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Hello everyone.

Lately, I’ve been having thoughts about homosexuality. Months and months ago, I deliberately had impure fantasies about men. I haven’t for a long time, but lately I’ve had this “voice” in my head reminding me about these thoughts. I’m always thinking, “What if I’m gay” or something like that. Many times when a commercial with a shirtless man or something like that comes on television, an impure thought pops into my head. Not a deliberate, pleasurable fantasy, but an unwelcome, exasperating thought. I am almost to the point of tears due to frustration.

I am fifteen years old, so I don’t know if it’s hormones or something like that. Also, there is a lot of stress and anxiety in my life right now and I wonder if these thoughts are manifestations of my stress. This just started a week or so ago. I also feel like there is a hole in my heart. I plan on talking to either my pastor or school chaplain about this. I think and hope it is hormones or stress, but I would appreciate a little (name removed by moderator)ut from you fine people and a lot of prayer.

I’ll pray for you. Homosexuality is an illness. It’s a result of original sin. You don’t have to be ashamed - if you end up having that - so long as you never indulge those thoughts or act on it. Everyone struggles with at least one or two things.
Check out the link to this topic on this website- Great articles.
I will let John Russell be the good angel on this issue, but I’d like to caution you be sure of yourself before you involve someone else in your life, i.e., marriage. Do not make any radical moves in your life to try to prove something that might not be true.

I will, also, pray for you.

At 15 I was going through very rough times too and stress and hormones can do alot to mess with your head. I’m 38 and I can still remember vividly stupid stuff I did, said, etc that really don’t resemble at all the person I am today. My guess is you, as most teens your age, worry about being gay or different in any way. I remember freaking out about being crazy. Hang in there. Talk to a kind priest who can be understanding but not tell you to act on your impulses. Keep searching until you find the right priest. Also don’t jump into thinking “I’m gay” too soon. I remember reading that Mother Teresa, when asked about gays, said she refused to call people by their temptations. She did not refer to people as alcoholics, gays, addicts. Instead they were “brothers and sisters in Christ” with some temptation. If in the future it turns out that you are still attracted to men you are still a child of God. Avoid joining in on the “gay” band wagon. Never be refered to by some label others give you. There is so much more to you than “gay” and “straight”. You’ll see.
I will pray for you.

Hail Mary! Full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst woman, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of thy mercy.

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us poor sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate heart of Mary, Your tender mother and ours. Amen.

Matt, hormones can do crazy things. **Do not allow yourself to fixate on the notion that you are “gay”. ** Other posters gave you good advice in this regard. Your recent temptations/feelings may be nothing more than a transitory problem brought upon by stress and hormones.

At 15 you go through all kinds of thoughts and imaginations. Don’t get down on yourself. You just need to focus on something that is physical. Workout! When these thoughts come say a quick Hail Mary! If you look at any sexual type magazines or websites you need to stop. Those feed your imaginations. But doing something physical is important (not sitting around doing video games) Go rollerblading, iceskating etc.
don’t jump into thinking “I’m gay” too soon. I remember reading that Mother Teresa, when asked about gays, said she refused to call people by their temptations. She did not refer to people as alcoholics, gays, addicts. Instead they were “brothers and sisters in Christ” with some temptation. If in the future it turns out that you are still attracted to men you are still a child of God. Avoid joining in on the “gay” band wagon. Never be refered to by some label others give you. There is so much more to you than “gay” and “straight”. You’ll see.
Thank you for this cmejia; it is absolutely beautiful. Matthew my dear friend I will pray for you! God bless.

We will all pray for you. Just remember, you have a choice. If you choose to live a homosexual lifestyle, you have made that choice. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t help it, that’s not true.

It is a choice, we all have choices. God Bless You!
Thanks everyone!

I spoke to my school minister today and after discussing my problem and a good confession, I feel GREAT! He explained to me that we teenagers have lots of RAGGGGING hormones. 😃

I never had any intent of living as a homosexual, because I believe what the Church states about homosexual activity being a mortal sin and disordered. The thing that really bothered was that since March of 2005, I have been considering a religious vocation. So theses pesky thoughts upset me very, very much.

As you can probably tell, I feel much better now. I think I just needed to get these thoughts of my chest. Now, I can breathe again. Thank you all for your prayers. You all as well as the entire Catholic Answers family are in my prayers.

In Christ,
Matt :bounce:
In addition to my post above, your story makes me think of my great uncle. Before I tell this story, PLEASE understand that I’m not assuming you might be gay or anything close. Back to my uncle, he was from a strict Catholic family and born in 1896 (that’s how long as go this was). He was very intelligent, well-educated, handsome, but hated himself because he was gay. As a result, he became an alcoholic (my theory) and threw away his bright future because of his hatred of his inner feelings. He died young and lived a living hell. My heart breaks for him. DON’T let that happen to you.

As someone else said, you’re mind and body are going through a tremedous change at your age. Peer pressure is so intense at this time. There’s a possibility that you could only be envious of the guys with the washboard abs. If so, confess your envy and you will learn to love you for who you are.

God bless and most of all, Love Yourself.

I have a bad habit of skimming responses in these threads. My bad.

I’m so glad you’re feeling better. Take one day at a time. Whether you decide to become a priest or the husband and father of a houseful of kids, you’re doing the Lord’s work. There’s lots of time to make those decisions.

Matthew I am glad that you are considering a religious vocation; and yes, I can imagine how pesky any disordered thoughts might have been in the advent of your discernment to a vocation. Keep persevering my friend. Keep your eyes on lady Chastity whether you are called to marriage or consecrated life to God. God loves.

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