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So this is not a complaining or whining session, I’m just looking for some support and maybe some suggestions.

My DH is out of town on business a lot this month, I have a 5 yo DD, a 3 yo DD and a 18 month old DS. I’m also in the first trimester of a pregnancy and all I want to do is cry, throw up and sleep. Many friends have been very generous in helping out with watching my kids from time to time so I can rest, bringing me meals and so forth, but I just want to be with my DH and that’s just not going to happen this month. I don’t want to whine to him because I know he feels bad enough having to go. Can anyone relate to this and does anyone have any good advice?

sleep as much as you can!

sweep all the toys and stuff into a big pile in the corner and throw a blanket over it!
My DH is out of town on business a lot this month, I have a 5 yo DD, a 3 yo DD and a 18 month old DS. I’m also in the first trimester of a pregnancy and all I want to do is cry, throw up and sleep.
I can begin to identify with you, Jenny, as I have a toddler and a 6 month old, as well as a very roiled first-trimester stomach! 😉 Thank God my DH doesn’t have to travel for his job (he teaches high school), but he is very dedicated and is gone and busy every day from 7 a.m. until after 3 p.m. To me, this often *feels *like he is out of town! :o
Many friends have been very generous in helping out with watching my kids from time to time so I can rest, bringing me meals and so forth, but I just want to be with my DH and that’s just not going to happen this month. I don’t want to whine to him because I know he feels bad enough having to go. Can anyone relate to this and does anyone have any good advice?
What would we do without friends?! My dear MIL has proven to be a good friend and helps me out a lot, too. It’s funny, though, how as soon as I am back by myself with the girls, it seems as if she was never there helping to begin with! 😦 I wish that I had your self-restraint about complaining to DH, because I do whine at him a lot when he calls me on breaks. (“I feel lousy, the house is a mess, the kids are screaming, etc.”) He’s told me how hard this is on him (as he is a very caring husband and father), so I really need to work harder on my Lenten resolution not to complain. :o

I wish that I could offer some good advice. Sometimes I feel like I’m hanging on by a thread. I do try (as silly as this sounds) to deliberately take a deep breath between my children’s screams (“breathing into the quiet,” as I call it). It helps a little, as when I breathe too shallowly for too long, my stomach hurts and I begin to panic. I also try to keep the house as quiet as I can while they’re napping (if they actually nap at the same time! 😃 ), so as to prolong the quiet and give myself a chance to nap or read or something.

I wish that I had more helpful advice, but please know that you are not alone. I’ve said a prayer for you! 🙂

sleep as much as you can!

sweep all the toys and stuff into a big pile in the corner and throw a blanket over it!
Or put all the stuff involving children, including their meal stuff (The British were so clever with the nursery kitchen!), in one room, with a door. Keep all doors closed when rooms are not in use, including the one to your bedroom, where you will not make the bed until you are sure your DH is coming home. Only worry about the living room and the kitchen, and don’t worry about dust in the livingroom. Tidy is one thing; antiseptic is another.
get to the dollar store, or ask a friend to do this for you, pick up some cheap plastic laundry baskets or milk crates. use them to organize the house. put away or give away all the toys that are not played with (which is probably at least half of the clutter you see every day), and put away clothes they are not wearing now. If your budget runs to plastic storage bins with lids, get them for the stuff you are storing, otherwise use garbage bags, but label them with masking tape and shove in the basement. If you have to room ask MIL to take them to St Vincent -you won’t miss them.

what is left goes in the laundry baskets, make it a game for the kids to clean up a room by tossing stuff in the baskets, you can even keep score and award cookies or m n ms.

stuff that is breakable should be put away until the get to jr high. use milk crates for videos and CDs that have to be stored a bit more carefull. again put away the ones you don’t watch or listen to. filled milk crates fit in closets, the also stack, and put sideways make bookshelves.

again, get rid of everything that is not actually used–don’t do nik-naks and that kind of decorating with kids, who needs it, just something else to dust or get broken.

keep food simple, our kids loved DH’s business trips because it meant endless mac n cheese, hotdog, pizza, chicken nugget meals (LC or Stouffers for me).
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