2) Rev 22:18-19 warns against adding words or removing words from this prophetic book. I believe God also does not want man to change the original meaning in any other book of scripture. In one specific church, the pastor usually changed the words of scripture as he celebrated communion. Saying “This is symbolic” when the word symbolic was clearly not in the scripture quoted. We cannot change the wording of scripture so that it fits our limited human understanding.
At this time in my life, I feel quite certain that Protestants were wrong to remove the book of Tobit. I recall reading from the Deuterocanonical books while in college. At this time, they make more sense to me. It seems that a very good understanding of other books in the Old Testament (and eperience that comes with age) may be required to gain more from these books.
3) The Roman Catholic Church holds fast to “The Apostle’s Creed”. Some (for example the United Methodist Church) removes the phrase “He descended into hell” because many Methodists do not understand it.
4) The Roman Catholic Church holds fast to the sanctity of human life. It is strongly opposed to abortion and euthanasia. The Church teaches a grave and clear obligation for Christians to oppose judicial decisions or civil laws that authorize or promote abortion or euthanasia. In contrast, many Protestant clergy never speak of these topics from their pulpits. The silence on abortion or euthanasia has had the result that many Protestant Christians have had abortions thinking it is OK.
5) There are many who feel that a Congregational form of Church government is best. Yet at the same time, usual and functional human institutions (such as businesses, governments, schools and charities) have hierarchical forms of self-government. Jesus wants the Church to be very functional, and His disciples reflected a hierarchical structure during His earthly ministry. Peter, James and John; the nine others in the twelve, the seventy two who were sent out.
I reject this clause of “The Church Covenant” - see - “In case of a difference of opinion in the church, we strive to avoid a contentious spirit and if we cannot unanimously agree, we will cheerfully recognize the right of the majority to govern.” The “right of the majority” typical of a congregational church often leads astray. Would a good shepherd allow the sheep to lead the flock? A hierarchical structure that has the local pastor at the top is not appropriate either. Many ministers acting on their own have led many astray. A prime example was Jim Jones and the People’s Temple Suicide in Jonestown, Guyana, South America.
6) Racism cannot be tolerated. The church must be willing to examine itself, repent and do penance as needed regarding racism.“Eleven o’clock on Sunday morning … is the most segregated hour in Christian America.” - Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“One wastes time and money in ministering to blacks. . . . What reason can there be that you are so solicitous for the Negro?” - a priest, cited in The Miserable Condition of Black Catholics in America, 1903.
So begins an extraordinary article “Racism and Religion: Partners in Crime?” originally published in “Salt of the Earth” (see and please read it). There are some American Roman Catholics who are aware of their history.
7) Hebrews 12:6 “for whom the Lord loves, he disciplines; he scourges every son he acknowledges”. This is obviously happening in the Roman Catholic Church today, worldwide.
I just noticed that I grabbed an earlier draft version. So there are some minor errors. Sorry.