. It was hard to keep dry eyes anywhere in the room when we heard a husband simply and sincerely say he wants to get closer to God while his wife, sitting next to him and holding on tightly, openly weeps for joy.

(looking for the Kleenex again…)
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